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Thailand Holiday March 2004

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Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Kenneth Longshaw and I shall be visiting Thailand for twenty six days during March 2004. I am a 33 year old male from central London.

I have been scanning this forum for several months and find most of the input useful and interesting. I have a few questions to ask all knowledge-able members.

I am having a two-city break. Bangkok and Phatthaya.

My main priority of this holiday is to have a safe and 'fun time'.

I intend to enjoy several 'short-term' relationships with transexuals. I consider Thai transexuals to be the most beautiful worldwide.

My questions are as follows:

a) Where are the best 'pick up' clubs and bars in Bangkok and Phatthaya for lady-men?

:o What is the 'going rate' for the company and full 'relations' with a lady-man?

c) Can you recommend any other websites where lady-men in Thailand information is available?

d) Are condoms in Thailand of a good standard, or would it be better to bring a large supply of my own from London. (I currently use ultra safe, unlubricated)?

e) Are there any hidden dangers from criminal lady-men?

f) I prefer 'relations' with 'pre-op' lady-men, is there a kind of code for ensuring I am able to get what I 'require'.

g) Is it legal in Thailand for multiple partners within a single hotel room, ie. two or three ladymen to one male tourist?

h) Are the majority of lady-men in Thailand passive (receivers) or are some enthusiastic 'penetrators' or 'givers'.

All advice and information is appreciated, I wish to make this holiday in Thailand a holiday to remember!


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jees i just clicked this one as a random i didnt know there was a freak here...

ok it no more foking pm me and telling me i know <deleted> and u can ban me cos u cant so either live with me being nice or...well we shall see. nokna was banned for no reason same as bkkcharlie... both out of pure hatred from dr patpong ..i didnt swear or flame or abuse using those niks.you chosse the route it

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Dear Happy Harry,

Your feedback was unhelpful and uncoherent, I think you may harbour deep-seated homophobic feelings as you called me a 'freak'. I suggest that you take a long look into your own sexual desires, it maybe that you are a latent homosexual or bi-sexual. Be a man, there is no shame in sex of any description providing it is loving, gentle and reciprocal for both 'parties'.

TO: Happy Harry : Don't be shy, with a nick-name like that you are giving yourself away!


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Dear Happy Harry,

I am not a freak. I also have never had any relationship with a donkey, or in fact any animals, apart from human beings. Your suggestion otherwise has hurt my feelings, and I wonder why trolls such as yourself are allowed to stain and injure this friendly and informative forum. Please leave as soon as possible or I shall be forced to contact a forum supervisor.

Kenneth Longshaw.

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f) I prefer 'relations' with 'pre-op' lady-men, is there a kind of code for ensuring I am able to get what I 'require'.

I was about to recommend you Eric1000 as advisor but unfortunately he is the "post-op" type.

Too bad, you will have to find somebody else,...

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Blimey! I'm 33 and from Central London too! :o

Sorry Kenneth, i can't help you with your ladyboy quiry. But a collegue of mine once had a BJ off a ladyboy. He said it was the best he'd ever had.

I'll take his word for that! :D

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Kenneth is a troller...it is February and he has a Thai IP already. I suspect that he and Happy are one and the same person.

Dr. Pat...You picked it in one...No-one would be reading this site for months prior to coming on board and then plonk that thread on us!

AND...I'm off to L.O.S. Saturday for 3 weeks :D:o

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I was thinking...gees this guy is honest. Mr Kenneth is asking for all the closet gays to reveal themselves on the forum by giving him the information he 'requires'.

Good try mate. You should get out of the closet yourself. I suspect you are a reall bloke who swills beer and eats hamburgers and uses Old Spice aftershave, but your 'dark desries' for ladyboys are hidden well behind the veneer of your macho self. underneath is a squealing, spinelss, wishy washy, namby pamby, ladyboy loving jellyfish who wears his mums undies !!

Good luck in your search. But I would suggest you look closer to home....the answer is within you !!

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Kenneth is a troller...it is February and he has a Thai IP already. I suspect that he and Happy are one and the same person.

Dr. Pat...You picked it in one...No-one would be reading this site for months prior to coming on board and then plonk that thread on us!

AND...I'm off to L.O.S. Saturday for 3 weeks :D:o

Good for you Surin. Enjoy your stay :D Is it troller season again ? Pass me my shotgun.

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I don't know about lady man bars in Bangkok, although I would guess it is easy to find them.

In pattaya, there is a conglomerate of bars around soi 9 where they have an amateur show, towards the back and there are many good looking lady men there. I think they are about 1000 baht a night and a 300 baht bar fine.

Condoms in Thailand can be bought at Boots Chemist (decent ones).

I reckon if you get a ladyman froma bar you will be O.K. they might be moody, but all they want is cash, I suppose the more cash you part with the better the performance.

There is also a lady man bar on Walking Street, just on the right side past the boxing, I have seen pretty lady men there, a friend of mine had a short time with one there, said it was great.

Me, I still have not taken the plunge, but I think I had a blow job off one on beach road when I was really drunk one night, no shame in that.

I think that most lady men in Pattaya have not had the chop. But I have no idea if they are penetrationists, I always thought they were receivers, I guess you will have to talk that through.

Good luck in March and I shall be interested to hear feedback from your ladyman holiday, as I have a few anxious friends back home who want to dip their toe in the water.

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from SQUADIE i have some wonderful news for you from 2 march a group of lads from s london are visiting pattaya they are experts on the lady man scene you can meet up with eric ken binner jack and mickey hanCOCKS most nights SAILOR bar opposite Flipper lodge hotel soi 8 between 6 and 9

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jees i just clicked this one as a random i didnt know there was a freak here...

ok it no more foking pm me and telling me i know <deleted> and u can ban me cos u cant so either live with me being nice or...well we shall see. nokna was banned for no reason same as bkkcharlie... both out of pure hatred from dr patpong ..i didnt swear or flame or abuse using those niks.you chosse the route it

I am assuming Dr P is wrong and u are not one and the same.

Thanks Harry for the best laugh of the day. Nothing against you Kenneth - live and let live. Ive always found in my limited experience that the trannies are a troublesome lot and stay well clear. Enough said.

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The owner of the hotel I worked for in Phuket often went to Pattaya to get his fix of lady boy's. He mentioned a place in Pattaya called boy's town where one could find gays and transexuals. I guess it must be a whole complex with bars. Dont know exactly where it is but just ask ataxi

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watch footballers wives before you leave England.....

apparantly two lady-boys have been recrutied from Nana Plaza to appear in a forthcoming episode.

I met a guy from Birmingham in a bar in Hua-Hin last month who stated he had had one of them for a couple of days in the Nana hotel a few of years ago ans "she" was brilliant! He has the photos to prove it! Apparently they are now both back working in Nana... :o

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kenneth, personally i'm not into that sort of thing but i'll give you some advice.

if you want ladyboys then jenny star bar on walking st is safe,also theres another one just near it.

don't take ladymen from beach rd because you will probably get a kick in from them.

stardice beer bar centre there is a ladyboy show evertnight it is on 2nd road opposite tiffinys, the ladymen there are also safe (security wise anyway) my wife is friends with some of them

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