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Drink Water That Is Brought Around


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i recently bought a TDS water tester and checked a range of water bottles... delivered stuff was on par with shop water with really low readings so must be RO.... Nestle bottled water came in highest which i assume is a good thing as this is down to a high mineral content as opposed to impurities ...

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i recently bought a TDS water tester and checked a range of water bottles... delivered stuff was on par with shop water with really low readings so must be RO.... Nestle bottled water came in highest which i assume is a good thing as this is down to a high mineral content as opposed to impurities ...

what was the TDS reading on the delivered water?

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There are at least two kinds of water delivered in the large 19 liter plastic carboys -- one in the translucent white jugs and the other in the blueish/green clear jugs. The water in the blue/green jugs is more expensive -- more than double the price of the water in the white jugs -- but I have been told that it is of much better quality/purity. People complain that the water in the white carboys contains visible particles/impurities and develops a noticeable odor after a few days. We buy only water in the blue/green bottles, which is delivered weekly, so I have never compared the two. I have heard that the same issue/price differential exists for the ice sold at 7/11.

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We used to buy water in carboys for my wife's restaurant for cutomers who didn't want to pay for bottled water. I was never confident about the quality. Now we have a filter connected to the town mains water and the taste at least is much better.

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Where did you buy the TDS water tester, and how much did it cost? I just use the water in the white bottles, (there seems to be many companies that sell water in white bottles). I pay only 15 Baht, and have had no problems with it. I also have "heard" stories about bottled water, but I think they are mostly JUST stories. If there is something in the water, there is a good chance, that when poring the water into a glass or container, some dust falls off the top of the bottle.

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Just tested again..... "river fresh " delivered water is 8 ppm , Big c is 6 and tap is 80 ...from what i can remember the Nestle water was the only one that stood out with a really high reading of something like 160 ppm ... all other brands were really low

you can pick up a meter for a about $10 on ebay from China, just to a search for 'TDS water tester'


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got some more water from the shops smile.png

Nestle is 176 ppm

Purra (Singha natural mineral water) 260 ppm .. (it lists potassium,sodium, bicarbonate, iodine, calcium, magnesium, flouride, sulfate on the label)

Water from machine at side of the street 6 ppm

So i suppose the conclusion is Neslte & Purra is the healthiest as they contain minerals (probably taste better as well ?) with most of the other brands being RO processed with really low PPM content and the delivered / street stuff also very clean.

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