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British Tv Documentary


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BettyTV is another group of Leftist-Feminists who are out to further diminish the reputations of western men as these groups have done so very well in the past few decades.

There is a real and deep seated anger & solemness among these groups in Farangland. They have learnt about the power of the media and how to use it to push their personal agendas. This documentary will be another example.

Unfortunately, as we know, most of the population believe what they see on TV, so no matter how biased or piss-taking this "documentary" is it will be viewed as fact.

Anyone subscribing to it will be disappointed with the outcome and become the laughing stock of friends and family. Beware.

Edited by dgoz
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looks like trash tv to me.

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Beware anyone who is enthusiastic - Betty always have an agenda and are not always very upfront about how they will present or slant their programme.

There is a fair chance of been made to look an ass and laughing stock in front of anyone who recognises you.


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Well, the programme of Russian "internet/mail order marriages" that might have been meant to include Thais as well was not actually that negatively slanted. It just presented reality for these couples I think. People could make up their own minds - the bouncer marrying a young Siberian girl was portrayed in a good light and their relationship seemed quite healthy and "normal". If the Tv programme wanted to be negative they could have been as the bouncer was clearly in his 40s and looked like a sort of serial womanizer, who was skint on top of that. The 20 year old virtually paid for all her travels and wedding expenses herself despite earning a pittance. She also seemed very naive and taken in by the "bouncer"'s charm, so maybe she was being taken advantage of? But the programme did not portray it like this.

The other two guys did not have such happy endings - but what could you expect. The Lancashire guy funding a Russian girl's education looked like Danny de Vito on crack and the American guy wanting to pick up a Russian bride is probably not going to get much luck if he keeps buying all his first dates mobile phones worth £100.

You can slant the programme for their choice of chararcters to portray but not really how they portrayed them. I also suspect that it might have been difficult to hoodwink more "normal" couples into participating as such folks normally realise that they will be portrayed alongside various freaks and misfits - a prospect most people with any sense will want to avoid.

Edited by Egon
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I love it when guys get ranting on about feminists.

Feminism is part of the changes that have created a different world for sure, but it is only part of the reasons the world has changed, not the only reason.

I guess some guys got left behind, missed out or just couldn't keep up. So they blame feminism, lefties and of course women.

Well Thailand's changing too... I guess there's always Cambodia.

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