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This should have been a poll but the new format on here is more compex than a Thai womans brain.

I have just started work in Bangkok and foolishly signed a 6 working days per week contract with Sundays off.

I been there 2 weeks and am already feeling depressed as a result of the long days and weeks.

Ok, the salary is fantastic but I would rather have less money, my boss is reluctant to let me work a 5 day week.

So what do you lot do? and do it annoy you working 6 days if you do? :o

This should have been a poll but the new format on here is more compex than a Thai womans brain.

I have just started work in Bangkok and foolishly signed a 6 working days per week contract with Sundays off.

I been there 2 weeks and am already feeling depressed as a result of the long days and weeks.

Ok, the salary is fantastic but I would rather have less money, my boss is reluctant to let me work a 5 day week.

So what do you lot do? and do it annoy you working 6 days if you do? :o

I "work" only a couple hours a day 5 days a week when the NY markets are open.

I buy 1 million shares of PMED and it goes up 117% last Friday and buy 5 million shares of RSHN and it goes up 150% yesterday.

PMED's patented microscope gets the OK to sell in Canada and their CEO is meeting in China for licensing in China so BOOM!

RSHN finds out yesterday Whole Foods is adding their line of Ginseng Rush and Rush Cola drinks in their stores and they get a distributorship foot into Japan so BOOM!

Spent 5 years trading midcaps and largecaps and never made much money and in just one year of trading pennies am making thousands on some days and one thousand a day is an off day.

No more bosses and jobs and commutes and just sit in front of my computer and trade stocks and forex.Only a couple hours a day of actual buying and selling but many hours reading and researching but at my convenience and choosing.

Visit allstocks.com and hotstockmarket.com for great tips and predictions.

PAIM PLNI CMBV GZFX TRGD all look ready to take off real soon.


Until recently, I've worked 7 days a week for more than a year, but I liked it because I could see my "creations" flourish. This month, for the first time in my Thailand Adventure, my personal account is growing. Whenever my wife sees me leaned back, with my feet on the table, she asks me 'tam aray". I say "tam jahn maak" and point at my head. She believes me, because she knows that my thinking has brought employment and welth to her and her family.

I wouldn't trade the sort of satisfaction I feel for neither a multimilliondollar income from the stocks nor an only 5 days a week job in the 500,000 dollar/month range.


I "work" only a couple hours a day 5 days a week when the NY markets are open.

I buy 1 million shares of PMED and it goes up 117% last Friday and buy 5 million shares of RSHN and it goes up 150% yesterday.

PMED's patented microscope gets the OK to sell in Canada and their CEO is meeting in China for licensing in China so BOOM!

RSHN finds out yesterday Whole Foods is adding their line of Ginseng Rush and Rush Cola drinks in their stores and they get a distributorship foot into Japan so BOOM!

Spent 5 years trading midcaps and largecaps and never made much money and in just one year of trading pennies am making thousands on some days and one thousand a day is an off day.

No more bosses and jobs and commutes and just sit in front of my computer and trade stocks and forex.Only a couple hours a day of actual buying and selling but many hours reading and researching but at my convenience and choosing.

Visit allstocks.com and hotstockmarket.com for great tips and predictions.

PAIM PLNI CMBV GZFX TRGD all look ready to take off real soon.



hey... resort/bar life 6-7 days all day every day... pretty much... Office jobs, teaching etc.... 4 to 5 days a week.

I "work" only a couple hours a day 5 days a week when the NY markets are open.

I buy 1 million shares of PMED and it goes up 117% last Friday and buy 5 million shares of RSHN and it goes up 150% yesterday.

PMED's patented microscope gets the OK to sell in Canada and their CEO is meeting in China for licensing in China so BOOM!

RSHN finds out yesterday Whole Foods is adding their line of Ginseng Rush and Rush Cola drinks in their stores and they get a distributorship foot into Japan so BOOM!

Spent 5 years trading midcaps and largecaps and never made much money and in just one year of trading pennies am making thousands on some days and one thousand a day is an off day.

No more bosses and jobs and commutes and just sit in front of my computer and trade stocks and forex.Only a couple hours a day of actual buying and selling but many hours reading and researching but at my convenience and choosing.

Visit allstocks.com and hotstockmarket.com for great tips and predictions.

PAIM PLNI CMBV GZFX TRGD all look ready to take off real soon.

Of course all multi-millionaire traders start websites to they can give away their secrets for $5 in ad revenue per month. Yea...

I hope the SEC cracks down on these people making false track record statements and puts them in jail someday. These people love to pray on the desperate and make them lose their life savings to penny stocks that are manipulated.


I'd add a poll for you but I'm afraid I'm not up to the task. Try PM'ing Cdnvic or Huski, they are more adept than I.

