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Is It Me Or...?

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Could be our area I suppose but I am experiencing VERY slow conncection speeds, FREQUENT disconnects and both TOT and INET refuse to take any responsibility.

I would be willing to think that it is my computer/modem as they both insist but I have many local friends who depend on me for computer advice lined up at my gate (I keep it locked) insisting that they are experiencing the same...

If your's seems okay, let me know, okay?

If not and you know what the problem is, let me know, okay?

If you are also suffering, join me in pitchin a bitchin at INET, okay?


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Remember it’s that time of year when all the universities and schools are posting grades and the students are checking their scores on their finals. It should, I hope, clear-up around the 10th of next month.



Mine's <deleted> but always has been...I'm on MAXNET!! It goes from about right early in the morning to way below dial-up speeds this time of night. I, too, have had the spiel about it being my end, but they know darn well that their company is a sack of ****! What can you do though? short of paying through the nose for a higher-rated package, without guarantees, or moving to S Korea...gawd forbid!


You can't have been in Thailand very long. Internet now is better than ever. Just 3-4 years ago there was no ADSL and the dial up was so slow that you could brew a pot of coffee before a page came up.

Thailand is of course still lacking hopelessly behind the rest of the world with Internet access, but it's certainly better now than it ever was before.

You can't have been in Thailand very long. Internet now is better than ever. Just 3-4 years ago there was no ADSL and the dial up was so slow that you could brew a pot of coffee before a page came up.

Thailand is of course still lacking hopelessly behind the rest of the world with Internet access, but it's certainly better now than it ever was before.

I agree, I use dial-up with CS-LOXINFO, I think it is much better than it used to be. I bought CS-INTERNET by mistake - it was rubbish.


Years ago you had the choice of only two ISPs with incredibly slow dial up connections, then competition got into gear. After that you had the option of extremely expensive ISDN coupled with slightly lower cost dial up charges. Then along came the likes of Jasmine offering 300 baht a month dial up connections. These were still relatively slow, but far less expensive. Now we have fairly low cost ADSL.

The internet in Thailand has come a long way in the last few years, and yes, it still has a long way to go to reach international standards, but it's the best it's been in years.

I'm currently using Maxnet 256/128 and my normal speed checks indicate around 225/110 which I can live with, and have never found the need to use a higher speed package.

Years ago you had the choice of only two ISPs with incredibly slow dial up connections, then competition got into gear. After that you had the option of extremely expensive ISDN coupled with slightly lower cost dial up charges. Then along came the likes of Jasmine offering 300 baht a month dial up connections. These were still relatively slow, but far less expensive. Now we have fairly low cost ADSL.

The internet in Thailand has come a long way in the last few years, and yes, it still has a long way to go to reach international standards, but it's the best it's been in years.

I'm currently using Maxnet 256/128 and my normal speed checks indicate around 225/110 which I can live with, and have never found the need to use a higher speed package.

What's the fastest package available? And what is the fastest that package wil REALISTICALLY provide?

You can't have been in Thailand very long. Internet now is better than ever. Just 3-4 years ago there was no ADSL and the dial up was so slow that you could brew a pot of coffee before a page came up.

Thailand is of course still lacking hopelessly behind the rest of the world with Internet access, but it's certainly better now than it ever was before.

It may be better then 5 years ago but it's still hopelessly unpredictable. If it was inline with the cost of living, no worries, but when you pay relatively big money it's not so good. Looks like it may open up soon if/when CAT lose their grip.



i have a tt&t line over tot.

and go dial up unlimited over JI-NET (proxy) and i have the same problem.

somedays they disconnect me 20times (remote did not respond .. or so.. )

but i think it's TT&T , because my onlinebill from ji-net show me all

my correct connections but i have to pay a bill from tt&t for every "dial up" :D

... but they say > it's ji-net ! (i think because ji-net don't have a office INtown)

but you can try NEOTRACE pro (P2P :D )

because sometimes is it CAT :D

( :D one family?? :D )



You can't have been in Thailand very long. Internet now is better than ever. Just 3-4 years ago there was no ADSL and the dial up was so slow that you could brew a pot of coffee before a page came up.

