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Thailand Pushes Back 200 Rohingya Boat People: Navy


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The Rohingyas are Refugees. They are a persecuted minority. They are considered to be the most persecuted group on earth.

How are we defining oppressed. I don't think that denying them citizenship and land ownership is the same level of oppression the nazis showed to the Jews. In china hey had a one child per couple rule. I guess that is oppression of a basic human right, then they should have been allowed to come to the USA or uk. How about the status of women in India? Here subject to being raped while going on a bus. All Indian women should be allowed to immigrate to Australia. How about the Egyptian who is facing a prison sentence for converting from Islam. She is oppressed to. My thoughts are that there is a lot of oppression in this world and different levels of oppression. Despite their lack of status in Myanmar they're not being systematically killed like the Jews in World War II.

Scholars on the subject of genocide disagree with your unfounded opinion about the rohingya.


Since the middle of last year some real scary ethnic cleansing has been taking place. Unfortunately media cannot get into the area to report. Satellite images taken from several rohingya villages give a shocking birds eye view of what it it must be like on the ground.


I think this is the problem for many these days; we are so used to being force fed news and left in no doubt whatsoever what the media want us to believe that unless we have full colour video, graphic images of devastation on TV and perhaps a few Hollywood blockbusters on the subject it simply doesn't exist in the eyes of the masses. That and the regional powers that be have an interest in keeping it out of the media as it doesn't exactly reflect well on them.

Got to love a bit of compassion for your fellow man, we'll have to wait until some Hollywood starlet lands a role in the upcoming blockbuster "The Rohingya Diaries"... Rohingya orphans will be all the rage among the stars and there'll be a sudden influx of foreign aid... I wish, perhaps if they could actually lay claim to the land, the smell of natural reserves would do wonders in attracting sympathy from abroad as it has previously in the middle east.

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The Rohingyas are Refugees. They are a persecuted minority. They are considered to be the most persecuted group on earth.

Then go to an Islamic coiuntry...many countries in the middle east are awash with oil money.They would have no problem caring for them and there is plenty of work available. Simple eh? whistling.gif

Edited by Mudcrab
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Thailand should be ashamed of themselves!

"We took them food and water before pushing them towards a third country," said the official, who did not want to be named.

"them" should probably be "their"

I have never found a 'third' country between Thailand and Burma.... So, in reality, it should read:

"We took them their food and water before pushing them towards a third country their deaths," said the official, who did not want to be named.

Thailand must be so proud now sick.gif

Does this mean that Thailand now has all the very cheap labour it Needs ?

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Lets take a moment to look at this is perspective. The rohingya are in reality economic refugees. They do not have citizenship in Myanmar and cannot own land. Basically they're in the same situation as Falangs in Thailand.

Contrast what has happened in history. The Jews were systematically rounded up and sent to concentration camps for extermination by Nazi germany. The Bosnian Muslims were systematically executed and Muslim women raped by Serbians during the Yugoslav wars. In Rwanda, the Tutsis ethnicity was systematically exterminated by the Hutu tribe. Is what is happening to the rohingya he same thing? Are there mass executions and extermination camps of the rohingya in Myanmar? No. They're not escaping death, they're escaping poverty.

Do I like that the Thais are sending them back to sea? No but I don't see what else Thailand can do. There's already 130000 refugees in Thai camps. If Thailand takes them in then they have to care for these people. If Thailand toes the boats to either Malaysia or Myanmar the it causes friction between the countries (neither country will be happy about Thailand dumping all these people on their shores).

Lets take a cue from the us. Cuba is a communist country. Congress enacted a law that those people escaping from communist countries were entitled to political asylum. People from Cuba come in boats trying to reach the United States. When the us coast guard intercepts these boats what do they do? The us coast guard takes these people to Guantanamo bay to prevent them for reaching us shores and claiming political asylum. Thailand is really just doing what other countries are doing. It just doesn't have an offshore military base like Guantanamo bay.

you missed most of the news on the Rohyngia-Burmese conflict in the Rohyngias habitating area. The Burmese burnt down their houses, whole villages were set ablaze and several Ro's blatantly murdered. I would call this a " beginning of Genocide" , same as the 1938 burning of the Hebrew synagogues in Germany

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The Rohingyas are Refugees. They are a persecuted minority. They are considered to be the most persecuted group on earth.