Anyway, to answer: I work from 8am - (around) midnight 7 days a week, for about 5 months. The other months I will be working that for about a week to a week and a half each month.

So, you want to own a bungalow resort? Think again, my friend, think again :o


Spent 5 years trading midcaps and largecaps and never made much money and in just one year of trading pennies am making thousands on some days and one thousand a day is an off day.

Let's have a round of applause for Thaistick ... left hands only.

Hubcaps, more likely ... What a bore ! :o



Just remember that the first liar never has a chance. I could post about my 300 percent profits but then someone would up that to 500 percent profits every day eight days a week.

There's just one sure way to make money; WORK for it.

On topic, I worked five days a week and a half day on Saturday. I HATED that half day. I am now retired and I'm VERY good at it. :o



Poor jealous losers scrapping by a bare minimum existence living paycheck to paycheck.



At least you paupers are in the majority in Thailand!

And I'll buy your daughters for half price.



Since moving to Samui, I took less money and went from 5 to 6 days a week. It totally wiped me out, as I really enjoy having my 2 day break - one day is NOT enough to relax/recover from hangover/ tidy house/go shopping/go to the beach and all those things.

I think if I had 5 day weeks, my jobs here would have worked out alot better than they have.

Anyway, not a problem anymore, as I finish this week, so everyday will be a holiday :o


I have often wondered why financial wizards try to sell their wisdom. If they were so smart why aren't they rich? Why bother when you could be financially independent and retired?

Actually I put those stock advice peddlers in the same category as porn site operators, same morals and tactics. :o

To each his own. I enjoy my pauper existence. :D


Poor jealous losers scrapping by a bare minimum existence living paycheck to paycheck.



At least you paupers are in the majority in Thailand!

And I'll buy your daughters for half price.



Poor jealous losers scrapping by a bare minimum existence living paycheck to paycheck.



At least you paupers are in the majority in Thailand!

And I'll buy your daughters for half price.


'thaistick' must win the bore of the day award and its only 9.45am! :o

For the record, I'm working from 8.30ish to 6ish Monday to Friday and Saturday morning, however I can get telephone calls any time 24/7 as I work in an Export department and our customers are from all over the world. Then again, when a customer visits, I have to entertain which normally means a 1am finish!!

I'm fairly well paid and very happy so no problems.


I'm not sure he win's 'bore' of the day, but he certainly wins 'least likeable tosser' of the day.

What a nasty, vitriolic post.

Anyway, back to the topic. I work five days a week. Generally get to the office around 8.30 and am usually home by 6pm. Occasionally i have a weekend conference to go to, but very rarely. And now and again, I'm needed on a late night conference call but, again, that's a rarity.


7 days a week but never for any set time period per day and can take any number of days off, as long as I am somewhere in the world with Internet access. As long as folks keep paying their rent and interest payments on time, I don't even have to pick up the phone (just check bank balances).

Biggest challenge at the moment is keeping my NFL Superstar's player attributes up on Madden 06 for the PS2.

My advice is stay away from the stock markets unless you plan on buying and never selling (the best holding period is forever). Pour your funds into real estate (or any investment vehicle you feel most comfortable with). Rent out your land and never sell. Be frugal, enjoy life's simpler pleasures, and never finance. Simple but it works. And no need to deal with penny stocks or expert tips either.



Many Thai companies work 6 days a week; for the most part a senior manager can convince the owners to switch to a 5 day week, if there is a trade off; e.g. start at 8.30 work to 6.30 only 45 minutes for lunch, then no one needs to work Saturday.

I've made this change already in 2 companies I've consulted to, and the increase in morale and productivity was quite surprising (for a few months anyway, before the novelty wore off).

I don't agree with the USA model of only 2 weeks off a year (one of my friends gets 1 week) and I think Thailand is the reverse with too many opportunities to take days off (sickness etc etc ) combined with 6 day weeks. Europe seems to have a better idea for this.

better to go to about 3 or 4 weeks leave plus 5 day weeks. As a manager, you CAN change things, and it is worth pushing for it; how you feel is probably how many of your staff feel too. 1 day off a week is not enough.


I work 5 days a week, 9am to 5:30pm

Everyone else in my company works 6 days a week, which means that you have absolutely no life whatsoever. It can't be good for morale and i'm sure contributes to the inordinate amount of sick days that every takes.

When i went for my interview, I stated that if i wanted to sit in an office all week, i could have just stayed in the UK and made many times what they were offering. Sure i am willing to work hard, but the point of moving to Phuket was to enjoy being on a tropical island. Sitting in an office is the same anywhere in the world.

I have been trying to convince my bosses to give everyone a 5 day week, or at least 5 1/2 days, but no one is listening, so its staying 6 days for the time being.

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