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Yingluck: 2013 Will Be The Year Of Thailand


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Unquestionably, Malaysia has easily outpaced Thailand in progress over the past 40 years. From being below Thailand then to being at a higher level of progress than Thailand today.

Some would also include considering where Vietnam is today as compared to 40 years ago as also making more dramatic progress than Thailand. While it may not equal Thailand's overall level today, the advancement it has made has been to a bigger degree.

Vietnam and Malaysia would love to trade places with Thailand.

Is that what their respective leaders said in their phone conversations with you?


If you disagree with what I said try expressing that and not attacking me personally.

Sorry, without you expressing how you came to your preposterous conclusion, one is left only to surmise on their own how that absurdity was achieved.

Why on Earth would Malaysia ever "love to change places with" Thailand's per capita GDP of $8,646 from its own $16,051?



Edited by Buchholz
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CMK so only 1 % is unemployed,??? so we ask all the people who are NOT working why are you not unemployed, they said-whats that-we are freestyle, 2 hours to Rayong from Pattaya ?? samlor ??? If you want to count Amata City-Rayong as being typical Thai your way out. My thinking is that here in Thailand the out of work folk must be 15%. do we forget all the rural ladies at home, all the persons that are NOT monitored, all those that do not pay tax, all those that do not sign on in the JOBLESS CENTRES??? I have given good reasons --the figures DO NOT include those that DO nothing at all all day.

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[...] All the banks and all the economic experts think Thailand's unemployment rate is below 1%. [...]

They also thought that Greece was fit to join the Euro zone, and that investing in real estate in Spain was a smart idea - until reality struck.

So what do you think the unemployment rate in Thailand is and why? Or do you think the worlds economy does not know?

I "think" that when bankers and economic experts "think" they are just making a wild guess - as they have proven time and again.

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Hope she can pull it off.

I would rather see Thailand prosper,than fail.

Of course and it's the only sane attitude.

Sadly it is in sharp contrast with the hardcore ( heavy posting ) miseries on here who gleefully seek out bad news, contradictions and negativity.

How they must hate their lives or prospects here in Thailand.

Some are comical with their doom laden pronouncements...............

Suppose that we ALL want This land to prosper, SURE, but that does not mean that if something is amiss, we should not speak out about it---why do you class everyone that does this as being negative ?? please remember feedback IS important to THRIVE The unemployed here MUST be more than !%..... So now I'm just going over the road to some people that hardly work (but happy) vast amounts of persons in this land are scraping for a living, are not even counted. My point being is not doom and gloom but reality. I am not laughing about Thailand ,
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Vietnam and Malaysia would love to trade places with Thailand.

Is that what their respective leaders said in their phone conversations with you?


If you disagree with what I said try expressing that and not attacking me personally.

Sorry, without you expressing how you came to your preposterous conclusion, one is left only to surmise on their own how that absurdity was achieved.

Why on Earth would Malaysia ever "love to change places with" Thailand's per capita GDP of $8,646 from its own $16,051?


Malasya. GDP (purchasing power parity)

$447 billion (2011 est.)

$424.8 billion (2010 est.)

$396.4 billion (2009 est.)

note: data are in 2011 US dollars

Unemployment rate

3.1% (2011 est.)

3.4% (2010 est.)

Public debt

53.5% of GDP (2011 est.)

53.1% of GDP (2010 est.)

industrial production growth rate

1.4% (2011 est.)

Reserves of foreign exchange and gold

$129.6 billion (31 December 2011 est.)

$106.9 billion (31 December 2010 est.)


GDP (purchasing power parity)

$601.4 billion (2011 est.)

$600.8 billion (2010 est.)

$557.4 billion (2009 est.)

note: data are in 2011 US dollars

Unemployment rate

0.7% (2011 est.)

0.5% (2010 est.)

Public debt

40.5% of GDP (2011 est.)

42.4% of GDP (2010 est.)

Reserves of foreign exchange and gold

$175.1 billion (31 December 2011 est.)

$172.1 billion (31 December 2010 est.)


Edited by chiangmaikelly
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[...] All the banks and all the economic experts think Thailand's unemployment rate is below 1%. [...]

They also thought that Greece was fit to join the Euro zone, and that investing in real estate in Spain was a smart idea - until reality struck.

So what do you think the unemployment rate in Thailand is and why? Or do you think the worlds economy does not know?

I "think" that when bankers and economic experts "think" they are just making a wild guess - as they have proven time and again.