Thailand is of course still lacking hopelessly behind the rest of the world with Internet access, but it's certainly better now than it ever was before.

I agree, I use dial-up with CS-LOXINFO, I think it is much better than it used to be. I bought CS-INTERNET by mistake - it was rubbish.

I've been using loxinfo dial-up in Chiang Mai since 1995. It's always been crap, but still the best among dial-ups, imo.



No it's not your modem. No ADSL out this way and I use the regular TOT fixed line. The service has definitely slowed down over the last two weeks. All the farang around here have been saying the same thing.


I have a TOT line and am using a Loxley dial-up.

No changes in my neck of the woods....... I have yet to be disconnected, speeds aren't that fast but are better than nothing.


No it's not your modem. No ADSL out this way and I use the regular TOT fixed line. The service has definitely slowed down over the last two weeks. All the farang around here have been saying the same thing.

Thanks Ned.

I have been pulling my hair out for some time now trying computer diagnostics programs, reloading WinXP's Comm component, borrowed an external 56k modem from a friend.. That same friend went off his IPS (I think) satellite and tried his INET dialup and got the same miserable speed I have. Then two more local friends showed up asking for my computer experteez for the same problem so you are right, it is not me.

TOT certainly can be a trip, can't they? I have had them over here perhaps six times over the last few months and they keep saying, "We fix in maybe one month".. I keep calling, having them come over, they look at the pole outside then drive away, never to return. Some male manager who spoke good English called ME and said, "I hear you have problem, what is your phone number?" :o I didn't question how he managed to call me if he didn't have my number, gave it to him, and he says, "That number is not in our system." Gee, they seem to have no problem sending us BILLING for all these connects and disconnects..

I am in the Wang Tan Village south of Hang Dong Rd Lotus and from what I hear of resident's experiences with connection speeds and TOT ADSL connections that NEVER work in here, I suspect the original wiring is probably underground and under water and TOT just does NOT want to go throught the major hassle of fixing it.. Looks like I may have to go with satellite...

Oh well, TIT and I love it anyway... :D


No it's not your modem. No ADSL out this way and I use the regular TOT fixed line. The service has definitely slowed down over the last two weeks. All the farang around here have been saying the same thing.

Is it possible that the software being used to block grumble-sites is slowing down the net?


I've only just recently moved back here and have been using GPRS thru my mobile for a fee weeks on AIS, while waiting for my ToT 1Meg ADSL.

Service with AIS GPRS was reasonable, though at peak times during the day download speeds were pretty poor <2kbytes/S.

On Sunday night ToT turned up at 5pm, with 5 engineers lots of cable and bamboo ladders, 20 minutes later a new line was installed and I got ADSL connection.... or so I thought.

After a lot of fiddling with the modem I gave up and called the ToT call centre, to be told that the Internet was down in the whole of Thailand..... ahem ok... but what can you do?

Gave up, went to bed and tried again Monday morning, seems ToT were having login problems cos first try Monday it connected with no problems at all.

All day Monday I spent fiddling with the modem because the speeds I was getting were absolutely dreadful, at one point around 1pm international download speeds were around 900 bytes a second, around a 5th of a good dial up connection.

Was really very disappointed with this, not only cos I had ordered a 1Meg ADSL package, but only been given a 512 connection, but the effective download speed averaged about 2kbytes/S throughout the day.

Gave up and went for a few beers last night and then when I came home, as if by magic I was getting 45-55kbytes/S which is pretty much what you'd expect from a 512k package.

During the day today (Tuesday) I have been getting international rates of about 10-12kbytes/S not great, but acceptable, things slowed down noticably at 10am. From 6am to 10am rates were the expected 50kbytes.

I live in Bpaa Daet about 2 miles due south of CM, am hoping that the problems I had on Sunday and Monday were isolated incidents, but from what I've been reading, it seems they may not be.

I doubt if I will bother to get them to supply the 1Meg connection as the connection does not seem to be the bottle neck, at least during the day.

1Meg was 1000baht/month (ADSL modem included)

512 was 750B, I think

256 was 500B

All in all if it continues to work like it has today, I will be happy.



