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My Knee Is Toast.


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Greetings all. Can anyone tell me if the pinned ortho list of doctors is current and if anyone can make a recommendation. After countless years of tennis and Sundays softball game at Payap, my right knee has finally called it a career. I have been battling pain for several years but, now I think it needs some professional help. Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions for doctors here. Is it advisable to go to a larger city ( BKK) to find the best professionals for this area of expertise. Thanks for all information provided.


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might want to try this in the health forum.

Should get a MRI to see what is up. Could be anything.

Torn or worn meniscus, MCL/ACL/LCL ligaments. Tendonitis etc.

Some is treatable with rehab, some need surgery.

A lot of joint pain comes from tight and inflamed tendons/ligaments because they are unbalanced and irritated.

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Thanks cobra. I agree with all that you say. I would like to keep this in the chiang Mai forum for the time being as I live here and would prefer to see if available treatment ( MRI, cat scan) are available here. Also, would like to hear from the local CM folks first before I broaden my search for a cure.

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While waiting to find and see a doctor... I recommend you start taking a fairly high dose of anti-inflammatory drugs... Aleve - naproxen sodium, omega 3 fish oils, Turmeric and others... You need to calm the tissue down. It won't cure it - but it will help in the short and long term

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Thanks JD. Always a nessasary part of the diet for years. No stranger to chronic pain! Ok I am off now to see if I can track down Dr. Pornphutkul at rajavet. Seems to be the best option that I can come across for a sports Otho guy. What hospitals offer MRI and cost differences between these establishments might be helpful. I have good insurance but, must call for MRI approval. Either way I will get it done but, as I recall, MRI stateside is like 1000 usd! Would like to know how much here.

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. It won't cure it - but it will help in the short and long term

....actually unless it's very painful without load you may not want to cure it as a bit of pain may be useful during diagnosis.

I once again beat the drum for the older anti inflammatory sodium (Voltaren) which is out of patent and therefore passe for Big Pharma.....but once again it worked for me just last week.

I hauled up the rear end of my very heavy motorbike and by morning had the worst back for years. Just as a recommend others, I took one Voltaren 50 then another before bed. By next day it was 90% better. It will often do the same trick after weeks of vicious circle of ache and spasm.


Just saw your post.

If you call me 0871727500 my wife is on reception at the RAM and will help u in any way. Yes they have the equipment you need.

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Thanks JD. Always a nessasary part of the diet for years. No stranger to chronic pain! Ok I am off now to see if I can track down Dr. Pornphutkul at rajavet. Seems to be the best option that I can come across for a sports Otho guy. What hospitals offer MRI and cost differences between these establishments might be helpful. I have good insurance but, must call for MRI approval. Either way I will get it done but, as I recall, MRI stateside is like 1000 usd! Would like to know how much here.

In Bkk last time I asked they were about 10k...so cm should not be a lot different I guess...circa 8k to 12k maybe.

I had the knee op in Bkk 3 times now.....so if need bkk doc reco, just ask.

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If it's toast then just put a little marmalade or jam on it and have it with tea.

Otherwise check out the McCormick hospital. They are not cheap by Thai standards, but have a good reputation.

I would give a pass on McCormick. Won't get into it at length now, but they won't have the diagnostic equipment you need any way and the ortho docs are not nearly up to snuff as RAM and Sriphat/Suan Dok or Rajavej. I'm quite sure the doc you are off to see will set you straight on what has to be done.

Edited by elektrified
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ORTHOPAEDIC (Bones/Joints)

Dr Sudhee Sudasna

Clinic:38/4 Chiang Mai - Lampang Road.

Mon , Tues, Thurs 1700 - 2000 hrs

Su: 0930 - 1200 hrs

Phone: 053 - 214 139

Dr Paiboon

Chiang Mai RAM Hospital

053 920300

Dr Chanakarn Phornphutkul (sports medicine)

Rajavej Hospital, 053 801999 and 053 204545

(Orthodpedic clinic opposite the hospital on the other side of the river)

Dr Preecha Chalidapong (Hand and wrist surgeon)

Chiang Mai RAM Hospital

053 920300

I saw Dr Chanakarn Phornphutkul at his clinic.

I had arthroscopic surgery on my knee 13 years ago and it worked fine until a few years ago. It is now an issue with me again but not to the point it was before. The doctor took an x ray and recommended a knee replacement. He said he could do the arthroscopic surgery and it might only last three years or it might not work. I did not broach the subject of a MRI as I am not in that bad a shape yet. I was more into a hip thing and just thought I would check the knee thing while I was there.

I well remember the knee pain before I had the operation getting up two or three times a night to put some rub on it for temporary release of the pain.

Like the one poster said he has had it done three times so far.

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Dr Chanakarn Phornphutkul (sports medicine)

Rajavej Hospital, 053 801999 and 053 204545

(Orthodpedic clinic opposite the hospital on the other side of the river)

I understand he's orthopaedic advisor to the Thailand Olympic team, sports injury specialist for sure.

One of only 2 doctors in Chiang mai that does arthroscopy.

As others have said there's various things you can try.

Be advised by a doctor before paying for an MRI..you might not need it.

He often goes away to the states, but you are going to catch him at some point.

Often difficult to catch at Rajavej Hospital, only there 1600 Fri.....if he turns up!

