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Ferang Female ######!


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Guys :o

I had the displeasure this evening of reading a rather worrying and extreme article about the 'plight' of ferang women in Thailand/Bangkok particularly, and what an utterly lonely existence they apparantly have! I copied a short extract:

"But for single Western caucasian women . . . .it's a different story. Accomplishments in the office are often overshadowed by solitary private lives, and even the most casual Saturday night date with a man is a distant memory. Many such women feel their chances of having relationships are negligible while they are in Asia.

"It certainly is difficult for a single Western career woman anywhere in Asia to have a fulfilling life," says David Bailey, a counsellor in Bangkok with Psychological Services International."

So - what's the deal? Should I indeed be fearing the grim and barron existence that apparantly awaites me throughout my forthcoming year in Bangkok? Or is this a little exaggerated?

Whilst I'm under no illusion about the appeal of Thai women to ferrang men is it REALLY as bad for ferrang women as it sounds?? Should I really revise my desire to live there! :D

Please advise lol



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Hi impy

Welcome :o Life here is what you make it - just like everywhere else.

Guess it also depends what you want to get out of your experience here - if you're after romance well there are plenty of good looking thai blokes around :D.

Everyone's experiences are different and you'll hear plenty of varying stories - don't let them cloud your judgement and just keep a positive outlook. All the best :D

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Agreed Nat, every woman's experience here is unique, simply because there are so few of us. I don't live in a city so I couldn't tell you about the social life there but I imagine if you avoid the girlie bar hangouts you will find plenty of normal men and women to socialize with, either Thai or farang. I think your life is what you make it and if some people choose to be miserable hiding in their apartments that is their choice. I have several female friends living in Bangkok and none of them complain of loneliness or isolation.

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I had a girl friend who lived in Thailand (she also died in Thailand) and with an average of 3 Thai boyfriends a month, she had her kicks before the shit went down (OD).

There was only one problem: according to her, Thai men make love like rabbits. And she didn't mean as often as rabbits...

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I am sorry for her and I hope that wherever she is now, she will pardon me for revealing her secret recipe with Thai boyfriends. It should help other farang ladies,...

There was only one problem: according to her, Thai men make love like rabbits. And she didn't mean as often as rabbits...

The solution: three Thai boyfriends a month: one after another, once a month,...

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Guest IT Manager

My wife doesn't feel lonely most of the time I think. Would love to have her here to laugh at my male part wondering how to say life is like a chocolate milk. Add as much sugar as you want to add, but remember that the only thing that doesn't change is the taste of the chocolate.

The sweetness is the part you are responsible for.

God I miss her.

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My wife doesn't feel lonely most of the time I think. Would love to have her here to laugh at my male part wondering how to say life is like a chocolate milk. Add as much sugar as you want to add, but remember that the only thing that doesn't change is the taste of the chocolate.

The sweetness is the part you are responsible for.

God I miss her.

IT, maybe I missed something but are you sure you posted your comment in the right thread? :o

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I had a girl friend who lived in Thailand (she also died in Thailand) and with an average of 3 Thai boyfriends a month, she had her kicks before the shit went down (OD).

OMG ajan - sorry to hear that man! Not good!

I shall stick to ferang men I think - & if there's none . . .there's none!! lol :o

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It's amazing, some girl said her thai b/f was a crapo shag & then the whole male population is crap in bed, well, guess what, I had a crap shag with an Englsih, Australian & south African bloke. (Not at the same time though :o )

Impy, not all Thai guys are crap, in bed, as people, whatever, some of the farang guys around are ok too :D . Just have fun & be safe, use good judgement, on all people you meet, not just guys & not just thais. :D:D

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Lets see, the population of Thailand is roughly 65 million. Lets say 30 million are men, and of those 15 million are 'doable'.If this girl even shagged 1% of that can she say she has shagged a representation of thai men? Amazing if true. Lets face it, good lovers are not based on nationality but personality. Unless of course, this person is saying that all Thai men are exactly the same. That would really make it "Amazing Thailand" :o

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:D The more I read the more I'm looking forward to experiencing this 1st hand :D

Last time I was in Thailand, one of my girlfriends started dating a Thai guy [i was with my 'ex' at the time! :o ha!] . . .she certainly had no shag compaints - only that he was seeing 2 other girls at the same time!! Guess there's bad apples in every cart - and a crap shag's a crap shag - whoeva its with!!

Anyway . . .gotta say I'm not on the prowl - was just alarmed by the anti-farang men stuff that I was reading - and couldn't possibly tar every farang guy with the same brush!! Glad to hear that its not necessarily like that!

Way ta go Boo :D

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Guest IT Manager
My wife doesn't feel lonely most of the time I think. Would love to have her here to laugh at my male part wondering how to say life is like a chocolate milk. Add as much sugar as you want to add, but remember that the only thing that doesn't change is the taste of the chocolate.

