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Fortunately It's The Bearpit

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Guest IT Manager

Honestly you chaps are such a bunch of kids.

My Dad has a better job than your Dad.

My president is better than your Prime Minister.

Well my Dads dick is bigger than your dads dick.

Go get 4 different Mister Bean Movies. See which of the two of you understands the most.

There will be a test Friday on the Blue sort of Royal Video.

Go to your rooms and study. For goodness sake.

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Yes Georgie and chingy have a lot to learn dont they :o It is funny how a man/Georgie can be so childish in his postings, instead of just admitting the USA went to Iraq for oil, even one of his own officers in his forces has said it - what else needs to be said - I will retire from the bear pit for a few days as I have grabbed victory from the great wordsmith Georgie - WDW! :D

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Yes Georgie and chingy have a lot to learn dont they  It is funny how a man/Georgie can be so childish in his postings, instead of just admitting the USA went to Iraq for oil, even one of his own officers in his forces has said it - what else needs to be said - I will retire from the bear pit for a few days as I have grabbed victory from the great wordsmith Georgie - WDW! 

gentleman please look at yourself, shame on you, telling people to learn while you're never stop :o

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I've been working all day, and just got on here except for about 5 minutes this morning. I haven't even looked at any posts yet. That utter retard, the so-called gentleman, hasn't won sh1t! :D

you are funny Georgie and so up tight :o - if you have been working all day, at least you could of called. :D - Ill let you get back to it :D

Come on admit It, I have won - Iraq=oil :D

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This has been even better than the Chonabot vs Mr Vietnam handbags at dawn showdown last year. In that bruiser the final result was UK 8.5 : US 3.0. In this G-P vs OZ Battle of the TITians, my panel of expert judges has posted up scores of OZ 8.0 to US 2.5. (DISCLAIMER -I make no apologies for an impartial judiciary).

The conclusions are clear - that some people, if not some nations, would be better off brushing up on their facts, keyboard manners and learn to listen a bit to other's viewpoints, before entering arenas where they are clearly unprepared to swing their handbag, no matter how much McLard may be behind it. Good day gentlemen. :o

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plachon, you left here with your tail between your legs weeks ago.

We'll let Membrane call the contest.

He's got some pride left; He's much more impartial. :D

HAHAHAHA! That just shows what an observant fellow you are. I haven't been anywhere, just observing that you continue to get a drubbing on a daily basis by The Gentleman and others and STILL don't get the message. Not even part of it! It would be sad, if it wasn't so darn funny. You're a glutton for it Lardarse! :o:D

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It seems to be important to know who wins the debate on who has posted the better facts/knowledge of why the USA went to Iraq - maybe the mods could set up a poll on the subject - not really important to me, but Georgie is throwing tantrums - so If the mods want to do it - set it up, if not, well it will probably never end.

If a poll is set up, we cannot make comments in it - ok Georgie - if we dont like the answers, we cannot throw our 2 cents in - ok Georgie - and whoever wins - wins!

If I lose I guarantee not to make a fuss and you Georgie?

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It seems to be important to know who wins the debate on who has posted the better facts/knowledge of why the USA went to Iraq...[snip]

"Gentleman" - You gotta be kidding us right? YOU--FAIR?? ha! :o

I know you want the title of "Master Debater" :D , but you REALLY think you actually post FACTUAL information on the U.S.?? How can you be, when 100% of every single posting you ever post is 100% knocking the U.S. and you NEVER have anything positive to say. You certainly aren't proving yourself to be open-minded and "fair and balanced" are you?? Why would anyone believe what you have to say when you never deviate from knocking the U.S. in every way possible? From Bush to the "Special Forces" to the Iraq war to--well you get the idea...

Anybody can find an editorial piece that interprets news events in their favor--and that's all you really ever do. That's easy man! You're wimping out pal! Try getting a REAL NEWS STORY--not an editorial or some kind of "rant" page--and then try to prove your side.

Until you start doing that--until then--this "debate" hasn't even started...

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That's the point though isn't it mebrane - no post will ever be a "real news story", debate your head off, I've won - Ill sit and watch!

Trying to pussy-out eh...? :D I think that, as usual, Membrane has hit the nail on the head, "gentleman".

Anybody can find an editorial piece that interprets news events in their favor--and that's all you really ever do. That's easy man! You're wimping out pal! Try getting a REAL NEWS STORY--not an editorial or some kind of "rant" page--and then try to prove your side.

Until you start doing that--until then--this "debate" hasn't even started...

You are tired of looking like a fool, so you have decided to try to turn this into some kind of a rigged contest with the usual anti-American wack-jobs as the judges. No way Jose. I shall continue to kick your ass, each and every day, if you are so silly as to continue to show your face. :D

In the words of my glorious American forefathers: This debate has not yet started and I have not yet begun to fight! :oDon't tread on me!

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you still dont get it do you Georgie Boy - you are funny though.

You have nothing of importance/wisdom/facts to post about - it is only going the same way, it always goes - I post, you react - thats it!

There is nothing left to talk about :D , you are part of small minority of people who cant see through the smoke and mirrors - that comes down to your political education - we will see how things transpire in Iraq and now and again I will give you an update - I can now see, it is going to take some time :o

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Thats the point though isnt it mebrane - no post will ever be a "real news story", debate your head off, Ive won - Ill sit and watch!

You've won nothing "gentleman". You're only accomplishment is showing us all how you can copy and paste someone else's point of view. You want to talk about "smoke and mirrors"? That's all you're doing because you aren't posting real news articles that report real world events and then make a comment about it yourself.

