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Where To Take Friends For Magha Puja?


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Anything going on around here for Magha Puja?

Bars closed on Monday I presume(?)

I have friends coming and am wondering where would be a good place to take them to - traditional Thai and all that...

What happens at Nong Nooch - anything of note (the site says nothing)?

an interesting temple that'll have stuff going on for the celebration?

Or any other ideas would be appreciated ....

and regards to all on here


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Sure you mean Makha Bucha.

Temples are the places to be.

If you want to join the hoardes!!

Temples will be incredibly busy, as will roads leading to them.

Judging by all recent long weekends (ok, last year), Pattaya will also be rammed with traffic!!

OP mentions bars will be closed, I'm presuming he means not serving alcohol, then I'm certain Tavern by the Sea won't, I've never known it close on ANY Public Holiday (even when virtually everywhere else has had to).

Personally, I'll be overseas for the weekend as of tomorrow morning, but if I wasn't I'd be looking at perhaps Koh Samet or Koh Chang for the long weekend (these may also be busy, I haven't bothered to check as I won't be here, and there will be alcohol on sale at both).

As for temples, Nong Nooch, etc, if you wish to visit these places my advise would be to do it some other time that isn't on a Public Holiday weekend.

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