Then go to an Islamic coiuntry...many countries in the middle east are awash with oil money.They would have no problem caring for them and there is plenty of work available. Simple eh? whistling.gif

you made an important point. The wealthy Islamic countries could actually do much more in humanitarian support to their fellow muslim brother and sisters worldwide. I am missing the support of countries like Saudi Arabia or Kuweit. The run organizations like the red halfmoon (red cross in the west) and are members in the UN. Surprisingly, the seem to be the most selfish, ego-oriented nations. It's a shame on all Arabs they have the oil and have the money and they don't give a d..n about a muslim in Burma. You should really point the finger at them at the UNO assembly.

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The Rohingyas are Refugees. They are a persecuted minority. They are considered to be the most persecuted group on earth.

Then go to an Islamic coiuntry...many countries in the middle east are awash with oil money.They would have no problem caring for them and there is plenty of work available. Simple eh? whistling.gif

you made an important point. The wealthy Islamic countries could actually do much more in humanitarian support to their fellow muslim brother and sisters worldwide. I am missing the support of countries like Saudi Arabia or Kuweit. The run organizations like the red halfmoon (red cross in the west) and are members in the UN. Surprisingly, the seem to be the most selfish, ego-oriented nations. It's a shame on all Arabs they have the oil and have the money and they don't give a d..n about a muslim in Burma. You should really point the finger at them at the UNO assembly.

Given the treatment at the hands of the majority Buddhist populations here and in Burma it seems they'd probably be better off taking their chances and heading West.. What route would you guys suggest they take? Remind me exactly which religions are intolerant of others?

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The Rohingyas are Refugees. They are a persecuted minority. They are considered to be the most persecuted group on earth.

Then go to an Islamic coiuntry...many countries in the middle east are awash with oil money.They would have no problem caring for them and there is plenty of work available. Simple eh? whistling.gif

you made an important point. The wealthy Islamic countries could actually do much more in humanitarian support to their fellow muslim brother and sisters worldwide. I am missing the support of countries like Saudi Arabia or Kuweit. The run organizations like the red halfmoon (red cross in the west) and are members in the UN. Surprisingly, the seem to be the most selfish, ego-oriented nations. It's a shame on all Arabs they have the oil and have the money and they don't give a d..n about a muslim in Burma. You should really point the finger at them at the UNO assembly.

Total crap. Muslim countries in the Middle East provide strong financial support to refugees in their area. The Palestinians receive money that replaces that which the Israelis withhold (steal).

In case you didn't notice they provided strong support for the approx 2m refugees from the war in Iraq. Today they are dealing with up to a million from the civil war in Syria.

The Rohingya are a local (i.e.SE Asian) problem and, if actually assisted minimally by Thailand, will be granted temporary shelter & then asylum or return in conjunction with the UN.

Instead of the arrogant suggestions from mainly ignorant Farangs, shouldn't the Rohingya be asked where they want to go, at least as a starter?

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Most of these "boat people" are only economic refugees looking for a free hand out and where can they get it? Gillard's Australia thats where. The Aussies go with less and less to pay the Billions of $ that go to these people. Thailand is doing what Australia should be doing. They wont stay in asia as there isn't any social security like Australia has. They bring all their problems with them and try to change the host country into the one they left. Cant anyone see their agenda?

Now call me a racist for expressing my opinion and you will prove a point

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The Rohingyas are Refugees. They are a persecuted minority. They are considered to be the most persecuted group on earth.

Then go to an Islamic coiuntry...many countries in the middle east are awash with oil money.They would have no problem caring for them and there is plenty of work available. Simple eh? whistling.gif

you made an important point. The wealthy Islamic countries could actually do much more in humanitarian support to their fellow muslim brother and sisters worldwide. I am missing the support of countries like Saudi Arabia or Kuweit. The run organizations like the red halfmoon (red cross in the west) and are members in the UN. Surprisingly, the seem to be the most selfish, ego-oriented nations. It's a shame on all Arabs they have the oil and have the money and they don't give a d..n about a muslim in Burma. You should really point the finger at them at the UNO assembly.

Total crap. Muslim countries in the Middle East provide strong financial support to refugees in their area. The Palestinians receive money that replaces that which the Israelis withhold (steal).

'Total crap. Muslim countries in the Middle East provide strong financial support to refugees in their area. The Palestinians receive money that replaces that which the Israelis withhold (steal).

