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Where Can Expat Female Have Fun?


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Insomnia changed name? has it been sold?


so what is it called now? because on insomnia website its still under the insomnia group.

they may have sold a share as they could not stop having problems with police, so "giving" away some shares could have fixed that, as the raids in pattaya have almost stopped

It was all in the link I posted, it's called insanity.

There is no mention about Bangkok on the website of Insomnia anymore and the last pictures date 11/6/2012 more than 6 months ago.

ok, was not aware, though pics are from september http://www.clubinsomniagroup.com/2012/09/bangkok-baetey/

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flashing her bum or boobs included (Might not be your idea of fun, but it is ours. Each to their own).. In Europe, we call that having a laugh

In the part of Europe I come from, we call that a slapper

I know, I know, 1zgarz5.gif

In the part of Europe I come from we call people like you... boring, past their prime, tired ... and noones interested in your victorian opinion... Catch you!

Edited by AFlair
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If you flash your bits in an establishment that caters to Farang sex tourists, the Thai women that work ther will not appreciate it as they will see you as competition.

If you flash in a place that caters for Thais, men will see that as an invitation. Once that invitation has been extended, don't expect "No" to cut any ice.

You are likely to be raped. Keep it up and you WILL be raped.

Appreciate the input. But I did clearly state in my original post, That we are very cautoius of the Thai culture, hence the reason we are "looking" for palces we can have fun and let loose. We never had the intention of having fun where Thai working girls would lose business.

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For your own security sake, and also that your behavior reflects on all other falangpeople, maybe you should try to respect the culture over here. If your kind of "having fun" is to flash boobs maybe it is better to do it on your own turf...... Thai can get the idea that all falang are like you guys, and that is not a good thing...

Stay home and do whatever... please do not imbarrass the rest of us..


haha what a lot of cr*p smile.png This really made me laugh .. Did you actually read the original post.. Obviously not. Let me reiterate a couple of points for you- "we are always cautious NOT to let too loose when we are out" - "Does anyone know of any bars or clubs in Bangkok where western females and males go, that is a little on the "wild" side"

I will briefly explain that in layman terms for you, just incase your still not grasping it.. We are looking for places full of westerners, where westerners all hang out and have fun, so that we are not upsetting or being disrepectful to any Thai.

Try reading properly before you reply with a load of cr*p next ime

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flashing her bum or boobs included (Might not be your idea of fun, but it is ours. Each to their own).. In Europe, we call that having a laugh

In the part of Europe I come from, we call that a slapper

I know, I know, 1zgarz5.gif

In the part of Europe I come from we call people like you... boring, past their prime, tired ... and noones interested in your victorian opinion... Catch you!

Okay, let's just agree we are both accurate in our descriptions. biggrin.png

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Public nudity isn't acceptable anywhere in Thailand besides the red light districts and at more free spirited gatherings like the Full Moon party. The two girls who danced naked during a recent Songkran celebration were ostracized in the national news for months following the incident.

This is one of those things where if caught, the police will tend not to look the other way so I would only party like this in areas where nudity is accepted (red light districts) and you still have to be a bit careful because technically it's still illegal. Thai authorities may take advantage of the situation in order to extract a "bonus" from you.

If you're looking to have a great time and let loose "The" Full Moon party and Khao San are the safest bets but even the well know "hook-up" clubs in BKK won't be accepting of flashing. Some of the smaller, less developed islands in the south are also great for uninhibited partying.

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Public nudity isn't acceptable anywhere in Thailand besides the red light districts and at more free spirited gatherings like the Full Moon party. The two girls who danced naked during a recent Songkran celebration were ostracized in the national news for months following the incident.

This is one of those things where if caught, the police will tend not to look the other way so I would only party like this in areas where nudity is accepted (red light districts) and you still have to be a bit careful because technically it's still illegal. Thai authorities may take advantage of the situation in order to extract a "bonus" from you.

