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Legal Challenge To Uk Spouse Visa Rules This Week!

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Quote -"The irony is that as a British person you are being treated less favourably than an EEA national who does not have to meet the threshold".

The bigger irony is, it's not just visa's this quote should be directed at. Try housing, benifits, hospitals ect ect. The UK helps non-brits first, illegal or not. The UK is the toilet of the world. Yes i am a Brit, so i can bash my own country.

Sorry for going slightly off topic. It's hard to talk about one thing when the country is so F_CKED.

Rant over.

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They don't alway come to a decision immediately for a number of reasons, it may be listed for a full hearing at a later date or they could have reserved judgement.

I'm sure that if there is a positive outcome all the usual suspects will publicise it.

The application could have been thrown out in which case it wouldn't really be newsworthy.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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@theoldgit... it is there... it has not disappeared... be it positive or negative it is newsworthy! This is a primary test case, of much value!

Forgive me for stating the obvious, it was a High Court case, could potentially take a few months before the judgement is publicised. A judgement of much significance that has applied most angles. My post was for UK residents in the legal sphere that could update me (without prejudice to their position) e.g. the case has concluded (all evidence has been heard), it is still ongoing etc.

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@ Jay Sata: I can't see Theresa May allowing the judges to mess up her immigration policy via cases like this.She has already stated there is new legislation in the pipeline so don't hold your breath.


Indeed! That is the new mythological spin! The reality is that this lady has been overrulled numerous times in a UK court!

So, at what point does justice kick in? Or are the Sheeple (BNP term) going to keep promoting unjust and racist policies? (Before those who do not know me step in... almost 15 years back I was debating the BNP)! And much before that I was alive and was aware of the previous BNP leader and how UKIP (which is recent) was formed. And before that my grand... escaped from racist Europe!

I have no time for racist neo-nazi UK.

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