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Street Food Vending Business In Los?


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C'mon guys, give them a break, the OP has been here 3 years and his mate has been to Thailand a few times and they both know the score.

I'm sure there are untold riches to be had.......smile.png

Seriously the French guy has a good business... Check the VDO.thumbsup.gif

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C'mon everyone, the op is only trying to

Help out his millionaire friend who also owns a property worth £250k.

He obviously needs to keep working as his million wont do him justice.

I would say open a street vending operation in several location in as many cities as possible. Get Thai staff to work them for minimum wage and as they will enjoy taking cash on your behalf they'll declare it all to you. Furthermore, as all the locations have never been thought if by any Thai person this millionaire will probably make another million quick time

I wish I had thought of doing this years ago.

It's a shame this millionaire has the idea first!!!!

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C'mon everyone, the op is only trying to

Help out his millionaire friend who also owns a property worth £250k.

He obviously needs to keep working as his million wont do him justice.

I would say open a street vending operation in several location in as many cities as possible. Get Thai staff to work them for minimum wage and as they will enjoy taking cash on your behalf they'll declare it all to you. Furthermore, as all the locations have never been thought if by any Thai person this millionaire will probably make another million quick time

I wish I had thought of doing this years ago.

It's a shame this millionaire has the idea first!!!!

Better luck next time thumbsup.gif

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Getting thai staff to mann the stalls will be a big mistake. Pocketing earnings, absent from work without notice...these examples are a headache already.

Tell me about it, I already suffered that on my own project. Not theft, but just laziness and unreliability. But wasn't really a killer. Always a pain in the arse at the start, but inevitably you filter out the idiots and eventually have a decent workforce. Not everyone in Thailand is an irresponsible prat. Only a handful really. Same as not every Thai is out to rob you. These are fables spun by farangs who have never even tried running a business in LOS, but are here to drink away their pension while scowling at those who do try to rake out a good living.

I find that using a good responsible Thai to organize the workers, one who has one eye on a career, someone who worked and studied hard hoping to get a foothold in a management position. They will incur any headaches, and sort out the problems. Just look after them and they look after you. Your success is their success. Anyone who tries to site the odd story of doom and gloom is just not been doing it right.

Use your Thai family to the fullest, be smart who you choose, look to the family elders. Again, these have a vested interest in the family farang's success.

As for the workers walking off with the money, stock and cart..... That is fairyland stuff. Any farang who sets himself up for that to happen to him should not be engaging in business. These people are just as fearful of the law and its repercussions as you are in your own country. Which was enough to stop you walking away with all your boss's money, business etc etc...

Why do you think that Thais ask for a person's ID card and photocopy it for almost everything in this country?

Edited by klubex99
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That video of the French guy was a great find - he must really love his wife to do that. What a nice guy. The lesson the OP could take from that is how the stall started to do better due to the novelty of the French guy selling - franchise it out with Thai workers and the advantage is lost. Now I've thought about it, I'd still love to see a New York-style hot dog cart selling corn dogs - that would appeal to Thais and foreigners; it's hard to find either in Bangkok.

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If your friend could learn to cook really good, authentic Mexican food, and set up in a tourist area, i'd give him a chance. I'd personally try to set up a deal where I paid a shop owner (pharmacy, or whatever) a large sum for say 6 months or a year to use space outside the shop. Tell him any police will be his problem if he takes the payment. That's where I would start. Good luck, you will need it.

Edited by utalkin2me
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I can't see this working a food stall is a cheap and easy business for a local to set up,why is a thai gonna stand there all day selling food to make profit for the ferang owner ,the thai will just copy your idea pack the job in you have given him and open up his own food stall selling whatever your friend is thinking of selling.

Or the other scenario the worker will just pocket half the takins and you will not make anywhere near the profit you expect.

Good luck anyway

Edited by taninthai
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If your friend could learn to cook really good, authentic Mexican food, and set up in a tourist area, i'd give him a chance. I'd personally try to set up a deal where I paid a shop owner (pharmacy, or whatever) a large sum for say 6 months or a year to use space outside the shop. Tell him any police will be his problem if he takes the payment. That's where I would start. Good luck, you will need it.

What happened to the American who was selling Mexican food outside of Oasis in Pattaya? I think he had a couple of carts or shops. He was an ex con, made a movie or wrote a book or something like that.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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I still can't get my head around the fact that this guy has over a million pounds and still wants to get involved in a business.

To the OP, tell your friend to take up golf or some other hobby and enjoy his life here in LOS.

As mentioned many times here before...."the way to make a small fortune in Thailand...is start with a large one".


