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Super Charged Micro Ants On Steroids


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Those little white chalk sticks found in Tops and Rimping always keep them out of my house. I only use boric acid powder to get rid of roaches. Of course, for all I know, those little white chalk sticks might just BE boric acid powder.... But it sure keeps the ants from climbing onto the kitchen counters, shelves, and tables!

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Mix one tablespoon of boric acid to half a cup of sugar, then add one cup of water. You will probably have to really work at getting the boric acid to dissolve, as it is hydrophobic...non-water loving. Keep mixing until you get it all mixed, then place it in bottle caps (if you have no pets or children that can get in it) and let a bit drip around where ever you put the mix. The ants will come and eat and eat and eat, and then take some back to the nest for the queen. In about 2 to 3 weeks, you will notice...no ants. This really works, it is what I used and it has been about 6 months now, and still no ants. PP

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Mix one tablespoon of boric acid to half a cup of sugar, then add one cup of water. You will probably have to really work at getting the boric acid to dissolve, as it is hydrophobic...non-water loving. Keep mixing until you get it all mixed, then place it in bottle caps (if you have no pets or children that can get in it) and let a bit drip around where ever you put the mix. The ants will come and eat and eat and eat, and then take some back to the nest for the queen. In about 2 to 3 weeks, you will notice...no ants. This really works, it is what I used and it has been about 6 months now, and still no ants. PP

Totally agree that this concoction really does work. It's not instantaneous and is not supposed to be. Eventually the queen gets poisoned and the ants disappear.

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Strongly recommend Prickly Heat power No Joke! ants hate it!

Or if they are in your kitchen just rub the empty counter lightly with soapy dish washer sponge they wont go near it.


Burn them

I did want to know more about the Chinese. now I don't

Edited by ARISTIDE
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I fought those micro ants for about four years until a friend told me about "Shanjia Brand Ant Killer." I had a few small plastic containers with small holes around the containers from a previous ant killer that didn't work. I mixed the Shanjia Ant Killer into the containers mixed with crushed sugar. It took about two weeks and the ants disappeared. My condo has been micro ant free for over six months. I'm not sure where my friend bought the ant killer but there were two small packages of the ant killer for 30 baht. It is a Thai product.

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Mix one tablespoon of boric acid to half a cup of sugar, then add one cup of water. You will probably have to really work at getting the boric acid to dissolve, as it is hydrophobic...non-water loving. Keep mixing until you get it all mixed, then place it in bottle caps (if you have no pets or children that can get in it) and let a bit drip around where ever you put the mix. The ants will come and eat and eat and eat, and then take some back to the nest for the queen. In about 2 to 3 weeks, you will notice...no ants. This really works, it is what I used and it has been about 6 months now, and still no ants. PP

That's pretty much what I use to get rid of roaches too. Glad to hear that it works for ants as well!

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  • 1 month later...

Chaindrite every crack and crevice in your abode and then go out for the day...repeat every 3 weeks

those little red buggers give a nasty bite

Thanks for the tip(s).. everyone on here..

As for the 'red-buggers' bite, tell me about it/ them! My first visit to see my friend and his family in Pattaya, 2007.. went on an outing to the big waterpark.. brushed under the leaves of an overhanging tree on return to the car and.. 'Ah, ow, ooh..!!!', loads of the little bleeders on my neck and down the back of my tee-shirt!! Luckily, a nice lady seated in the back ('Sally' a Chinese family friend) picked em all off as I frantically whipped off my tee, and deposited em back out the window! An introduction to the ants I won't forget and probably an unusual 'intro' to each other both me and Sally will remember for many years also... wai.gif

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I use the white chalk when there is a stream of them coming from outdoors to some delicacy they found that I cannot locate.

For routine counter cleaning when the tiny ants are around I splash simple white vinegar on the area and wipe it around. Ants do not like vinegar, but it is not an ant killer, just discourages them from returning for some time. Also, vinegar is not toxic and I do not have to worry about contaminating food or myself. Works well for me.


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  • 11 months later...

I found this cool stuff at a discount store that is basically a rectangular piece of chalk. Cost 5 thb. I've marked some perimeters and it seems to be working great. I couldn't find the ant trap motel things with the bait to take to the queen. DO they even sell those here? I'll look up the chemical name of the chalk if anyone is interested.

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  • 1 month later...

Mix one tablespoon of boric acid to half a cup of sugar, then add one cup of water. You will probably have to really work at getting the boric acid to dissolve, as it is hydrophobic...non-water loving. Keep mixing until you get it all mixed, then place it in bottle caps (if you have no pets or children that can get in it) and let a bit drip around where ever you put the mix. The ants will come and eat and eat and eat, and then take some back to the nest for the queen. In about 2 to 3 weeks, you will notice...no ants. This really works, it is what I used and it has been about 6 months now, and still no ants. PP

Totally agree that this concoction really does work. It's not instantaneous and is not supposed to be. Eventually the queen gets poisoned and the ants disappear.

Another economical solution http://www.antbuster.com/product.asp

I use this only. Each packet very small, put some in strategic places in house where ants are present. One packet does it, although I buy the larger quantity of packets to keep on hand. It has a halucegenic chemical with poison. Kills entire nest in 3 days. What I love is if you search you will find the ant cemetary as they pile their dismembered dead onto a pile. I like to see the evidence that they are indeed dying. They go insane and kill each other, until the few remaining just die from the poison. They even destroy their own eggs before death as well as the queen. The site claiims it works on any breed of ant anywhere in the world. I can say that is true for Thailand and the US.

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Mix one tablespoon of boric acid to half a cup of sugar, then add one cup of water. You will probably have to really work at getting the boric acid to dissolve, as it is hydrophobic...non-water loving. Keep mixing until you get it all mixed, then place it in bottle caps (if you have no pets or children that can get in it) and let a bit drip around where ever you put the mix. The ants will come and eat and eat and eat, and then take some back to the nest for the queen. In about 2 to 3 weeks, you will notice...no ants. This really works, it is what I used and it has been about 6 months now, and still no ants. PP

Totally agree that this concoction really does work. It's not instantaneous and is not supposed to be. Eventually the queen gets poisoned and the ants disappear.

Another economical solution http://www.antbuster.com/product.asp

I use this only. Each packet very small, put some in strategic places in house where ants are present. One packet does it, although I buy the larger quantity of packets to keep on hand. It has a halucegenic chemical with poison. Kills entire nest in 3 days. What I love is if you search you will find the ant cemetary as they pile their dismembered dead onto a pile. I like to see the evidence that they are indeed dying. They go insane and kill each other, until the few remaining just die from the poison. They even destroy their own eggs before death as well as the queen. The site claiims it works on any breed of ant anywhere in the world. I can say that is true for Thailand and the US.

So, the ants start hallucinating, and go nuts and kill each other? And then, the go looking for the queen and kill her too? Sounds like a secret CIA op gone horribly wrong. MK Ultra for ants!

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