The sweetness is the part you are responsible for.

God I miss her.

IT, maybe I missed something but are you sure you posted your comment in the right thread? :o

Hi Bluecat

Yes right region.

We all, male and female, have a lot of choices to make. Many of the choices are about how we live, how we interact, who we interact with.

A person makes a decision about coming to Thailand, or anywhere else and investigates and decides "yes this is what I want".

We then, and it isn't specific to Foreign women in Thailand, it's any person who travels the expatriate road, move into a new culture where we may or may not already know someone, and start over.

My wife and I met in Thailand, married in Thailand and have a life in Thailand, in spite of the fact that she has spent a fair bit of time finalising her University issues. We socialise with VERY few people. Those we do are mostly Thai. For my part I don't miss the foreigners, and while I will defer to her for a view, I suspect she is even better at not missing them, than I am.

When anyone moves, they move with expectation, whether work related, socially related or educationally, or for that matter anything else. All expectations are based on either "this is what I have researched and found out about my new home" or "this is what I hope to find".

If the latter, and if the thing/situation/whatever you expect can't be located, are you then a "loser" or do you begin to re-assess your "needs and expectations" against what IS available, or do you curl up and cry about it, saying this country is all wrong?

The country is the chocolate. It is all the same taste. You add the things to it, that sweeten it to suit you. For us the sweeteners will be one thing, for you will likely be something else but at our ages, we have found the best part of each of our lives, was that the other was in it with us.

Loneliness.. sometimes if she isn't here. Alone-ness, not ever. Not since I met her, married her and became her partner. The kids keep my head focused on the needs of the day. She keeps my head focused on the needs of the life.

What you get out of Thailand, will be the chocolate, plus whatever you add to make it taste right for you...

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Hi Bluecat

Yes right region.

We all, male and female, have a lot of choices to make. Many of the choices are about how we live, how we interact, who we interact with.

A person makes a decision about coming to Thailand, or anywhere else and investigates and decides "yes this is what I want".

We then, and it isn't specific to Foreign women in Thailand, it's any person who travels the expatriate road, move into a new culture where we may or may not already know someone, and start over.

My wife and I met in Thailand, married in Thailand and have a life in Thailand, in spite of the fact that she has spent a fair bit of time finalising her University issues. We socialise with VERY few people. Those we do are mostly Thai. For my part I don't miss the foreigners, and while I will defer to her for a view, I suspect she is even better at not missing them, than I am.

When anyone moves, they move with expectation, whether work related, socially related or educationally, or for that matter anything else. All expectations are based on either "this is what I have researched and found out about my new home" or "this is what I hope to find".

If the latter, and if the thing/situation/whatever you expect can't be located, are you then a "loser" or do you begin to re-assess your "needs and expectations" against what IS available, or do you curl up and cry about it, saying this country is all wrong?

The country is the chocolate. It is all the same taste. You add the things to it, that sweeten it to suit you. For us the sweeteners will be one thing, for you will likely be something else but at our ages, we have found the best part of each of our lives, was that the other was in it with us.

Loneliness.. sometimes if she isn't here. Alone-ness, not ever. Not since I met her, married her and became her partner. The kids keep my head focused on the needs of the day. She keeps my head focused on the needs of the life.

What you get out of Thailand, will be the chocolate, plus whatever you add to make it taste right for you...


Sometimes my brain shifts to slow motion without me noticing (must have read your posting after one from DaveYo :o ) and I need a more detailed explanation.

Thanks for it.

By the way, I also love chocolate,... :D

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Loneliness.. sometimes if she isn't here. Alone-ness, not ever. Not since I met her, married her and became her partner. The kids keep my head focused on the needs of the day. She keeps my head focused on the needs of the life.

What you get out of Thailand, will be the chocolate, plus whatever you add to make it taste right for you...


That's beautiful man . . . .respect :o

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I had a crap shag with an Englsih, Australian & south African bloke. (Not at the same time though :o )

What a coincidence...so have I!! :D

The stats are rising :D

Jeez, no wonder there are so many of them here,...

When the lights are off, Thai girls take them for their Thai boyfriend,...

Talk about integrating the local culture, may I say blending in with the locals,...

My hat off to you, guys, you're the best :D

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I had a crap shag with an Englsih, Australian & south African bloke. (Not at the same time though :D )

Lol . . . .MMmmmmmm - haven't tried a South African yet Nat!! :D

To be honest neither have I :D just wanted to make a point :D .

I'm hopeless, can't lie to save myself. Guess I'd make a terrible politician - my conscience would always win :o

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To be honest neither have I!!

I'm hopeless, can't lie to save myself. Guess I'd make a terrible politician - my conscience would always win  :o


You've shattered my illusions!! lol :D

"illusions" is actually an apt term :D - the reality is closer to bridget jones...that can cook :D:D

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