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Adoption Of A Thai National


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Adopting family members to give them a better life in the UK might be very 'Thai' but it would seem to be in contradiction with the imigration rules.

From the British Embassy Website

How does my adopted child qualify to join me in the UK?

You, or your child, must show that he or she:

cannot support themselves financially, is not married and is not living independently away from their parents

is under 18 years of age

was adopted when both parents lived together abroad or when one or the other parent was settled in the UK

has the same rights as any other child of the adoptive parents

was adopted because their birth parents could not care for them and there has been a full and genuine transfer of parental responsibility

has broken all ties with their birth family, and

was not adopted just to make it easier to enter the UK.

If the intention of adoption is to get access to an easier life/free education/free health care. Then I think the above highlighted text would come into effect.

As a UK Tax payer I can see the sense in this.

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