If you're looking to have a great time and let loose "The" Full Moon party and Khao San are the safest bets but even the well know "hook-up" clubs in BKK won't be accepting of flashing. Some of the smaller, less developed islands in the south are also great for uninhibited partying.

Just bugger of to Ibiza..... sorted.

If you insist on getting the jubblies out then khosan rd. Gulliver's springs to mind. Have fun.

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If you flash your bits in an establishment that caters to Farang sex tourists, the Thai women that work ther will not appreciate it as they will see you as competition.

If you flash in a place that caters for Thais, men will see that as an invitation. Once that invitation has been extended, don't expect "No" to cut any ice.

You are likely to be raped. Keep it up and you WILL be raped.

Appreciate the input. But I did clearly state in my original post, That we are very cautoius of the Thai culture, hence the reason we are "looking" for palces we can have fun and let loose. We never had the intention of having fun where Thai working girls would lose business.

That would mean you have to go to some upscale places where hookers are not allowed.

I'm sure they gonna appreciate some flashing boobs in those places. whistling.gif

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First question is where in Thailand are you?

In BKK, i would not recommend flashing anything in a thai club as you may get more than you bargained for

Clubs like Insomnia, bed, q bar might be the places to have some fun.

In Pattaya, you also have Insomnia, Mixx(though if you flash, you might get loads of attention from certain group type, non thai)

Appreciate the response.

We are in Bangkok, and are very conscious of thta fact that we need to tame it down here. Thats why Im hoping someone can suggest some places that it is ok to let loose a little.

We went to Insomnia and my GF got up to dance in the podium, then the security told her to come down... We are finding things in Bangkok very boring with regards to nightlife!

lol, try the q bar and the bed. from memory sukhumvit soi either 9 or 11

Pattaya is much more "open minded" when it comes to night lifethumbsup.gif

I do not think any of the RCA clubs would be suitable.Not sure if spice and spicy is still open( i moved from BKK about 5 years ago), but those 2 did get pretty wild back then

Thanks for the info.

I always thought Q Bar looked like a classy place.. but happy to check it out smile.png

Oh Jesus, there goes the neighbourhood dry.png

Try the behaviour you describe in Q Bar and they'll bounce you straight out of the door.

My advice would be to try getting her a work permit at one of the Soi Cowboy joints . . . provided she's not a porker

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flashing her bum or boobs included (Might not be your idea of fun, but it is ours. Each to their own).. In Europe, we call that having a laugh

In the part of Europe I come from, we call that a slapper

I know, I know, 1zgarz5.gif

In the part of Europe I come from we call people like you... boring, past their prime, tired ... and noones interested in your victorian opinion... Catch you!

Oh behave yourself!! Tell your bird to grow up and secure her rack.

A girl getting her tits out at a mainstream nightclub while pissed isn't hip, it isn't trendy and it isn't the latest thing.

If you believe nothing else you read on this thread, believe this: neither you nor your girlfriend invented risque exhibitionism or shock value and, regardless of how hard you try, you're not gonna perfect it either. In almost every possible scenario, I can see your girl getting groped or worse if she does it here. The reason she was bounced off the podium at Insomnia is because 9 times out of 10, white women who get try to get up there and dance are pissed up and likely to hurt themselves or others if/when they fall off.

Your girl sounds like she desperately needs validation. The best place for that is in therapy, not three sheets to the wind in a Bangkok nightclub.

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Ok, just thought of another angle for you, namely the Gay areas. You can pretty much do whatever you want in these clubs:

Silom soi 4 (50% of the clubs are gay, and it should be obvious which)

Silom soi 2 (all gay, small alleyway with bomb scanner leads to opening courtyard with clubs)

Then, if you get chatting to some locals in there, they will more than likely be happy to take you to another street, which Im afraid I cannot remember, which has about 6 more gay dance/bar/restaurant clubs, which as I recall would definitely not mind a couple of western girls going wild, because frankly you see more flesh than clothes in most thai gay dance clubs and they are very welcoming to girls in general.