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I still can't get my head around the fact that this guy has over a million pounds and still wants to get involved in a business.

To the OP, tell your friend to take up golf or some other hobby and enjoy his life here in LOS.

As mentioned many times here before...."the way to make a small fortune in Thailand...is start with a large one".


Because he want to be the richest man in Thailand

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I still can't get my head around the fact that this guy has over a million pounds and still wants to get involved in a business.

To the OP, tell your friend to take up golf or some other hobby and enjoy his life here in LOS.

As mentioned many times here before...."the way to make a small fortune in Thailand...is start with a large one".


He's only in his 30s. Lots left in him. I am almost 48 and wouldn't even think about retiring. That's when you start slowly dying. I like the corn dog idea, never seen them here. But he has his product and the carts have to come from the UK with him. It's not hot dogs or burgers, it's not even meat.

He isn't wanting to be the richest man in Thailand, he just wants to do something he already knows. Not a good idea to go and do something else you have no experience in. There is always a risk in any business, but helps if you know what is what.

Thanks for all the info though.

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That video of the French guy was a great find - he must really love his wife to do that. What a nice guy. The lesson the OP could take from that is how the stall started to do better due to the novelty of the French guy selling - franchise it out with Thai workers and the advantage is lost. Now I've thought about it, I'd still love to see a New York-style hot dog cart selling corn dogs - that would appeal to Thais and foreigners; it's hard to find either in Bangkok.

There ya go.


corn dog maker less than 10K baht.

Don't know where you get decent hot dogs in LOS though, they are disgustingly tasteless and very low quality here.

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A small BBQ,stall just outside of town.

Turnover 1million Bht per year.

Selling BBQ rat,niche market.

Maybe if you advertised it as "sewer rat" it might sound more attractive. Always good to start branding your niche product early on.

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good luck to ur friend.for the life of me, i can never understand why anybody would want to start a business for farrangs in thai.

there is 80 million thais, so for the love of god, find smthing to sell to them and u will do ok.

i , same as a poster said have a small business, but nobody knows im behind it.its all run by family, and people think it their business.

also my wife is a tax inspector, so it helps to know where to grease the wheels.

whoever comes here and thinks thais are poor and u will come to teach them about business, all i can say is you are deluded.

oh and unlike many posts, my business is not top secret, i have 5 13 tonne soil trucks. u see, keep it local, a thai business and u will do fine.

no need for top secret stamps and " could never talk about the product bs".

sorry if i upset anybody, but its just my view.

i have not been here a long time, but 7 years given me enough insight.do i understand thailand??? maybee 1%.

u need 50 years to get all of it. i rest my case.

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good luck to ur friend.for the life of me, i can never understand why anybody would want to start a business for farrangs in thai.

there is 80 million thais, so for the love of god, find smthing to sell to them and u will do ok.

i , same as a poster said have a small business, but nobody knows im behind it.its all run by family, and people think it their business.

also my wife is a tax inspector, so it helps to know where to grease the wheels.

whoever comes here and thinks thais are poor and u will come to teach them about business, all i can say is you are deluded.

oh and unlike many posts, my business is not top secret, i have 5 13 tonne soil trucks. u see, keep it local, a thai business and u will do fine.

no need for top secret stamps and " could never talk about the product bs".

sorry if i upset anybody, but its just my view.

i have not been here a long time, but 7 years given me enough insight.do i understand thailand??? maybee 1%.

u need 50 years to get all of it. i rest my case.

Thanks for the input again.

Like I said in the OP, this product is both popular with farang and thai alike.

He is going to put this in the hands of his Thai family and work in the background. Then hopefully sit back and he and his wife to be will benefit from a good cut of the rewards. Nobody said he was going to stand on a cart.

It's not up to me to blurt out his product, it's his business and should not feel obligated to have to reveal anything to you.

Lastly, please point out where in any of my posts where i said that he is going to come here to show the thais how to do anything? That came out of your imagination.

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That video of the French guy was a great find - he must really love his wife to do that. What a nice guy. The lesson the OP could take from that is how the stall started to do better due to the novelty of the French guy selling - franchise it out with Thai workers and the advantage is lost. Now I've thought about it, I'd still love to see a New York-style hot dog cart selling corn dogs - that would appeal to Thais and foreigners; it's hard to find either in Bangkok.

There ya go.


corn dog maker less than 10K baht.

Don't know where you get decent hot dogs in LOS though, they are disgustingly tasteless and very low quality here.

Missing the horse meat you are used to. beatdeadhorse.gif

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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