Do you put your money in the bank? Do you get interest from savings? Do you deal with banks at all? So you must have confidence in banks. The exchange rate is partially determined by unemployment statistics. Don't be silly. To say bankers are making a wild guess is to go back to living in caves. If you choose not to live in the modern world up to you but no one with even a minimum of education and/or experience will agree with you.

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CMK so only 1 % is unemployed,??? so we ask all the people who are NOT working why are you not unemployed, they said-whats that-we are freestyle, 2 hours to Rayong from Pattaya ?? samlor ??? If you want to count Amata City-Rayong as being typical Thai your way out. My thinking is that here in Thailand the out of work folk must be 15%. do we forget all the rural ladies at home, all the persons that are NOT monitored, all those that do not pay tax, all those that do not sign on in the JOBLESS CENTRES??? I have given good reasons --the figures DO NOT include those that DO nothing at all all day.

Buses #44 and #57 from Pattaya to Rayong take between 2 and 3 hours. Song Tau, at least 3 hours. Van 1 to 1 and a half hours. There are 116 factories in Amata city Rayong with thousands of people employed there. Typical Thai? Yes of course. Industry is 35% of the Thai economy farming only 13%. If you want to disagree that unemployment in Thailand is less than 1% you disagree with http://www.theodora....nd_economy.html


As of 13 June 2012 Thailand's Economic Fact Sheet


If you are better informed than all the above, good for you. I however think you are not informed at all. Sorry the world agrees with me.

All the grade school dropouts in the world can say all the bankers and economists in the world are wrong but it is hardly newsworthy.

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CMK so only 1 % is unemployed,??? so we ask all the people who are NOT working why are you not unemployed, they said-whats that-we are freestyle, 2 hours to Rayong from Pattaya ?? samlor ??? If you want to count Amata City-Rayong as being typical Thai your way out. My thinking is that here in Thailand the out of work folk must be 15%. do we forget all the rural ladies at home, all the persons that are NOT monitored, all those that do not pay tax, all those that do not sign on in the JOBLESS CENTRES??? I have given good reasons --the figures DO NOT include those that DO nothing at all all day.

The unemployment rate is calculated the same as any country! ( When people are without work and actively seeking work ) Same as other countries!House wives " home stay individuals " Dissabled,The aged and retired etc are not included same any country. So same as any country those doing casual, part time work are not counted as being unemployed. So your figure of 15% comes from where ?

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CMK so only 1 % is unemployed,??? so we ask all the people who are NOT working why are you not unemployed, they said-whats that-we are freestyle, 2 hours to Rayong from Pattaya ?? samlor ??? If you want to count Amata City-Rayong as being typical Thai your way out. My thinking is that here in Thailand the out of work folk must be 15%. do we forget all the rural ladies at home, all the persons that are NOT monitored, all those that do not pay tax, all those that do not sign on in the JOBLESS CENTRES??? I have given good reasons --the figures DO NOT include those that DO nothing at all all day.

The unemployment rate is calculated the same as any country! ( When people are without work and actively seeking work ) Same as other countries!House wives " home stay individuals " Dissabled,The aged and retired etc are not included same any country. So same as any country those doing casual, part time work are not counted as being unemployed. So your figure of 15% comes from where ?

And as there is no "dole" available, you either work, bludge on family, steal or starve. As criminals are recoginised as having a job, in the long term view, there is zero unemployment.

However, should the Thai government offer a basic income support of say B4000 for the unemployed, do you really think there would be very few ready to sign on to receive it?

There are many businesses in Thailand crying for employees. Hundreds of thousands of workers are imported from other countries both illegally and legally. If Thailand had anyone left willing to work they would have a job. I realize from your other posts that you have a low opinion of Thai people but really anyone who wants a job has one. Go to Detroit and see if you can say the same thing. Detroit is the Detroit of Detroit and there is 20% unemployment. Rayong is the Detroit of Asia and there is 0% unemployment. So you know a few lazy folks who drink your beer. So? 2013 is going to be better than 2012. I don't know why this would upset you? Why would it upset you?

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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CMK so only 1 % is unemployed,??? so we ask all the people who are NOT working why are you not unemployed, they said-whats that-we are freestyle, 2 hours to Rayong from Pattaya ?? samlor ??? If you want to count Amata City-Rayong as being typical Thai your way out. My thinking is that here in Thailand the out of work folk must be 15%. do we forget all the rural ladies at home, all the persons that are NOT monitored, all those that do not pay tax, all those that do not sign on in the JOBLESS CENTRES??? I have given good reasons --the figures DO NOT include those that DO nothing at all all day.