There are also gay gogo/brothel bars but unless you want to buy a man for the night, you should avoid them. In fact, even if you want to buy a man for the night, I would avoid them. Instead, ask for "Bar Host". It will be something very different and if you dont mind splashing a bit of cash you might very much thank me.

Obviously, judge the mood and atmosphere of each club on its own merits.. and keep safe.

Edited by OxfordWill
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In charity to the spirit rather than the letter of your question, I would suggest you check out, in no particular order:

Bash club (suk soi 11)

Climax (suk soi 11)

Demo club (thong lo soi 10) ***

Wip (end of thong lo by bridge, inside liberty building) ***

Mixx nightclub (bottom floor of .. whatever that hotel is. Most taxi drivers know it)

Spoon club (ratchadaa, between soi 4/6) *** (!)

Narz club (sukhumvit soi 23, go past cowboy entrance, take first right, then as road begins to turn left, go right into carpark and you will see two clubs, one behind the first one is Narz (dont go into first one- not the kind of place you want)) (!)

Glow bar - suk 23, go past cowboy, take first right, then first left and 15 metres on the left

*** = Predominantly Thai and therefore less tolerant of non-Thai values

(!) = substances often in use

Theres are plenty more which would accept a more "liberated" kind of female night out, but frankly, none as liberated as you mention. Like many people have warned you, its really not safe to show your bum or breast in any thai club, including brothel bars, and speaking as a guy one year younger than you and from the same part of the world, I would find it really offputting (I realize, you are not out to impress me!)

Good input. Nice to know some people actually read the original post and understood it. Thank you :)

Using the bum/boob is an example, not saying we want to go out everynight and get the t*ts out. We are young, like to party, dont mind if things get raunchy or wild. Simply looking for places to go that this will not offend anyone if we get in thta frame of mind.

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For the life of me i really can not understand why so many here feel the need to attack or critisize the OPblink.png

Men who come to Thailand for sex are bad and critisized, women who want to have some fun are bad and critisized, but for those married to a woman half or third of their age is the way to be?

Call me crazy, but something wrong here with some posters.

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Many of the responses in this thread is so typical of Thai Visa and internet forums where people can pass judgment so anonymously.

A guy (or girl as it turns out) asks a question in a polite way which already answers many of the objections people are likely to come up with.

It was clear from the opening post that this couple are looking for a place where they can let their hair down (albeit in a manner most can’t appreciate or understand) without offending local sensitivities.

Yet, many concentrate on a singular part of the question and instead of seeing the big picture choose to spill their singular rhetoric over the internet and show their lack of reading skill.

This Couple want to get crazy and do so without offending anyone in areas where their behaviour is not considered extreme. They are doing the right thing by putting the question out there for ideas, not for judgement from those who live their life within the limits they see.

If the question was in regard to nudist beaches, would it still draw a similar level of intolerance and aggression?

It’s clear that this couple respect people around them and choose not to behave in the ‘high spirited manner’ they’d like out of respect for those around them and are simply looking for somewhere suitable.

I fail to see what is so objectionable about such a question.

However, I can see what is so objectionable in some of the harsh, aggressive and negative replies… Some people really need to get out more and / or calm down.

The list of clubs posted by OxfordWill are a good starting point to find out if this is what the Op is looking for. I’ve been to a couple of the clubs and while the ‘highly spirited behaviour’ which the Op suggests may be tolerated, it is likely to be frowned upon.

Thank you.. Quite simply, Thank you :)

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Many of the responses in this thread is so typical of Thai Visa and internet forums where people can pass judgment so anonymously.

A guy (or girl as it turns out) asks a question in a polite way which already answers many of the objections people are likely to come up with.

It was clear from the opening post that this couple are looking for a place where they can let their hair down (albeit in a manner most can’t appreciate or understand) without offending local sensitivities.

Yet, many concentrate on a singular part of the question and instead of seeing the big picture choose to spill their singular rhetoric over the internet and show their lack of reading skill.