You, like Butterfly before you, are dragging this "Bear Pit" down even further than I think the Admins anticipated. And why? So you can pick on--and piss off--us Americans? So you can wage your silly little back-and-forth argument with G-P?

As far as a debate goes, like I said, it hasn't even really started yet, not at least where you're concerned. Try posting some REAL news articles, THEN feel free to put your little one-sided spin on it. But all I've seen from you is copy-and-paste from someone else's editorial.

...also, it would be nice if we could be civil to each other, but alas...

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Don't worry Membrane, the real dolts always surrender eventually. Besides, the "gentleman"'s whole premise is silly; That he "won" some imaginary debate with me because he cut-and-pasted more wacky editorials than I did. :o What does that have to with anything?

Unlike the Dumb Duo, Butterfly and the "gentleman", I think for myself and can explain my positions logically. Why do I need to cut-and-paste nutty opinions by some Joe Shmoe?

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you still dont get it do you Georgie Boy - you are funny though.

You have nothing of importance/wisdom/facts to post about - it is only going the same way, it always goes - I post, you react - thats it!

There is nothing left to talk about :D , you are part of small minority of people who cant see through the smoke and mirrors - that comes down to your political education - we will see how things transpire in Iraq and now and again I will give you an update - I can now see, it is going to take some time :D

I honestly don't think he's part of a small minority that have no idea that the wool is being pulled over their eyes, by their govt. There's a massive great majority in the US like him. But the small minority he is a part of is the one that has a reasonable level of literacy, and yet still think the Bush admin. can not only do no wrong., but is also under the impression that any verbal attack on it, is an attack against the whole nation. So he has set himself up as a one man crusade against anyone who so much as mentions Bush, the Republicans, US foreign policy and it's implications to world stability and peace in the same email/letter/breath. For that, we can only sympathise with his misplaced loyalty and laugh at his tenacity to not let go of the rag, even when the rest of the puppies are breaking their teeth on new bits of furniture or lying quietly in their baskets. :o

I got bored of the circularity of the argument long ago, but he does have a habit of popping up unannounced like a breath of stale air, so it's still not time to call it a day. got a feeling, the matter won't be resolved until a/ Bush decides to withdraw from Iraq due to pressure from home (HIGHLY UNLIKELY) or b/ he gets beaten in the Presidential elections (GETTING MORE LIKELY BY THE DAY). :D

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Well done plachon! You are right about several things, I am literate and I certainly do understand what is going on in Iraq (as much as anyone else does).

I will refrain from spanking you this time, because you actually included some accurate statements with all your bullsh1t, for a change.

However, my loyalty to President Bush is far from blind. I support him because I believe that no one knows which is the right course to take in the War Against Terrorism, but at least Bush knows that the war needs to be fought, and that it is way too late to turn back now.

I am not a Christian, but I do pray that he will continue to hold the course, make the right decisions, and not be swayed by the cowardice of other politicians and other countries. :o

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Well done plachon! You are right about several things, I am literate and I certainly do understand what is going on in Iraq (as much as anyone else does).

yes well done plachon, you are right - Georgie, you say you understand what is going on in Iraq - have you been there? and do you have any mates there now, who give you updates? Or is it, what your country and your media is telling you?

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I don't pay too much attention to what polititians say on TV, if that is what you mean by "my country", otherwise, "my government" lets me make up my own mind about Iraq, and everything else.

I haven't been to Iraq, but some old freinds have.

I am a prolific reader and don't only stick to American periodicals, but, just to let you know, their coverage isn't too much different than other countries. Most good newspapers and magazines in the U.S. present excellent articles supporting all different points of view, and they are often reprinted from other major news sources from around the World.

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I don't pay too much attention to what polititians say on TV, if that is what you mean by "my country", otherwise, "my government" lets me make up my own mind about Iraq, and everything else.


I was just wondering, and I haven';t checked this on Google, but does the US use referendums as a policy, because it seems that even though you do have freedom of mind (control :o ) you guys don't seem to get much of a say in what happens after the election is made.

Last referendum in the UK was about the entry into the Euro by the way. And I know other European countries use referendums too.


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On a federal level, we don't normally have referendums. We voted to send them to congress and they have to earn their keep. Not duck the issue and ask us to vote on it. They (elected representatives in both houses) pay a fair amount of attention to 1. poles 2. letter and emails 3. Lobbyists. But not in the order I mentioned. And if they had referendums on important stuff, all those lobbyists might be on half pay.

On a state by state level it varies widely. Where I grew up in the midwest, there were darn few referendums. Things worked pretty much on the state level as they did on the federal level. The state I currently live in has a referendum everytime a bird poo's. Well, maybe not quite that often, but close. It is almost a waste of time to send anyone to the capitol since they are going to either 1. Vote to have a referendum or 2. Pass a law and then opponents get enough citizen signatures to vote on overturning said law in a referendum.


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I don't pay too much attention to what polititians say on TV, if that is what you mean by "my country", otherwise, "my government" lets me make up my own mind about Iraq, and everything else.

I haven't been to Iraq, but some old freinds have.

I am a prolific reader and don't only stick to American periodicals, but, just to let you know, their coverage isn't too much different than other countries. Most good newspapers and magazines in the U.S. present excellent articles supporting all different points of view, and they are often reprinted from other major news sources from around the World.

Thats the point though Georgie, I have been there, I also have mates there now and I also get first hand knowledge due to my history with this kind of thing. You get your info, third hand, so how would you know anything?


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