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3Bb Internet 10Mb And Tot Internet 10Mb Upgrade Both Failed, Same Problems Anyone ?


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Wanted to upgrade 3BB and TOT internet to 10MB as they propose it for the same price.

Both failed:

- 3BB : after upgrade I was disconnected few seconds every few minutes

- TOT : not even possible to upgrade as they kept telling that I needed their special (shit)modem when my own Lynksys Modem Router can handle 54 MB

Anyone had the same problem or did you managed to upgrade to 10 MB ?

The worst is that after upgrading 3BB was not even able to guess by themselves that my new problems were caused by the speed ! I had to tell them to reduce to 6MB because they had nothing else to propose !

Thanks for your ideas and experiences.

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When I went to the office and checked with TOT about upgrading to their 10MB speed, they had me wait a few minutes while they check my line. That is, they called their tech center and the technicians ran through some H/W testing and came back with the answer that the most they could provide to me in my moo baan was 7MB. Was that because of the servers, the line, the customers sharing the lines? Do not know. Did not pursue it because if they had had any options (e.g., their special modem, if there were such a thing) they would have suggested it.

So maybe, just maybe, a BB sales person just accepted your money, got their sale atta-boy, when your line really could not handle more bandwith?

As for the TOT response about a modem..... did you pin them down, i.e., did they say your line would support 10MB all the way to "a" modem? I would ask them that and then ask them to specifically explain the difference between their modem and others. As you implied, something doesn't sound right, some important piece of info is missing. Modems built to the same 802.11N specification are essentially the same modems as to how they handle the data.

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Positive point for ToT on not selling you somehting they can not deliver like 3BB does (another proof that their service is sh..).

You are both talking about things like 54MB, 802.11 etc. This is all about the WiFi (WLAN) features of your modem/router and has nothing to do with the maximum speed on your DSL line connection.

This max speed is determined by a couple of factors, one of which is the distance to the next "switching point" and the general "quality" of the line/copper (signal to noise ratio etc.). With some expertise you can log in to your modem and see values about this quality.

The max speed is "negotiated" between your modem and the "modem" of the provider at the time when connection is set up (power up).

The provider determines a max. allowed rate for each subscriber individually (depending on tariff AND quality of line).

So obviously 3BB just switched you to an allowed max speed of 10MB without testing the line quality. Idiots.

It might well be possible that you downgrade the modem to a lower (more reliable) speed on your own.

The argument about another modem is also not quite absurd, because modems might well have different ability to handle "weak" signals.

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Positive point for ToT on not selling you somehting they can not deliver like 3BB does (another proof that their service is sh..).

You are both talking about things like 54MB, 802.11 etc. This is all about the WiFi (WLAN) features of your modem/router and has nothing to do with the maximum speed on your DSL line connection.

This max speed is determined by a couple of factors, one of which is the distance to the next "switching point" and the general "quality" of the line/copper (signal to noise ratio etc.). With some expertise you can log in to your modem and see values about this quality.

The max speed is "negotiated" between your modem and the "modem" of the provider at the time when connection is set up (power up).

The provider determines a max. allowed rate for each subscriber individually (depending on tariff AND quality of line).

So obviously 3BB just switched you to an allowed max speed of 10MB without testing the line quality. Idiots.

It might well be possible that you downgrade the modem to a lower (more reliable) speed on your own.

The argument about another modem is also not quite absurd, because modems might well have different ability to handle "weak" signals.

Working for an ISP's NOC state side, I can attest to the validity of this statement. I was about to make many of the same points but I was beaten' to it.


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When I went to the office and checked with TOT about upgrading to their 10MB speed, they had me wait a few minutes while they check my line. That is, they called their tech center and the technicians ran through some H/W testing and came back with the answer that the most they could provide to me in my moo baan was 7MB. Was that because of the servers, the line, the customers sharing the lines? Do not know. Did not pursue it because if they had had any options (e.g., their special modem, if there were such a thing) they would have suggested it.

They can send testing signals (H/W testing) to your number/junction box in your area to determine downstream and upstream line attenuation values, line signal to noise values, etc., which tells them the max speed obtainable. Other times they already know what is the max speed to an area/moobaan based on their documentation/previous testing. And sometimes they just call the technician(s) serving a certain area. The max speed available will be primarily determined by the capability and quality of equipment/lines in your area. When I first moved into my western Bangkok moobaan the fastest speed available in my moobaan from TOT (sole internet provider to my moobaan at the time) was 2Mb, then about a year later 4Mb became availabe, then about another year later 6Mb became available....then I switched to True cable internet which came to my moobaan and all of a sudden I had 100Mb speed capability but I initially signed up for their 20Mb plan.

I asked a TOT technician in the moobaan a few months ago what were their max speed now...they said 20Mb due to the new electronic switching circuits/junction boxes & fiber optics main lines they put in our moobaan after the late 2011 flood damaged a lot of their equipment---plus they had lost most of their internet customer to True cable/DOCSIS internet which was much faster, cheaper and more reliable--the cable internet or TV never went down during the flooding even when there was a meter of water in the moobaan for almost a month. Basically, TOT was forced to upgrade due to competition and flooding damage Now, although TOT upgraded key equipment leading to and inside the moobaan, the standard copper phone lines still run from those junction boxes to the homes in the moobaan and the copper run can be a couple of kilometers....so in my moobaan case, the key factor in upgrading the ADSL speed was main lines running to our moobaan (copper changed to fiber and the junction boxes being upgraded to electronic type high on the poll versus only about a foot off the ground which flood water can easily get to.

