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Samui Tourist Nationality Changing At A Rapid Rate

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I leave since 2/3 years in Chaweng, I have never ever seen so many people.

Being at the night market, beach, restaurants, solo, ....

And in these people, most russians, yes.

I don't like when it is soooo crownded, but I guess it is temporary. Good for merchants/shops...!

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As this is the "KOH SAMUI FORUM" we are talking about Koh Samui not Phuket.

If the western world is bankrupt, and that's the reason people aren't coming to Samui, then it would apply to Phuket as well. It doesn't, hence my point that the claim "the western world is bankrupt" is not true, and even if it was, it wouldn't explain why Samui tourist numbers were dropping while Phuket's were rising.

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As this is the "KOH SAMUI FORUM" we are talking about Koh Samui not Phuket.

If the western world is bankrupt, and that's the reason people aren't coming to Samui, then it would apply to Phuket as well. It doesn't, hence my point that the claim "the western world is bankrupt" is not true, and even if it was, it wouldn't explain why Samui tourist numbers were dropping while Phuket's were rising.

Can you back any of these claims? Samui's numbers are dropping clap2.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif



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As this is the "KOH SAMUI FORUM" we are talking about Koh Samui not Phuket.

If the western world is bankrupt, and that's the reason people aren't coming to Samui, then it would apply to Phuket as well. It doesn't, hence my point that the claim "the western world is bankrupt" is not true, and even if it was, it wouldn't explain why Samui tourist numbers were dropping while Phuket's were rising.

Tourist numbers in Samui are on the up. Bangkok airways flights have been full of Russian & Chinese tourists. Maybe the Bar scene is in decline because the Chinese don't go out drinking. Go on any Island tour or snorkeling trip......Full of Asians and Russians. The one's who can afford to fly to Samui come...the others go to Patong beach, Phuket.
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Do they still have the boxing in the bar areas?

If so, with all the 'new' nationalities, they could lay on some topical bouts, e.g. Nopparat "Chairman Mao" Thongsak vs Montree "Josef Stalin" Boonkhunthod. There are many possible variations on the theme. I think it could catch on.

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question is are they diublw hard if s then the Romans ae coming and who u calling big nose

How did you get your flat nose Big C? Oh you haven't got one? You will soon with posts like that.wink.png
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Chachoengsao? why stay there, if you can stay next to a tropical sea under palm trees and fantastic sunsets, fresh seafood, lush forests and waterfalls, fresh air the whole year round etc etc etc? I don't care at all about Russians and many tourists, they stick with themselves and don't bother others.....and Samui is not only Chaweng......don't care about the prices too, but if you want, you can live on Samui for little money too....


Tropical Sea Check

Palm Trees Check

Fresh Sea Food Check

Lush Forest Check

Waterfalls Check

Fresh Air Check

No Mass Tourism Check

No Mafia Check

No Crazy Tourist Prices Check

Expand your mind.[in Chachoengsao] thumbsup.gif

Why is this in the Samui forum? What has it got to do with 'samui tourist nationality change'?

sorry.gif but post-4641-1156693976.gif

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As this is the "KOH SAMUI FORUM" we are talking about Koh Samui not Phuket.

If the western world is bankrupt, and that's the reason people aren't coming to Samui, then it would apply to Phuket as well. It doesn't, hence my point that the claim "the western world is bankrupt" is not true, and even if it was, it wouldn't explain why Samui tourist numbers were dropping while Phuket's were rising.

Tourist numbers in Samui are on the up. Bangkok airways flights have been full of Russian & Chinese tourists. Maybe the Bar scene is in decline because the Chinese don't go out drinking. Go on any Island tour or snorkeling trip......Full of Asians and Russians. The one's who can afford to fly to Samui come...the others go to Patong beach, Phuket.

I would say, that of all tourists on Patong there are less than 0,01% of tourists who are on Patong because they can't afford to fly to Samui, if any at all. The people choose the place for their holidays because of other reasons. People, who can't afford Samui, can't afford Thailand at all, can't afford many places in Europe as well.
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I leave since 2/3 years in Chaweng, I have never ever seen so many people.

Being at the night market, beach, restaurants, solo, ....

And in these people, most russians, yes.

I don't like when it is soooo crownded, but I guess it is temporary. Good for merchants/shops...!

i suppose the only thing about bangkok airways is that it keeps the riff raff out. problem is that Russians with money are used to buying their way out of trouble so migfht have a counter effect.

the funny thing is that i have less problem with middle class Russians than the minted ones. Soon they are going to have Russia towns round the world next to China towns

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This biggest change I have noticed, is the number of Chineese travelling independently. They used to stick to organised tours, now they are travelling by themselves. Renting bikes, eating in noodle shops and running into trouble wherever there is any water.

