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Is the number of loan cars that one single person can buy in Thailand limited or not ?

The cousin of my gf has a transport company!

Every year she bought a loan car financed from the bank!

In the meantime she have 17 cars of a total value of over 15 million bath!

Now gf sister want she for guarantee a new car, but the bank say no cannot!

This sounds for me, that the number of cars one single person can purchase and loan by the bank is not limited!?

For example, people can buy a car sale them after one year, loan still pay the monthly fees, buy another car one year later!

If the bank say now. Go to another and do the same game again!

My gf told many people bought the car then unable to pay back monthly fees, for pay back car sale the car and buy another one!

Same works on the finance of houses!

Sounds for me the thai banks are more liberal and give money more easy, also when the risk is high that the person cannot pay back then in Europe!


Finance works here just like everywhere else. If you have the means to repay, a good credit history and sufficient assets to back the amount financed, there's no other hard limits at play.

As a guarantor, you are normally assessed against the same criteria as the main buyer.

As arthurwait points out, it would appear she has failed on at least one of these points, or doesn't *really* want to be guarantor for someone else ;)

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