Total crap indeed-the so called Palestinians are not refugees, but it is true Muslim countries in the middle east do provide vast funds (towards the destruction of Israel). Who cares about asking the Rohingya where they want to go, it's where they belong that counts and that is in an Islamic country, but which Islamic country are offering these scumbags a home?

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Thailand should be ashamed of themselves!

"We took them food and water before pushing them towards a third country," said the official, who did not want to be named.

"them" should probably be "their"

I have never found a 'third' country between Thailand and Burma.... So, in reality, it should read:

"We took them their food and water before pushing them towards a third country their deaths," said the official, who did not want to be named.

Thailand must be so proud now sick.gif

Maybe they should have escorted them to Australia......they are taking refugees by the thousands and forgetting thier own...another England in the making....hit-the-fan.gif

Just send them on to the UK, call me Dave will roll out the red carpet for them, nice house and plenty of benefits. Sorry mate but the Aussies have a long way to go to be as nice to refugees as we are.

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Most of these "boat people" are only economic refugees looking for a free hand out and where can they get it? Gillard's Australia thats where. The Aussies go with less and less to pay the Billions of $ that go to these people. Thailand is doing what Australia should be doing. They wont stay in asia as there isn't any social security like Australia has. They bring all their problems with them and try to change the host country into the one they left. Cant anyone see their agenda?

Now call me a racist for expressing my opinion and you will prove a point

You're right and thank you for the invitation.

Racist, ignorant and uncaring.

This is a humanitarian problem, on a relatively small scale and easily fixed if there were a will.

Sadly, looks like there isn't.

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Its a shame that Thailand is so self centered.

As a farang, I know what it feels like not being wanted in Thailand.

I hope the boat people find a better place to stay

Why thailand should host them? There is nothing common between them. In fact, these rohingyans follow a religion that orders to kill all non-muslims, no questions asked.

They belong to Bangladesh, where they come from. They should have fleed to Bangladesh, but they don't want to go back.

Thailand has no money to even put electricity in schools. It has all been stolen by the nouveau amart.

Like all Countries it can find the money for chosen political projects,so that's a lame excuse!

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We in Canada know what it is like to have a government that accepts these illegal refugees. They monitor coming to Canada on some tramp steamer and do nothing to stop them. Once they have landed they're given a place to stay, welfare, and then found a job and that means one less for a Canadian citizen. After a period of time they're given citizenship and then once they are comfy they start old country disputes with other former, now citizen, illegal immigrants.

WTG Thailand. Look after your country and your people first.

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Hope they can get to Malaysia. As long as it's clear they have a functioning boat I don't see the problem.

One problem I do see is when the Thai Navy sets them adrift with boats that have no motor power so they're at the mercy of the seas. That's incredibly inhumane and they have done it before.

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Most of these "boat people" are only economic refugees looking for a free hand out and where can they get it? Gillard's Australia thats where. The Aussies go with less and less to pay the Billions of $ that go to these people. Thailand is doing what Australia should be doing. They wont stay in asia as there isn't any social security like Australia has. They bring all their problems with them and try to change the host country into the one they left. Cant anyone see their agenda?

Now call me a racist for expressing my opinion and you will prove a point

You're right and thank you for the invitation.

Racist, ignorant and uncaring.

This is a humanitarian problem, on a relatively small scale and easily fixed if there were a will.

Sadly, looks like there isn't.

A problem easily fixed? By accepting refugees or asking Burma to stop the oppression? If it is so easy, why hasn't Yingluk had one word to say to the Burmese?

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Australia is not an Islamic country, so why should we accept these Musim so called refugees willy nilly? They throw away their passports and ID before being picked up. They also come through 2 Islam / Muslim countries before getting to Australia. Why can't they stay in Indonesia or Malaya where their religin is followed?

Looks like you know nothing about the Rohingya situation in Burma. They are stateless, so no passports, no citizenship papers. Indonesia and Malaysia are not accepting the Rohingya for settlement. Malaysia already has 500k plus illegal workers from Indonesia and holding a large number of refugees for processing and resettlement to third countries. Indonesia is not interested as the government is struggling with high levels of poverty, that's why the 500k illegal workers in Malaysia

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Let's be quite clear about one thing - this is a problem created by Myanmar. Why is nobody from the Thai government telling the Burmese to sort their own problems and stop pushing them onto their neighbours? Isn't this what ASEAN is for?

Perhaps there are more important considerations.

