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Respect .


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Hi all , I just want to ask forum members how they feel about my situation

We have been together 6 years , She has been here with me in the UK for 14 months and recently started working at a Thai mini market and restaurant in Newcastle her work in the mini market finishes at 6.30 pm and she the catches the metro home arriving at 8pm approx . however sometimes she is asked to assist in the restaurant working later up till 10pm and arriving home after 11pm , She usually phones me to tell me about the extra work .

Last week , I took her to the metro station , and her parting words were , I will phone you before I catch the metro so you can start dinner for my arrival home. I waited and waited for a call or txt , by 10 pm no call , no txt , no dinner , went bed quite angry that she not have enough respect to contact me .

At 10.30 pm , I receive a txt , saying sorry I miss dinner with you , love you very much . for me this was too little too late .

When she arrived home , I lambasted her , for her lack of consideration and trying to make her understand that its important to communicate with your partner just as a common courtesy. It seems to me that she is putting her her work and friends before our relationship , and a consequence of this has lead to her coming home the next evening packing her stuff and moving out .

As much as I love her , I am still of the belief that her actions were , and have been very selfish. Her work and income seem to be more important to her than our marrige. Since she has gone I have tried and tried to contact her by phone txt and f/book all to no avail .

What would TV members do in a situation like this ?

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Have you gone to her place of work, Micky.

When you say you lambasted her, what did this entail? Did you lose it somewhat? Has there been a build up of problems in your marriage recently?

It can't be easy for your wife being away from home, in the freezing cold, working all hours and trying to make a go of life in the UK and your marriage.

Try to put yourself in your wife's shoes, just for a minute.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not being biased, but I do understand both sides of the coin.

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I don't know if there were OTHER problems going on with your marriage before you lambasted her verbally, but you forgot one of the basic differences between Thais and westerners, and that is "face". There are many different descriptions of what "face" actually is, but in the simplest terms it means they don't take verbal abuse easily or lightly. You obviously stepped over the limit. You should have understood that after 6 years with this woman. I'm sorry to hear of your situation, but "respect" works both ways.

You could go to her place of work with your hat in hand and apologize deeply and hope for the best. It might work, otherwise it has been a lesson learned.

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I think it's just a misunderstanding.

Why didn't the OP take the initiative to call her when it's quite clear later in the evening that she hasn't called or might have forgotten due to her busy work load. A call or text to her would have solve all the grief.

Anyway, I hope the OP relationship is strong enough to withstand this small hiccup. No relationship is easy...it takes two to make it work.

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Hi wooloomooloo , This has happened on quite a few occassions , sometime she would ring me at 6pm ish and ask me if its ok to go to a Thai friend`s birthday , or just with her new friends for dinner etc , I have no problem with this attall , when she does this its quite often an overnight stay with friends

But with this respect thing , it has happened quite a few times and I feel she does`nt reciprocate the respect and consideration I show her .

It on takes 1 minute to call or txt me , The irony of it all is it was my birthday that day and we were going to have a nice dinner together !

I was `pissed off ` about her lack of consideration and i did raise my voice trying to impart to her that her behaviour was not acceptable ,

I have tried on many occasions to try and make her understand that its reasonable to put your partner 1st ,

I know if the boot was on the other foot , she would be my first priority . It now feels like I`ve shot myself in the foot !

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Sorry about that...

To the OP, how many such late night ordeals did it take to lose your cool? Or is it just that single incident that made you 'lambast' her?

I think you should talk to her. Hope everything works out for you.

Edited by BuddhistVirus
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Budhist virus ,

It has happened on numerous occasions , and I feel since she started work there , I am way down the list in her priorities , Since she left , I have rung her mobile , sent her txts and messaged her on f/book , all to no avail , It might be that I have well and truly f***ed up !

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Hi wooloomooloo , This has happened on quite a few occassions , sometime she would ring me at 6pm ish and ask me if its ok to go to a Thai friend`s birthday , or just with her new friends for dinner etc , I have no problem with this attall , when she does this its quite often an overnight stay with friends

But with this respect thing , it has happened quite a few times and I feel she does`nt reciprocate the respect and consideration I show her .

It on takes 1 minute to call or txt me , The irony of it all is it was my birthday that day and we were going to have a nice dinner together !

I was `pissed off ` about her lack of consideration and i did raise my voice trying to impart to her that her behaviour was not acceptable ,

I have tried on many occasions to try and make her understand that its reasonable to put your partner 1st ,

I know if the boot was on the other foot , she would be my first priority . It now feels like I`ve shot myself in the foot !

My Thai wife left me on christmas eve here in The Netherlands. How's about that for consideration......

Did you register your marriage in the UK?

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Let's get one thing straight. If she has found another guy, and there's no evidence to suggest she has, she is royally screwed as far as immigration is concerned. Her visa is based on her marriage and residence with her husband at this present time.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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Hi wooloomooloo , This has happened on quite a few occassions ,

sometime she would ring me at 6pm ish and ask me if its ok to go to a

Thai friend`s birthday , or just with her new friends for dinner etc , I

have no problem with this attall , when she does this its quite often

an overnight stay with friends

But with this respect thing , it has happened quite a few times and I

feel she does`nt reciprocate the respect and consideration I show her


I don't know about you but for me this would have me asking questions or are you just winding some of us up ?whistling.gif

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