I am in CM city and have the TOT ADSL 512 package..

Using www.speakeasy.org/speedtest as a benchmark to San Francisco.

My fastest and most consistent speeds are 420 K download and 195 K upload. It never goes above that mark. Occasionally it does slow down to the mid 200 to 300 k's download but that is rare. Never any outtages in the 6 months I have it...

If you think its an outtage blow away your DHCP assignment before drawing any conclusions.

I think its a great service for the 780 baht. I would be curious what someone with the 1 meg service actually gets with the above benchmark test.

really remarkable when you think about it... The packets make their way to HK and then undersea cable across the pacific. I read somewhere that a packet can circle the earth twice in one second on the backbones. Groovy



I just tried the speedtest site above and got 25kbs download and 69kbs upload. What is considered normal speeds for a 56k modem on a normal line? I wouldn't mind getting ADSL but don't think it would work on this noisy line.

It is working pretty well right now but is very sporatic; sometimes there is so much noise on the line that I cannot understand anything a caller is saying. So far TOT has been totally unsuccessful in fixing it and I seem to have few options left.

Oddly I am not out in the sticks but in a rather upscale community. I think I am going to try pressuring the community office to see if they can get TOT to do something.

I just tried the speedtest site above and got 25kbs download and 69kbs upload. What is considered normal speeds for a 56k modem on a normal line? I wouldn't mind getting ADSL but don't think it would work on this noisy line.


That would indicate that your modem is running at around 44% efficiency which is not bad considering what you have said about your line conditions. At the best only expect around 40kbps from a 56K dial up modem.

As I said earlier, I use the Maxnet 256/128 package at 590 baht a month, and these were my speeds as of writing

Last Result:

Download Speed: 221 kbps (27.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 112 kbps (14.0 KB/sec transfer rate)

As you can see they are well within the acceptable guidelines for that connection.

I look at it this way.......

JI-Net unlimited access.......... @ 296 baht a month

Dial up costs for one month........300 baht a month

Total 596 baht a month

My total cost is very much the same, I get a much faster connection, and I can still use my phone when connected with ADSL which I could not do with a dial up connection.

Years ago I had the same line problem (noise) and just kept hammering the phone company (TOT) till they finally ran a new line. Every time they came round and said "problem fixed" I'd wait a couple of days, and call them again and tell them it wasn't. They gave in finally and fixed it.


As an after thought Dustoff, you might be better off to apply for a new line with TT&T I went through the excerise a while ago, with a cost of 1000 baht and it was on inside the week. Now I have the option of TOT or TT&T with two lines.


Saturday 10.25 and the system seems to have fallen in a heap......

Last Result:

Download Speed: 39 kbps (4.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 97 kbps (12.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

This is the slowest I have ever experienced, anybody else on slow mode?

It might have something to do with the mess in Bangkok on incoming packets, as the uploading is not too bad....


I just did the www.speakeasy.com/speedtest to SF and faster than normal

430 K download

195 K upload

Get to know the traceroute command. It will show the time to each network hop

traceroute www.cnn.com

traceroute: Warning: www.cnn.com has multiple addresses; using

traceroute to cnn.com (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets

1 ( 1.992 ms 1.232 ms 1.420 ms

2 ( 57.611 ms 58.220 ms 57.140 ms

3 ( 59.265 ms 55.953 ms 58.445 ms

4 ( 59.441 ms 58.338 ms 57.342 ms

5 ( 60.744 ms 66.286 ms 59.418 ms

6 ( 58.632 ms 93.064 ms 63.641 ms

7 ( 96.676 ms 63.942 ms ( 77.189 ms

8 ( 111.689 ms 68.043 ms 68.653 ms

9 ( 278.799 ms 277.894 ms 289.199 ms

10 ge-1-6.r01.lsanca03.us.bb.verio.net ( 278.725 ms 273.452 ms 278.188 ms

What this output is showing is how long to each network hop. This will help you understand which part of the network is slow for you.

Traceroute is a built in command on most Unix systems and on windows its called tracert. Also there are utilities with GUI's you can download to test such things.