This Couple want to get crazy and do so without offending anyone in areas where their behaviour is not considered extreme. They are doing the right thing by putting the question out there for ideas, not for judgement from those who live their life within the limits they see.

If the question was in regard to nudist beaches, would it still draw a similar level of intolerance and aggression?

It’s clear that this couple respect people around them and choose not to behave in the ‘high spirited manner’ they’d like out of respect for those around them and are simply looking for somewhere suitable.

I fail to see what is so objectionable about such a question.

However, I can see what is so objectionable in some of the harsh, aggressive and negative replies… Some people really need to get out more and / or calm down.

The list of clubs posted by OxfordWill are a good starting point to find out if this is what the Op is looking for. I’ve been to a couple of the clubs and while the ‘highly spirited behaviour’ which the Op suggests may be tolerated, it is likely to be frowned upon.

Perhaps some of the judgemental language used in the OP served to set the tone?

"So far the only places we have found that our uninhibited behaviour is acceptable, is Soi Cowboy and Nana. However, there are no other fun loving wild people there to meet and have a laugh with. (Its generally old fat men looking for thai girls, or anyone else simply looking to pay for thai girls"

Old fat men can be uninhibited too.

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Many of the responses in this thread is so typical of Thai Visa and internet forums where people can pass judgment so anonymously.

A guy (or girl as it turns out) asks a question in a polite way which already answers many of the objections people are likely to come up with.

It was clear from the opening post that this couple are looking for a place where they can let their hair down (albeit in a manner most can’t appreciate or understand) without offending local sensitivities.

Yet, many concentrate on a singular part of the question and instead of seeing the big picture choose to spill their singular rhetoric over the internet and show their lack of reading skill.

This Couple want to get crazy and do so without offending anyone in areas where their behaviour is not considered extreme. They are doing the right thing by putting the question out there for ideas, not for judgement from those who live their life within the limits they see.

If the question was in regard to nudist beaches, would it still draw a similar level of intolerance and aggression?

It’s clear that this couple respect people around them and choose not to behave in the ‘high spirited manner’ they’d like out of respect for those around them and are simply looking for somewhere suitable.

I fail to see what is so objectionable about such a question.

However, I can see what is so objectionable in some of the harsh, aggressive and negative replies… Some people really need to get out more and / or calm down.

The list of clubs posted by OxfordWill are a good starting point to find out if this is what the Op is looking for. I’ve been to a couple of the clubs and while the ‘highly spirited behaviour’ which the Op suggests may be tolerated, it is likely to be frowned upon.

Perhaps some of the judgemental language used in the OP served to set the tone?

"So far the only places we have found that our uninhibited behaviour is acceptable, is Soi Cowboy and Nana. However, there are no other fun loving wild people there to meet and have a laugh with. (Its generally old fat men looking for thai girls, or anyone else simply looking to pay for thai girls"

Old fat men can be uninhibited too.

That didn't upset me because I'm not old and fat. But, perhaps now I can understand why some took offence and responded so negatively.

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That didn't upset me because I'm not old and fat. But, perhaps now I can understand why some took offence and responded so negatively.

Yes, but better to ignore this and try to use more polite language... thumbsup.gif

Edited by Morakot
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Many of the responses in this thread is so typical of Thai Visa and internet forums where people can pass judgment so anonymously.

A guy (or girl as it turns out) asks a question in a polite way which already answers many of the objections people are likely to come up with.

It was clear from the opening post that this couple are looking for a place where they can let their hair down (albeit in a manner most can’t appreciate or understand) without offending local sensitivities.

Yet, many concentrate on a singular part of the question and instead of seeing the big picture choose to spill their singular rhetoric over the internet and show their lack of reading skill.

This Couple want to get crazy and do so without offending anyone in areas where their behaviour is not considered extreme. They are doing the right thing by putting the question out there for ideas, not for judgement from those who live their life within the limits they see.

