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Teenagers Found To Be 9 Times More Likely To Contract H I V Than The Average Person


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Making claims like this without flagging those who are the ones with the real and most serious risk for HIV infection* is irresponsible. In my opinion, it demonstrates that "getting to zero" is only given lip service to keep international HIV dollars rolling in.

The fact is that HIV amongst heterosexual teenagers is nearly non-existent, which means that "9 times more likely" is a distortion of facts.

* It's key-affected populations of people who are high and dramatically increased risk for HIV (and other STI): men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender women, transgender men, people who use drugs, people who sell sex and partners of people who are HIV-infected (those not yet on anti-retroviral drugs -- available for free, mostly, from the same government making this claims).

PS - 2010 statistics for Bangkok: 18.5% of MSM under age 25 were found to be HIV positive; for age 25 and up, it was 41.8%!

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Wouldn't "Teenagers Not Using Condoms" be a hell of a lot less misleading than a title which makes on believe there's something biologic about teenagers' susceptibility to the disease?

Don't believe a word of it, Thais don't do anything wrong. Even the lesbians here are different and totally PC

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Wouldn't "Teenagers Not Using Condoms" be a hell of a lot less misleading than a title which makes on believe there's something biologic about teenagers' susceptibility to the disease?

Since when has contracting HIV anything to do with biologic susceptibility to the disease??? I don't find the headline misleading whatsoever!!! It's pretty clear how one can acquire HIV.

Step away from the keyboard, and take your lithium.

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How times have changed! All these young scamps these days doing the dirty. When I was 15 the only use I had for a GF was to make her stand still so she could be one of the goalposts. biggrin.png A year later everything had changed and football took a back seat to playing doctors and nurses - or was it actresses and bishops? The sports mistress and the gardener?

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The ministry has recently found that 89% of teenagers do not use condoms during intercourse

WOW! That's unbelievable.

Are they using alternate birth control methods such as the pill, the shot or the implant? Forget HIV, teach these kids how to have safe sex!

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That’s because teenagers are more likely to be having regular sexual intercourse with various partners because it`s more available to them.

Old relics like me, who can’t even attract the ugly birds these days, although I always live in hope, are less at risk of contracting a sexually related disease because the young desirable women don’t fancy us anymore, so we`re not getting our equal shares. It`s all a case of simple mathematics that the young are more vulnerable to HIV.

No need for any expect analysis or to be a genius to work this one out.

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