Yes, noticed this trend in Chiang Mai too. This is truly excellent news. Some cute Chinese girls, too.

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it's fabled the girls from Szechuan are the prettiest with the fiery chillis they enjoy in their food or the DongBei (northeast) girls fabled for their white skin and gentle demeanor soothing the harsh winters there

Kkkkkk enjoy !

Wow, you are really out there dude

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question is are they diublw hard if s then the Romans ae coming and who u calling big nose

translation pleasesad.png

Ah Ha, if you go to soi greenmango, before they move to soi reggae, you will get ENLIGHTENMENT, it will all become clear. But hurry now !
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it's fabled the girls from Szechuan are the prettiest with the fiery chillis they enjoy in their food or the DongBei (northeast) girls fabled for their white skin and gentle demeanor soothing the harsh winters there

I'm suspecting it's like anywhere else, with the prettiest people gravitating towards the most advanced cities with the biggest opportunities, the latest sense of style and fashion meaning everyone will look even better. Same is true for Bangkok vs. just about anywhere else in Thailand.

And to see how much difference the latest sense in make-up and fashion makes, check out random girls in North Korea vs just across the border in Seoul. Day and night difference, yet ethnically the same people.

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it's fabled the girls from Szechuan are the prettiest with the fiery chillis they enjoy in their food or the DongBei (northeast) girls fabled for their white skin and gentle demeanor soothing the harsh winters there

I'm suspecting it's like anywhere else, with the prettiest people gravitating towards the most advanced cities with the biggest opportunities, the latest sense of style and fashion meaning everyone will look even better. Same is true for Bangkok vs. just about anywhere else in Thailand.

And to see how much difference the latest sense in make-up and fashion makes, check out random girls in North Korea vs just across the border in Seoul. Day and night difference, yet ethnically the same people.

Lifelong malnatrition might have something to do with that as well...

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Chuckle chuckle - I'll post an ad for you on the "Brits on a Binge" website . . . they'll be amazed at how cheap it is here . . .

What wrong to meet Russians, Koreans, Chinese or Muslims tourists?

I, for example, I'm happy for 2 reasons:

1st I like other countries' people, not the usual England Germany Sweden France

2nd They are, especially Russians and Chinese, good customers of my business

And, although some Russians are noisy, not so well behaved, I like them and I'm bit bored about all the bashing I read from many members.


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Shakespeare - I can do him. Had some trouble with Chaucer cos he spells weird. Stanley Unwin I understand completely.

But this large C thingy makes my brain cells crumple.

(He has a curiosity value, though . . .)



question is are they diublw hard if s then the Romans ae coming and who u calling big nose

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Big C 101

Elementary Course Studies section 21.

Exercise 46. Translate the following as coherently as you can: "question is are they diubly hard if s then the Romans ae coming and who u calling big nose".

"The thing is, are they really tough? (Although nobody has a clue who he's on about.) If that's the case, then watch out! The Romans are coming! (for some really obscure reason). And thus I quote from Monty Python's 'The Life of Brian' - " . . . and who are you calling big nose?" (Said by a gentile to a Roman who had just called him a 'big nose'.)

(Editorial note: in those days gentiles often referred to Romans as 'big noses', according to John Cleese, anyway.)

Anything else?



question is are they diublw hard if s then the Romans ae coming and who u calling big nose

translation pleasesad.png
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One observational note about the Russian folks (I can't speak about other nationalities) - they clump together in bunches.

Unlike Brits or Germans or Aussies - who will cheerfully rent a place on their own and then maybe meet up with like-minded others later - the Russians all band-up together en masse.

Where one Russian family finds a house, within a month all their friends will take houses nearby. Before long there are little ghettos of Russians, the local restaurants are filled with them and they all use the same local shops. No objection at all - just an observation. (Maybe it's their lack of English-speaking . . .)

Up my little soi there are 10 houses. About a year ago there were several Thais, three Brits, a Swede, two Germans and a Canadian living there. Now there are two houses of Thais, two Brits and six houses of Russians totaling about 20 people in number altogether. Every few minutes there's another convoy of motorbikes heading up the track with shouted Russian voices and clinking bottles. I see the same thing happening everywhere - and they come long-term and not just for ten days. If someone comes for just a week or two's holiday then the taxis pull up, the wheelie suitcases trundle, and they bunk-in with all the others. They seem to take over whole areas. Even the little Thai restaurant down the road, where they can barely speak English, have a Russian menu, and signs outside in Russian (but not in English tho!).


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Of course - if they happen to be surrounded by other cultures.

'Ghetto' simply means a populated area containing an ethnic or minority group - or weren't you aware of that?


Where one Russian family finds a house, within a month all their friends will take houses nearby. Before long there are little ghettos of Russians

When a bunch of English people live on the same street, do you call it a ghetto?

Edited by robsamui
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