But I don't care anymore about TOT's ADSL since my True cable internet & TV has had like 99.9% (or more) reliability/uptime. I've since downgraded from my True DOCSIS 20Mb/2Mb plan at B1,299/mo (which worked just fine) to the True DOCSIS 14Mb/1.4Mb plan at B699/mo (couldn't pass-up that pricing). Although the 14Mb plan is a slower (but still fast) speed plan compared to the 20Mb plan, I haven't noticed one ounce speed reduction in day-to-day internet use like browsing, surfing, live video streaming, etc....and sometimes I have three or four devices in my home on the internet at the same time browsing, YouTubing, emailing, etc., with no problems/no noticeable speed reduction on any device. Since True DOCSIS implemented "bursting" on their DOCSIS system X months which allows up to double your plan's download speed for speed bursts of say around 30 seconds, I can sometimes pull over 28Mb download speeds on my 14Mb plan for short periods....more than long enough to load web pages, download smaller files, etc. Yeap,, super pleased with my True cable plan (knock on wood).

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I had a premium service with 3bb that ran at 4mb and cost 2200 baht a month. Recently decided to "upgrade" it to a non-premium 16mb at half the cost. They made the changes in the office on their computer and gave me a new login and password. I went to my computer, changed the login and password and voila. I now had a terrible service. Max speed was about 1 mb although often would drop to .01 mb. Disconnects every couple of minutes. Basically unworkable.

Many calls to their tech service failed to resolve the problem. The last visiting tech told me it was because the internet shared our phone line and I should get a new dedicated line. I knew this was BS because the service worked fine until I changed to the new package.

The problem for me is that our internet is located at the back of several buildings and far from the phone company box on the street. I had to pay for a tech to run the line from the street box to the computer as the phone company would not do it. To put in a second line would be a pain and unnecessary.

In the end I decided to bite the bullet and pay someone to run a second line as there is no point in arguing with tech support. The guy I got was a phone company tech who did it in his spare time (for a hefty price). Once the new line was run in he swapped the existing service over to it. Still a shared phone and internet service.

Guess what! The internet now runs at 16mb or better and never disconnects. It would appear the old wiring for some reason happily supported the 4 meg service but completely crapped out at faster speeds. I don't know why this should happen but I'd recommend anyone having similar problems to check your internal wiring. That may be where the problem lies. Don't expect the internet tech support people to correctly diagnose this though.

Edited by PattayaPete
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I had a premium service with 3bb that ran at 4mb and cost 2200 baht a month. Recently decided to "upgrade" it to a non-premium 16mb at half the cost. They made the changes in the office on their computer and gave me a new login and password. I went to my computer, changed the login and password and voila. I now had a terrible service. Max speed was about 1 mb although often would drop to .01 mb. Disconnects every couple of minutes. Basically unworkable.

Many calls to their tech service failed to resolve the problem. The last visiting tech told me it was because the internet shared our phone line and I should get a new dedicated line. I knew this was BS because the service worked fine until I changed to the new package.

The problem for me is that our internet is located at the back of several buildings and far from the phone company box on the street. I had to pay for a tech to run the line from the street box to the computer as the phone company would not do it. To put in a second line would be a pain and unnecessary.

In the end I decided to bite the bullet and pay someone to run a second line as there is no point in arguing with tech support. The guy I got was a phone company tech who did it in his spare time (for a hefty price). Once the new line was run in he swapped the existing service over to it. Still a shared phone and internet service.

Guess what! The internet now runs at 16mb or better and never disconnects. It would appear the old wiring for some reason happily supported the 4 meg service but completely crapped out at faster speeds. I don't know why this should happen but I'd recommend anyone having similar problems to check your internal wiring. That may be where the problem lies. Don't expect the internet tech support people to correctly diagnose this though.

Interesting !

Even after many years I still feel surprised how much people here don't learn from experience and are not able to explain anything when something doesn't work.

I also wonder what do they learn at technical schools apart from killing each other ?

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I have a topic running in here at the moment because I have infrequent connections with TOT. I am - allegedly - on 10 Mbps. TOT did check the line before I moved in and said no problems. Yet 2 months in and I am struggling with TOT to get a resolution.

Engineer came out 2 times, looked at the modem and said he could not do anything because it is a black modem. I took the modem - eventually - to TOT office and they said it is working with no problems.

My modem is ADSL2+ capable and can take 10MBps.

Yet, they did try to sell me one of their white wifi modems several times but I do not have nor do I really want wifi.

In a separate topic I've asked what people are using and happy with in my area and it seems hard to decide on who to move to if I cannot get a resolution.

3BB? Pay 1 year in advance..... if there are problems ???

True seems to have issues from what I have read in the forums.

CAT want 1500 Baht + 7% vat a month for their 7 MBps as i discovered from their office today.

Makes me wonder what we are supposed to do :)

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Yet, they did try to sell me one of their white wifi modems several times but I do not have nor do I really want wifi.

Obviously they have problems, as they don't know your modem and can not set it up etc.

A white wifi modem should not cost a fortune and always has fixed line ports also (mine has 4 ports and is quite cheap)..

So you are free to use WiFi or not.

Usually the WiFi function can be disabled (if you have security concerns).

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