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Pet Quarantine

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I live in Phuket and am planning the importation of a dog from the USA. Anyone with some experience here? In particular the details re. the 30 day quarantine. Can it me arranged with a vet herein Phuket.

I suppose I can call the number from this thread


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I live in Phuket and am planning the importation of a dog from the USA. Anyone with some experience here? In particular the details re. the 30 day quarantine. Can it me arranged with a vet herein Phuket.

I suppose I can call the number from this thread


Kasi, it seems to be a hit & miss affair.

Member Maerim seems to have no problems bringing dogs into LOS from the UK without problems but others do.

Maybe if the dog is with you on arrival, you won't have a problem.

There are other posts on this subject, prior to this Pets & Vets forum.

Good luck & keep us posted. :o

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The 30 day quarantine is at the discretion of the official on duty. usually it is not imposed (actually don't know anyone it has happened to -- but it can). It will help if you make sure the animal arrives during working hours, and be sure to have an up to date rabies vaccination certyificate. General health certificate from a vet in US dated right before atrrival may also help. Animal quarantine staff will examine the animal and have you fill out some forms, in most cases it is smooth sailing if the animla appears healthy and is vaccinated. If you do run into problems you can go over to their office (which is in the Cargo Terminal) and discuss with a supervisor -- hence the suggestion that you be sure the dog arrives during working hours. Chances are you won't need to, but good to be prepared.

Oh, and I have heard that it is best to list the dog as "mixed breed" irregardless of what type it is. Not sure why, maybe their are duties on pure breds.

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  • 11 months later...
I live in Phuket and am planning the importation of a dog from the USA. Anyone with some experience here? In particular the details re. the 30 day quarantine. Can it me arranged with a vet herein Phuket.

I suppose I can call the number from this thread


We moved here from USA, had all paper work, shots etc. there is NO quarantine

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We've brought in 2 dogs from Australia and 1 from Italy as unaccompanied baggage with no problems. Think you may have misunderstood the 30 day quarantine as there is no quarantine. It's more likely the rule that you will need 1) a Leptospirosis vaccination certificate, at least 21 days prior to departure Animal must be healthy and free from any sign of infectious or contagious disease and 2) Rabies vaccination certificate. Your pet must be vaccinated at least 15 days prior to departure. These certificates along with 3) an Identity certificate signed in country of origin by a registered veterinarian, describing age, breed, sex, color, etc.

Requirements for Import into Thailand

Another useful link with info

You should seriously consider using a company from the US that specialises in pet import/export/transport because they organise all the customs/vet paperwork, crates, flights, etc. All you have to do is pick up your pet at the airport. :o


Edited by MsFigure
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