The unemployment rate is calculated the same as any country! ( When people are without work and actively seeking work ) Same as other countries!House wives " home stay individuals " Dissabled,The aged and retired etc are not included same any country. So same as any country those doing casual, part time work are not counted as being unemployed. So your figure of 15% comes from where ?

And as there is no "dole" available, you either work, bludge on family, steal or starve. As criminals are recoginised as having a job, in the long term view, there is zero unemployment.

However, should the Thai government offer a basic income support of say B4000 for the unemployed, do you really think there would be very few ready to sign on to receive it?

"social assistance for the poor including the unemployed has long existed in Thailand, contributory unemployment benefit was introduced as recently as 2004. As in most of countries with unemployment insurance, only private sector employees under SSF can get the unemployment benefit in return for tripartite contributions which comprise 0.5 from employer, 0.5 from employee and 0.25 per cent of wage base from government"


But in order to survive in Thailand one has to have an income of some sort, Yes some do sponge off their families and others just cheat their way through life same as any other country but the majority are mostly hard working ( hard working as in what suits their life style ).

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So all you experts out there tell me just how unemployment is calculated in Thailand?

Where I come from it depends on those registered as unemployed, anyone who wanted to grow their own garden (canabis etc) and catch a fish to eat, a few possums to sell the skins and other non tax payers did not appear in the numbers.

Me I always said I was self unemployed as I had my own small business of one sort or another.

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So all you experts out there tell me just how unemployment is calculated in Thailand?

Where I come from it depends on those registered as unemployed, anyone who wanted to grow their own garden (canabis etc) and catch a fish to eat, a few possums to sell the skins and other non tax payers did not appear in the numbers.

Me I always said I was self unemployed as I had my own small business of one sort or another.

Well, 50% of the workforce is in agriculture. If half of them are farmers, and as far as i know, on average, ageing quickly, it is a case that that farmer is basically feeing himself and little more.

Employed yes, capable of doing much more? Not really. So, the economy is going to have to grow a hell of a lot of manufacturing and service jobs to provide for the next generation, because they aren't going to be interested in being farmers.

Or will the next generation become taxi drivers andbrikkies. Employed yes, very productive and valuable? If having 10mn subsistence farmers means an unemployment rate of 1% is this a success?

but industry is crying out for people. Suggests to me that the population is grossly under educated to meet industrys requirements....

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A happy, prosperous 2013 for Thailand:

- with more corruption, and under the table business

- more sh****tloading on other provinces during the flood season to protect sinking Bangkok

- more incentive trips for government officials, from the tax payers' money,

- more crap load rules and increasing hours in "educational institutes" and more and more and more complicated rules for pre-pre-pre exams to get into more and more entrances exam, to widen the gap between rich and poor students; high education is FACE, not KNOWLEDGE

- give children at a young age tablets that encourage laziness and attention deficit disorder

- stock more rice thanever and eventually use the airports to cargo store it

- more incentives for political criminals or high status people to get away with murder and other related crimes

Yingluck "Proxyn" Shinawatra: Dear people of Thailand, this is my vision of a Happy Thailand 2013, and in the mean time, I'm off for diplomatic trips to avoid the consequences of our past election campaigns. If you have any problems, I let the ministers handle it, bye..."whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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Or will the next generation become taxi drivers andbrikkies. Employed yes, very productive and valuable? If having 10mn subsistence farmers means an unemployment rate of 1% is this a success?

but industry is crying out for people. Suggests to me that the population is grossly under educated to meet industrys requirements....

Wow, someone who can take a positive (a country with full employment) and can spin a negative thought from it must surely have a heavy heart.

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A happy, prosperous 2013 for Thailand:

- with more corruption, and under the table business

- more sh****tloading on other provinces during the flood season to protect sinking Bangkok

- more incentive trips for government officials, from the tax payers' money,

- more crap load rules and increasing hours in "educational institutes" and more and more and more complicated rules for pre-pre-pre exams to get into more and more entrances exam, to widen the gap between rich and poor students; high education is FACE, not KNOWLEDGE

- give children at a young age tablets that encourage laziness and attention deficit disorder

- stock more rice thanever and eventually use the airports to cargo store it

- more incentives for political criminals or high status people to get away with murder and other related crimes

Yingluck "Proxyn" Shinawatra: Dear people of Thailand, this is my vision of a Happy Thailand 2013, and in the mean time, I'm off for diplomatic trips to avoid the consequences of our past election campaigns. If you have any problems, I let the ministers handle it, bye..."whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

You've stated the problems as you see them ( Indirect proof of statement ) As you see it what is the answer ? Not just blow steam at the government! you have said they have done wrong so more info please

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CMK so only 1 % is unemployed,??? so we ask all the people who are NOT working why are you not unemployed, they said-whats that-we are freestyle, 2 hours to Rayong from Pattaya ?? samlor ??? If you want to count Amata City-Rayong as being typical Thai your way out. My thinking is that here in Thailand the out of work folk must be 15%. do we forget all the rural ladies at home, all the persons that are NOT monitored, all those that do not pay tax, all those that do not sign on in the JOBLESS CENTRES??? I have given good reasons --the figures DO NOT include those that DO nothing at all all day.