Clinic hours 1700-2000 Mon-Fri and 0900-1200 Saturday.

Edited by uptheos
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Dr Chanakarn Phornphutkul (sports medicine)

Rajavej Hospital, 053 801999 and 053 204545

(Orthodpedic clinic opposite the hospital on the other side of the river)

I understand he's orthopaedic advisor to the Thailand Olympic team, sports injury specialist for sure.

One of only 2 doctors in Chiang mai that does arthroscopy.

As others have said there's various things you can try.

Be advised by a doctor before paying for an MRI..you might not need it.

He often goes away to the states, but you are going to catch him at some point.

Often difficult to catch at Rajavej Hospital, only there 1600 Fri.....if he turns up!

Clinic hours 1700-2000 Mon-Fri and 0900-1200 Saturday.

As I said I saw him and was impressed with his honesty. The Arthroscopic surgery is far cheaper than a replacement but it is still expensive and having it done repeatedly can add up. I had heard the knee replacement was so far advanced in the states that they had you on your feet the same day.

He has a bit of humor when I said could they do the surgery at the Ram he said sure same same just more money.

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can also do some educated diagnosis.

If the knee is clicking during range of motion or gets locked in a certain position then it's probably meniscus issue which could be cleaned up with arthroscopic surgery. That's fairly common outpatient procedure.

Meniscus issues are often not painful.

You could go onto websites like webmd or mayoclinic and lookup diagnosis protocols.

The next step would be having a non imaging diagnosis where the physician probes and manipulates the joint to narrow down the possible causes.

The OP mentioned the knee is painful but didn't say much about where and what causes pain.

It's worth looking up knee rehab or prehab exercises and trying them to see if they improve things.. Often its soft tissue problems that can be stretched and or strengthened to stop pulling at the joint.

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I had a similar issue recently, I have visited many of the hospitals in Chiang Mai during my 9 years of living here and I can confidently say that I'd recommend Dr. Kannika who is an orthopedic specialist at the Rajavej Chiang Mai hospital (the one opposite the Holiday Inn).

I'd call her on 053-8011-99 and ask for Natasha who will help you make an appointment.

Price is very reasonable, not anything like as expensive as Ram etc.

The lovely girl on reception told me that lots of foreigners are going to Rajavej these days as they are finding the service to be very much on a par with Ram but a t much lower prices.

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Yes, I've been very impressed with Rajavej, too. The service (i.e. short wait times and English speaking staff) is on-par with Ram, but prices are less. I know of people who had good experiences with Dr. Chanakarn, but not specifically knee problems (hip replacement and broken arm). I wouldn't hesitate to see him for a knee problem.

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I had a similar issue recently, I have visited many of the hospitals in Chiang Mai during my 9 years of living here and I can confidently say that I'd recommend Dr. Kannika who is an orthopedic specialist at the Rajavej Chiang Mai hospital (the one opposite the Holiday Inn).

I'd call her on 053-8011-99 and ask for Natasha who will help you make an appointment.

Price is very reasonable, not anything like as expensive as Ram etc.

The lovely girl on reception told me that lots of foreigners are going to Rajavej these days as they are finding the service to be very much on a par with Ram but a t much lower prices.

Prof. Dr. Kannika is a gastoenterologist at Rajavej.......isn't she?

Here is the list of doctors.


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Thanks everyone for your informative posts. I was able to track down the good doctor from rajavet at his clinic today. 5:30 as noted above. He probed and poked the inside of right knee and suspects meniscus tear as the pain is right at the joint. He refered me to a MRI clinic near NIS and said they charge 8000. Must have a pic so he can determine what is going on. Very professional and smart guy. I did go to rajavet this afternoon before finding out doctor Porphutkul would be at his clinic. I spoke to a husband and wife couple who just had a surgery from this same fine doctor. All went well for them and they gave a glowing review of both the doctor and the hospital.

Thanks again for all the feed back. Kevin

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Glad to hear things are going good for you. There is one more that is not talked about he is retired and more for consultations. He works out of the Ram and is only there twice a week for about two hours. He had a clinic that he has closed down.

Dr Sudhee as I said he is a retired surgeon as well as a professor and good for information or as a second opinion.

I had seen him two or three years ago and he explained every thing to me. It was the first time a doctor had explained to me why the operation was so difficult to do and he had only seen it done once in his 40 years experience. He told me that he didn't do arthroscopic surgery on the knee any more as he was no longer steady enough for it and recommended a doctor he had trained. Don't remember who it was could have been Dr Chanakarn Phornphutkul

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MRI at Maharaj in September was 9600 baht. I was quoted 11000 up front, but it came in cheaper at the end. Included a DVD that no one has figured out how to open, but the diagnostician in that unit is a wizard, and writes a very detailed, typed report on his observations.

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Update on the MRI. There is a brand new MRI clinic on the north side of middle ring rd., just west of the river about 3/4 of the way down from gov't building. My appointment time was 2pm on wednesday. No wait. Price was 8000 bht, Siemens machine, and when completed i was supplied with 8 sheets of films and a cd in a nice red carrying case. Service perfect with lots of smile from the girls. Tech was professional and by the time I was able to see dr. Chanakarn last night ( Wednesday) he had received the report from the techs and was able to determine a coarse of action.

Again thanks for all who contributed and hopefully we have all gained some valuable info on MRI services in CM.


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