If the question was in regard to nudist beaches, would it still draw a similar level of intolerance and aggression?

It’s clear that this couple respect people around them and choose not to behave in the ‘high spirited manner’ they’d like out of respect for those around them and are simply looking for somewhere suitable.

I fail to see what is so objectionable about such a question.

However, I can see what is so objectionable in some of the harsh, aggressive and negative replies… Some people really need to get out more and / or calm down.

The list of clubs posted by OxfordWill are a good starting point to find out if this is what the Op is looking for. I’ve been to a couple of the clubs and while the ‘highly spirited behaviour’ which the Op suggests may be tolerated, it is likely to be frowned upon.

Perhaps some of the judgemental language used in the OP served to set the tone?

"So far the only places we have found that our uninhibited behaviour is acceptable, is Soi Cowboy and Nana. However, there are no other fun loving wild people there to meet and have a laugh with. (Its generally old fat men looking for thai girls, or anyone else simply looking to pay for thai girls"

Old fat men can be uninhibited too.

That didn't upset me because I'm not old and fat. But, perhaps now I can understand why some took offence and responded so negatively.

Do not underestimate the amount of work that goes into being fat, it takes years and years of hard worktongue.png

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Is this not supposed to be a fun and enterainment thread? Why all these issues?

So where is a good place for girls to go out?

Exactly my question :) Its good to see several people now stayin on topic and understanding the question :)

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Many of the responses in this thread is so typical of Thai Visa and internet forums where people can pass judgment so anonymously.

A guy (or girl as it turns out) asks a question in a polite way which already answers many of the objections people are likely to come up with.

It was clear from the opening post that this couple are looking for a place where they can let their hair down (albeit in a manner most can’t appreciate or understand) without offending local sensitivities.

Yet, many concentrate on a singular part of the question and instead of seeing the big picture choose to spill their singular rhetoric over the internet and show their lack of reading skill.

This Couple want to get crazy and do so without offending anyone in areas where their behaviour is not considered extreme. They are doing the right thing by putting the question out there for ideas, not for judgement from those who live their life within the limits they see.

If the question was in regard to nudist beaches, would it still draw a similar level of intolerance and aggression?

It’s clear that this couple respect people around them and choose not to behave in the ‘high spirited manner’ they’d like out of respect for those around them and are simply looking for somewhere suitable.

I fail to see what is so objectionable about such a question.

However, I can see what is so objectionable in some of the harsh, aggressive and negative replies… Some people really need to get out more and / or calm down.

The list of clubs posted by OxfordWill are a good starting point to find out if this is what the Op is looking for. I’ve been to a couple of the clubs and while the ‘highly spirited behaviour’ which the Op suggests may be tolerated, it is likely to be frowned upon.

Perhaps some of the judgemental language used in the OP served to set the tone?

"So far the only places we have found that our uninhibited behaviour is acceptable, is Soi Cowboy and Nana. However, there are no other fun loving wild people there to meet and have a laugh with. (Its generally old fat men looking for thai girls, or anyone else simply looking to pay for thai girls"

Old fat men can be uninhibited too.

That didn't upset me because I'm not old and fat. But, perhaps now I can understand why some took offence and responded so negatively.

Do not underestimate the amount of work that goes into being fat, it takes years and years of hard worktongue.png

I'm trying my hardest just so when I’m fat and old I can come back and get in amongst the mêlée upsetting the narrow-minded with a 'where can I get my ‘norks' out' thread of my own….

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Don't know about BKK but in Patong there is a disco called Seduction that caters to westerners although a lot of Thai ladies are on the prowl for hansum young dudes. However, my point is that I took my TGF there one night a month ago and in fact a couple of young Aussie girls gave a flash and although my TGF was a little taken aback, nobody else seemed to care. In fact some cheers and encouragement for more.

That said, the staff there is predominately westerners and probably would be an issue otherwise.

Girls just want to have fun. I get it.

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