The unemployment rate is calculated the same as any country! ( When people are without work and actively seeking work ) Same as other countries!House wives " home stay individuals " Dissabled,The aged and retired etc are not included same any country. So same as any country those doing casual, part time work are not counted as being unemployed. So your figure of 15% comes from where ?

And as there is no "dole" available, you either work, bludge on family, steal or starve. As criminals are recoginised as having a job, in the long term view, there is zero unemployment.

However, should the Thai government offer a basic income support of say B4000 for the unemployed, do you really think there would be very few ready to sign on to receive it?

There are many businesses in Thailand crying for employees. Hundreds of thousands of workers are imported from other countries both illegally and legally. If Thailand had anyone left willing to work they would have a job. I realize from your other posts that you have a low opinion of Thai people but really anyone who wants a job has one. Go to Detroit and see if you can say the same thing. Detroit is the Detroit of Detroit and there is 20% unemployment. Rayong is the Detroit of Asia and there is 0% unemployment. So you know a few lazy folks who drink your beer. So? 2013 is going to be better than 2012. I don't know why this would upset you? Why would it upset you?

CMK your unbelievable with your figures and obsession related Rayong and it's workers. Because persons are NOT counted, and who wants to work-- works. Others that do not want to work just don't, they go where to report they are not working ????? so we are all guessing about the %. I admit I am because I dont know. Likewise the stats you gave out where are they monitored?? in every village and town. NO. so you accept them with my warm wishes. To add you said this year will be a better year than 2012. Ha Ha Ha it has to be hasn;t it. what a statement your so funny. I am looking forward to a good year, but now looking at what the P.M. is borrowing, I have my doubts
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lol,@ CMK, Thailands economy is dependant on foriegn companies, foriegn investment and foriegn tourists, the only area that Thai are totally independant in is argiculture, mainly rice and look what a bang up job they are doing there.

Rice is less than 10% of the Thai economy. For the rest I am not teaching econ 101 any more for free.biggrin.png

What has that to do with my post? Are you saying foreigners are responsible for 90% of Thailand's economy?

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This week seemed to bring out the lack of substance in getting anything worth while done so the PM is following the lead set by a couple of her DPM. They have expressed their wishes, without any planning with others who have a say and affect the how, it is to be accomplished.

Santa Clause, tooth fairy, easter rabbit, good luck charms, etc are not going to be the answer to their wishes. Father time is still marching, along, that is the reality which seems beyond these people level of comprehension

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70% of Thailand is not employed in agriculture

GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 13.3%

industry: 34%

services: 52.7% (2011 est.)

Take a ride two hours South from Pattaya to Rayong and see the real Thailand.

<deleted>, Whats does percentage of GDP have to with dodgy unemployment figures? As a self professed economics guru you dont seem to know much.

48.5% of the Thai labour force is employed in the agricultural sector.

On top of the 1.4% unemployment rate you should add that 20% of all eligible males and 35% of all eligible females do not participate in the Thai work force.

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70% of Thailand is not employed in agriculture

GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 13.3%

industry: 34%

services: 52.7% (2011 est.)

Take a ride two hours South from Pattaya to Rayong and see the real Thailand.

<deleted>, Whats does percentage of GDP have to with dodgy unemployment figures? As a self professed economics guru you dont seem to know much.

48.5% of the Thai labour force is employed in the agricultural sector.

On top of the 1.4% unemployment rate you should add that 20% of all eligible males and 35% of all eligible females do not participate in the Thai work force.

1. Please quote where I professed to be an economics guru or take it back. 2. I wrote, "70% of Thailand is not employed in agriculture and that is correct. 3. I think I posted somewhere that around 40% of the Thai work force is employed in agriculture. It is going down and I would not be surprised 2013 it is below 40%.

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lol,@ CMK, Thailands economy is dependant on foriegn companies, foriegn investment and foriegn tourists, the only area that Thai are totally independant in is argiculture, mainly rice and look what a bang up job they are doing there.