Have had ToT ADSL for nearly a week now, seems that the problems I had in the first 2 days were a 1 off.

Speed tests always give 250k-400(ish)k even at peak times during the day.

I know a week is hardly a long test, but there have been no outages, no disconnects, no hideously low speeds (expect that first day)

So all in all it's looking pretty good.



I got my results at:

http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ to SF

Last Result:

Download Speed: 507 kbps (63.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 106 kbps (13.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Please please everyone. its www.speakeasy.net and not with a .com or .org.

Am at Superhighway, TT&T Line, TT&T internet. Its actually with Hinets. Am paying Baht999 per month with 2MB/s. Never reached close to that speed but downloaded Real Player this morning at close to 1MB/s. First time I achieved this speed. But 150kb/s easily attainable for downloads of torrents or using download managers.

Been happy with the internet (TT&T Hinets) since April 2004. Would recommend it to anyone. Unless you can get True Internet where you live at.

I got my results at:

http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ to SF

Last Result:

Download Speed: 507 kbps (63.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 106 kbps (13.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Please please everyone. its www.speakeasy.net and not with a .com or .org.

Am at Superhighway, TT&T Line, TT&T internet. Its actually with Hinets. Am paying Baht999 per month with 2MB/s. Never reached close to that speed but downloaded Real Player this morning at close to 1MB/s. First time I achieved this speed. But 150kb/s easily attainable for downloads of torrents or using download managers.

Been happy with the internet (TT&T Hinets) since April 2004. Would recommend it to anyone. Unless you can get True Internet where you live at.

I am using Maxnet from TT&T 256/512 and did the same test over Wlan with this result.

Download Speed: 367 kbps (45.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 201 kbps (25.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Internet has it's up and downs but recently i have good speeds from TT&T Maxnet


I got my results at:

http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/ to SF

Last Result:

Download Speed: 507 kbps (63.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 106 kbps (13.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Please please everyone. its www.speakeasy.net and not with a .com or .org.

Am at Superhighway, TT&T Line, TT&T internet. Its actually with Hinets. Am paying Baht999 per month with 2MB/s. Never reached close to that speed but downloaded Real Player this morning at close to 1MB/s. First time I achieved this speed. But 150kb/s easily attainable for downloads of torrents or using download managers.

Been happy with the internet (TT&T Hinets) since April 2004. Would recommend it to anyone. Unless you can get True Internet where you live at.

I am using Maxnet from TT&T 256/512 and did the same test over Wlan with this result.

Download Speed: 367 kbps (45.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 201 kbps (25.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Internet has it's up and downs but recently i have good speeds from TT&T Maxnet

695 and 237 respectively here.


Hi everyone,

I am using Maxnet Home 512/256 for 8 months. I can say that from beginning of this year, we have (my friends and me) experienced a "slowdown", as far a 2KB/s, half a bad dial-up connection !

On 24h hours, you can have more than 15 hours with this speed. Calling 1103 and asking politely to explain and to tell me the truth ( :-) ), they told me that Chiangmai TTT was "full" and that they will expand their network next month (bad luck, I should have called in January!).

Working is quite difficult with this speed. You can have 40 KB/s during 5 mn, and then 2KB during 6 h. Cheking mails or uploading ftp website is quite hard.

So I think everyone can show some good speed results sometimes (or bad speed results) but the most important thing is to do the average. The problems are located for my friends and me in Bor Sang Area, San Sai area. I dont have friends everywhere but will be happy to hear from other locations.

My next move is trying to get a free or 50% discount month (dreaming ...), but a good connection is my goal, more that this 800 Bt.

Just to let you know ...




I just saw this feed from BBC:

BT 'quadruples' broadband speeds

BT is to increase its broadband speeds by up to four times from 31 March.

The firm said 78% of its users would be able to access at least four megabits per second (4Mbps), compared with the maximum of two available now.

Almost half would get 6Mbps and those close to their local exchange would be able to access 8Mbps.

I'm not in Chiang Mai, I'm in Bangkok, the hub of IT. I can't get ADSL line and the contract to build more exchanges in my area has been stalled for about five years, I think due to TOT's legal problems with TT&T.

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