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Yingluck Invites Sweden To Invest In Logistics, Regional Transport


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PM invites Sweden to invest in logistics, regional transport
Piyanart Srivalo
The Nation

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra poses for a group photo with King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and Queen Silvia as they meet at the Royal Palace in Stockholm on Monday. Yingluck was in Sweden for a one-day official visit.

Gateway to states in region cited; ground laid for tightening ties

STOCKHOLM: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has invited the Swedish government to invest in Thailand's logistics and regional transport system, so that Sweden can use Thailand as a gateway to neighbouring countries in the region.

Yingluck extended the invitation to Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt during an official visit to Stockholm on Monday.

The two prime ministers had a luncheon meeting on Monday (Swedish time) and witnessed the signing of the Law Enforcement Cooperation Agreement and the Second Thai-Swedish Joint Plan Action by senior government officials, PM's secretary-general Suranand Vejjajiva said.

During the luncheon, the two prime ministers agreed to increase cooperation between their countries in many areas - including trade, investment, tourism, and technological and innovation knowledge transfers.

Before the discussion, Yingluck thanked Reinfeldt for the warm welcome. She said she was glad that about 30,000 Thais were now living comfortably in Sweden and had a role in the Swedish economy.

The two leaders said they were happy about the signing of the joint second plan, which would be used as a framework for tightening ties between the two countries. Suranand said Yingluck offered to host a meeting under the joint action plan this year on cooperation on science, technology, energy and environment.

Yingluck assured her Swedish counterpart of Thailand's economic and political stability, Suranand said.

She said Thailand would invest US$66 billion (Bt2 trillion) to develop its logistics and transport routes to link neighbouring countries. Yingluck invited the Swedish government to join in the investment and use Thailand as a gateway to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam through the Dawei deep seaport development project and other border special economic zones. According to Suranand, Yingluck expressed interest in learning from Sweden about medical tourism - and the Thai government promised to take good care of Swedish tourists. She said about 350,000 Swedes visited Thailand every year.

The two prime ministers also agreed to work together on the Alternative Energy Development Plan and the Swedish International Development Agency.

Suranand said Reinfeldt agreed he would consider the Thai government's request to exempt Thai passport holders from the Schengen visa if they wanted to visit only Sweden.

Suranand said Yingluck ordered the setting up of four joint government-private committees to support Thai firms in their efforts to enter Scandinavian markets. The four committees will be in charge of promoting trade in energy, plants and agriculture, tourism and medical services.

Yingluck issued the instruction after a meeting between her entourage, including the finance minister, the public health minister and industry minister, with staff from Team Thailand in Scandinavian countries.

The meeting was held at the Sheraton Stockholm Hotel on Monday (Swedish time).

-- The Nation 2013-03-06

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Yingluck assured her Swedish counterpart of Thailand's economic and political stability, Suranand said.

Have a look at some of the other topics on this and the last couple of pages and then work out if this is true.

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Yingluck assured her Swedish counterpart of Thailand's economic and political stability, Suranand said.


Yeah, we have had no political upheavals for at least a year.

Cinderella invites the Swedes, one of the most UNcorrupt and transparent nations in the world, to invest in her corrupt feudal clan hold.

Did Chalerm put her up to this silliness? Or Big Brother? Does the Shin Clan really expect people to believe their barefaced lies?

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Interesting picture. The Royal couple looks one way, our real PM another way. Must be some theNation trick, obviously

From what I remember of staying there a few times late 80's the Sheraton is a very nice hotel, along the Malar. I wonder if there was ice floating on it.

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wait, transport... isn't that is on the forbidden job list for non-thais ?

what will a transport route bring in for the country ?

belgium is a transport route for europe ...but it hardly gets anything than pollution from trucks + destroying the road, without paying a penny for the use

wait... thailand can ask for planes and others in return of chicken & rice :)

Edited by belg
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"STOCKHOLM: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has invited the
Swedish government to invest in Thailand's logistics and regional
transport system, so that Sweden can use Thailand as a gateway to
neighbouring countries in the region."

I didn't know Sweden was having trouble getting in to neighboring countries or for that matter was really that interested in it.

What transport system was she talking about for Sweden to use to get there jets into neighboring countries.

She did look good in the Photo Op

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"STOCKHOLM: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has invited the

Swedish government to invest in Thailand's logistics and regional

transport system, so that Sweden can use Thailand as a gateway to

neighbouring countries in the region."

I didn't know Sweden was having trouble getting in to neighboring countries or for that matter was really that interested in it.

What transport system was she talking about for Sweden to use to get there jets into neighboring countries.

She did look good in the Photo Op

Maybe she thought of building a train tracks or 4 lane street from Sweden to Thailand. Things like that happen if someone does not read the script from the big brother carefully. She doesn't even know something about the provinces in Thailand how shall she know about the Thailand-Sweden border?
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Interesting picture. The Royal couple looks one way, our real PM another way. Must be some theNation trick, obviously

From what I remember of staying there a few times late 80's the Sheraton is a very nice hotel, along the Malar. I wonder if there was ice floating on it.

It is odd that!

Reminds me of that dodgy American lawyer who was supposed to be the most popular farang in Thailand (forget his name now) who was always shown posing with 'names' in a similar fashion!

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lol - those Swedes in the pic are like "<deleted>, more pictures with this classless airhead?".

Agreed Paully.

The face of King Carl says, "Who the f$#@ is this and how did she get in my house?".

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Good article. I did not realize SAS airline had such a long history with Thailand and was very helpful in setting up Thai air.

Now Thai air is undercutting them along with a lot of other air lines and SAS is with drawing summer service to Thailand.

Seems to me Sweden is getting out as Yingluck rather than try to have them stay is talking about goat trails to Cambodia to transport Swiss Cheese.

Talking about Cheese Heads.giggle.gif

Edited by hellodolly
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Dear Swiss,

Do you want to invest in regional transportation in Thailand? After it is built, poorly, we will turn it over to the BiB who will disable all automated control systems and they will employ Thai logic and radios to control the transportation system. Don't worry, we have many redundancies built into the system, for each area being controlled there will be a staff of 6 on duty at all times. The 6 will confer as to when, if, and how long the traffic should be allowed to move. If there is any doubt they will use their radios to consult with other control points before making a decision.

Also, keep in mind that for every 100 baht invested, 30 baht will be siphoned off into a dark pocket. Think of all the good you will be doing for Thailand's elite.

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