You are quite right about who created the problem but the Thai government won't act for a number of reasons.

This country needs Burmese workers to do the jobs that Thais are too lazy to do. There's Tavoy which Thai companies are falling over themselves to get a piece of the action. And ASEAN is toothless when it comes to human rights.

There was an article in the business section of the other paper a week or so ago about a Thai company (can't remember which one) looking for a few thousand Bangladeshi workers. Wouldn't the Rohingya fit the bill?

No they are too lazy and want to waste time praying 5 times a day to a non existent god

Your never ending bigotry is as dull as your thinking. Thailand will not accept stateless people as workers, so no chance for the Rohingya to obtain work in Thailand - perhaps as very low paid or basically slave labour

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We in Canada know what it is like to have a government that accepts these illegal refugees. They monitor coming to Canada on some tramp steamer and do nothing to stop them. Once they have landed they're given a place to stay, welfare, and then found a job and that means one less for a Canadian citizen. After a period of time they're given citizenship and then once they are comfy they start old country disputes with other former, now citizen, illegal immigrants.

WTG Thailand. Look after your country and your people first.

Well said...wai.gif

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Total crap indeed-the so called Palestinians are not refugees, but it is true Muslim countries in the middle east do provide vast funds (towards the destruction of Israel). Who cares about asking the Rohingya where they want to go, it's where they belong that counts and that is in an Islamic country, but which Islamic country are offering these scumbags a home?

And where do you belong? If you're not Buddhist shouldn't you be living in a country of your own religion instead of in Thailand? ;) Just asking. Edited by BirdsandBooze
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It does puzzle me, why muslim refugees tend to seek refuge in non muslim countries.

Their are huge refugee populations in Islamic countries where they tend to be held in camps for years whilst awaiting repatriation to their home countries or resettlement to third party countries by UNHCR. They have endured systematic repression by minority Islamic dictatorships, displacement due to civil war, invasion by foreign powers and so on. Not surprising they are seeking a more affluent or stable country to start a new life, I know I would. Example of refugee, externally displace populations in Islamic countries below:

Malaysia - 220k

Pakistan - 1.6 million

Iran - 860K

Turkey - 334k+

Jordan - 700k+

Edited by simple1
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Hope they can get to Malaysia. As long as it's clear they have a functioning boat I don't see the problem.

One problem I do see is when the Thai Navy sets them adrift with boats that have no motor power so they're at the mercy of the seas. That's incredibly inhumane and they have done it before.

No different that what Abhisit did in 2009. Had the Navy tow then to sea with no food, water or fuel and then had the Command resposible for the "towing" investigate the incident. I don't think that they will do any better in Malaysia. I once stayed at a hotel on the northeast coast of Malaysia where the bar was a refurbished boat that the Vietnamese had used in the early 1980's. The story was that the locals beat them to death when they landed..

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Let's be quite clear about one thing - this is a problem created by Myanmar. Why is nobody from the Thai government telling the Burmese to sort their own problems and stop pushing them onto their neighbours? Isn't this what ASEAN is for?

Perhaps there are more important considerations.

You are quite right about who created the problem but the Thai government won't act for a number of reasons.

This country needs Burmese workers to do the jobs that Thais are too lazy to do. There's Tavoy which Thai companies are falling over themselves to get a piece of the action. And ASEAN is toothless when it comes to human rights.

There was an article in the business section of the other paper a week or so ago about a Thai company (can't remember which one) looking for a few thousand Bangladeshi workers. Wouldn't the Rohingya fit the bill?

No they are too lazy and want to waste time praying 5 times a day to a non existent god

Your never ending bigotry is as dull as your thinking. Thailand will not accept stateless people as workers, so no chance for the Rohingya to obtain work in Thailand - perhaps as very low paid or basically slave labour

As an atheist their religion is of no concern to me, what does concern me is, who will pay for this and why should the west pick up the tab.

Western economies in tatters, out of control spiralling debts, record levels of unemployment, austerity programmes, reduced welfare spending, the west cant take care of its own.

This is primarilly an Asian problem, let ASEAN sort it out.

I only need to turn on my TV to see things such as, Remarkable Indonesia take a look at us now, or Malaysia truly Asia

As for these peoples employment chances, what skills are they bringing?

Lets be honest here, we are talking people with medieval skills and a medieval mindset, if these were doctors, nurses or whatever they would have been cherrypicked and whisked off to the destination of their choice.

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