Rice is less than 10% of the Thai economy. For the rest I am not teaching econ 101 any more for free.biggrin.png

What has that to do with my post? Are you saying foreigners are responsible for 90% of Thailand's economy?

Thais are not totally independent in anything (unless you think petrochemicals are completely produced in Thailand). Nor is anyone else. But since rice is only 10% of the economy it is not really a big deal. Like I said, "I am not teaching econ 101 for free here." That is the end of the lessons.

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70% of Thailand is not employed in agriculture

GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 13.3%

industry: 34%

services: 52.7% (2011 est.)

Take a ride two hours South from Pattaya to Rayong and see the real Thailand.

<deleted>, Whats does percentage of GDP have to with dodgy unemployment figures? As a self professed economics guru you dont seem to know much.

48.5% of the Thai labour force is employed in the agricultural sector.

On top of the 1.4% unemployment rate you should add that 20% of all eligible males and 35% of all eligible females do not participate in the Thai work force.

1. Please quote where I professed to be an economics guru or take it back. 2. I wrote, "70% of Thailand is not employed in agriculture and that is correct. 3. I think I posted somewhere that around 40% of the Thai work force is employed in agriculture. It is going down and I would not be surprised 2013 it is below 40%.

Why don't we just wrap up the figures for today- You should know if you stay in thailand in different counties that the figures are unknown apart from some drummed up, from folks who have to give out stats. Like your 2 and a half hours to Rayong from Pattaya ....go out and have a beer stop trying to convince posters on these stats. TO add these figures were for 2012---if so 99% were in work during the floods????? most of them were filling sand bags were they?? Edited by ginjag
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The unemployment rate is calculated the same as any country! ( When people are without work and actively seeking work ) Same as other countries!House wives " home stay individuals " Dissabled,The aged and retired etc are not included same any country. So same as any country those doing casual, part time work are not counted as being unemployed. So your figure of 15% comes from where ?

And as there is no "dole" available, you either work, bludge on family, steal or starve. As criminals are recoginised as having a job, in the long term view, there is zero unemployment.

However, should the Thai government offer a basic income support of say B4000 for the unemployed, do you really think there would be very few ready to sign on to receive it?

There are many businesses in Thailand crying for employees. Hundreds of thousands of workers are imported from other countries both illegally and legally. If Thailand had anyone left willing to work they would have a job. I realize from your other posts that you have a low opinion of Thai people but really anyone who wants a job has one. Go to Detroit and see if you can say the same thing. Detroit is the Detroit of Detroit and there is 20% unemployment. Rayong is the Detroit of Asia and there is 0% unemployment. So you know a few lazy folks who drink your beer. So? 2013 is going to be better than 2012. I don't know why this would upset you? Why would it upset you?

CMK your unbelievable with your figures and obsession related Rayong and it's workers. Because persons are NOT counted, and who wants to work-- works. Others that do not want to work just don't, they go where to report they are not working ????? so we are all guessing about the %. I admit I am because I dont know. Likewise the stats you gave out where are they monitored?? in every village and town. NO. so you accept them with my warm wishes. To add you said this year will be a better year than 2012. Ha Ha Ha it has to be hasn;t it. what a statement your so funny. I am looking forward to a good year, but now looking at what the P.M. is borrowing, I have my doubts

You wrote, “CMK your unbelievable with your figures and obsession related Rayong and it's workers.” 1. Please explain what is unbelievable and what you mean by obsessed? 2. What figures are you talking about?

You wrote, “you said this year will be a better year than 2012. Ha Ha Ha it has to be hasn;t it. what a statement your so funny.” 3. I said 2013 would be better than 2012 why do you find that funny?

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lol,@ CMK, Thailands economy is dependant on foriegn companies, foriegn investment and foriegn tourists, the only area that Thai are totally independant in is argiculture, mainly rice and look what a bang up job they are doing there.

Rice is less than 10% of the Thai economy. For the rest I am not teaching econ 101 any more for free.biggrin.png

What has that to do with my post? Are you saying foreigners are responsible for 90% of Thailand's economy?

Thais are not totally independent in anything (unless you think petrochemicals are completely produced in Thailand). Nor is anyone else. But since rice is only 10% of the economy it is not really a big deal. Like I said, "I am not teaching econ 101 for free here." That is the end of the lessons.

You must be a guru if you think you are a teacher of economics. Rice maybe only 10% of the Thai economy but it employs 40% of the workforce.

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