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Little Boy Sniffing Glue And Other Problems In The Vacant Space

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frankly, i dont want to get involved.... there is a little boy in the large field on soi bukhaow (where the towers WERE to be built) that i see time to time sniffing glue. its only a certain time of day so if someone wants to call someone that can help, ill tell you when i see him (its only been about 3x).

im worried because i know some farang has most likely already molested him. when he seem me he tries to call me over - but one day i thai woman w/ baby in pram came upon him from another direction. he stopped sucking on the bag and hid. not good signs.

another issue: some real cruddy looking thai garbage pickers are sleeping under the large tree by sawasdee hotel. for most part they are not issue for me and i have soft spot for th epoor but some times they can cause problems (hassling me once for a smoke) but are generally very dirty and in ill health.

there is also a half crazy woman popping up there time to time by the shed where one young woman was raped. shed almost be attractive if she cleaned up, she be flirty but she got to be hiv+ otherwise she cant be that stupid to know she could toss a rag on and get 100b sitting in a bar.

so many problems since they took down the beer bars there - only to build others that have no business on the other side.

go figure


Its a very sad story. What can be done ?

To add to this, a friend of mine came back from Ankor and reported that after the sun goes down, there are heaps of kids sniffing glue. Its such a shame so much of the future of the world is lost for a quick thrill.

frankly, i dont want to get involved.... there is a little boy in the large field on soi bukhaow (where the towers WERE to be built) that i see time to time sniffing glue. its only a certain time of day so if someone wants to call someone that can help, ill tell you when i see him (its only been about 3x).

im worried because i know some farang has most likely already molested him. when he seem me he tries to call me over - but one day i thai woman w/ baby in pram came upon him from another direction. he stopped sucking on the bag and hid. not good signs.

another issue: some real cruddy looking thai garbage pickers are sleeping under the large tree by sawasdee hotel. for most part they are not issue for me and i have soft spot for th epoor but some times they can cause problems (hassling me once for a smoke) but are generally very dirty and in ill health.

there is also a half crazy woman popping up there time to time by the shed where one young woman was raped. shed almost be attractive if she cleaned up, she be flirty but she got to be hiv+ otherwise she cant be that stupid to know she could toss a rag on and get 100b sitting in a bar.

so many problems since they took down the beer bars there - only to build others that have no business on the other side.

go figure

Hi h51n1,

Maybe you could contact


Camillian Social Center

1/1 soi Kiri


Rayong 21150 Thailand

tel. 0066-38685480

fax 0066-38687480

email: [email protected]

Either phone or email see if they can offer the poor kid any help.

Or may be contact one of the Wats (Temples) see if they can help him out.

Good Luck and I hope it works out.


Wanphen :o


Why dont you go talk to the little dude? Maybe try help him

So many poor people around, the rich just ignore them most of the time - rich get richer, poor get poorer...

Maybe these people would be able to help:


Endure, that is an interesting website.

Do you, or anyone else have any idea how to get in touch locally with the people who run these projects (The Hauy-pong childtrens home, the Mercy project, the slum kids project etc). I have trawled through the web pages, and googled extensively but cannot come up with a local name, address or phone number. The only information provided is a Uk based bank account to send donations to and an email conact address, which I suspect is based in the UK. I have emailed them but not sure if I will get any information.

Any contact info would be appreciated.

Thanks :o

Guest endure

Maybe these people would be able to help:


Endure, that is an interesting website.

Do you, or anyone else have any idea how to get in touch locally with the people who run these projects (The Hauy-pong childtrens home, the Mercy project, the slum kids project etc). I have trawled through the web pages, and googled extensively but cannot come up with a local name, address or phone number. The only information provided is a Uk based bank account to send donations to and an email conact address, which I suspect is based in the UK. I have emailed them but not sure if I will get any information.

Sorry Mobi - The only info I have is the website. Let's hope the UK can give you the info.

Its such a shame so much of the future of the world is lost for a quick thrill.

Not a quick thrill.

I am told it dulls the hunger pains................................


yeah, so many kids in cambodia sniffing glue sure enuff

i totally empathize, dont want to go near him as im totally freaked out about being tagged as child molester sad huh? i also think the fmaily is near by in a squat and im then opening a can of worms. i saw really sad thing about this cool geramn chick working with teh poor in varanasi and how the dopey dad would not let the kids go to her orphanage even though they sleep rough.

if i see him again i will call teh # posted on a b2 min phone - like i said, so many farang have given us all bad names and our on govt is out there damaging our reps further with their propaganda written in local languages (thai/cambo) - time was in cambodia barang approached godhead status and it was such good fun to hang with the kids and give them sweets and balloons. thats country is such a mess now...

ok - peace dudes.

yeah, so many kids in cambodia sniffing glue sure enuff

i totally empathize, dont want to go near him as im totally freaked out about being tagged as child molester sad huh? i also think the fmaily is near by in a squat and im then opening a can of worms. i saw really sad thing about this cool geramn chick working with teh poor in varanasi and how the dopey dad would not let the kids go to her orphanage even though they sleep rough.

if i see him again i will call teh # posted on a b2 min phone - like i said, so many farang have given us all bad names and our on govt is out there damaging our reps further with their propaganda written in local languages (thai/cambo) - time was in cambodia barang approached godhead status and it was such good fun to hang with the kids and give them sweets and balloons. thats country is such a mess now...

ok - peace dudes.


I know you don't want to get involved, and I understand that - I would also be reluctant to make personal contact in the present climate of suspicion.

I have been given the phone numbers of a Dianne Doell of the Mercy Mission, who co-ordinates the help given to Pattaya Street kids, and channels the cash raised in the Uk for the Pattaya Street kids. They work in the Pattaya slums, and also run the childerens home. The numbers are: 038 422678 and 06 535 0455. Maybe you could tell her her, or whoever answers the phone, where and when you have seen this particular kid.

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