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What are you going on about what have I got to hide? Where have I hidden anything?

Let me explain something to you, maybe then you wont carry on being rude and obnoxious for no reason.

The whole reason I am not in Thailand any more is because the internet there is not good enough for my poker. My system on poker is simply I play people I feel I am better than. There was no one better than me at doing this on the site I play, however a year ago software came out that allowed people to do what I did automatically without having to lift a finger, when this software came in my money dried up and I couldnt get many games. Now its all about who is closer to the server of the poker site which is located in the Isle of Man. Considering there are only a handful of people close enough to this server to compete with me in getting players first it means now I am getting a lot of games again and things are back to normal.

However during the year or so in Thailand I couldnt make money I had a son and I didnt want to go back to the UK and miss his birth or early stages of his life. Therefore I stuck at it, eventually I sold my car and lived off credit cards and once they were near the end I told the wife we need to go live in Europe because I just cant do it in Thailand any more due to the distance away from the server. So I went home, she stayed in her mothers for a month, we got the tourist visa and over she came. Now that poker is back to normal there is no chance I am going back to Thailand for more than a holiday ever again or until I retire so I need to stay somewhere in Europe. I was going to stay in Portugal but that time of year is so expensive to rent a nice house. France and Spain were my first choices but poker in those countries is limited to only people who live there and as I play on an international site its therefore banned in that country.

Ireland would be ideal as its right next to the IOM and it means that I would not be effected really by moving there. Portugal would be slower but I still would do ok out there.

Thats why its important for me to remain in the UK and why I want to get a visa in Ireland. So now its going to take me about a year to clear my credit cards and money that I borrowed over that period of time in Thailand so therefore I cannot save money for now. During my time in Thailand I still made a lot of money, more than most in the UK earn in a very good job, however having 2 cars to pay for each month, rental fees, loads of bills in the UK, credit card payments, taking care of my wife and son and god knwos what other bills in Thailand not to mention the fact I have a taste for fine wine and food which in Pattaya comes at a price it meant that every month we were just about getting by but 1 bad month on poker and it meant that I was eating chunks off the credit cards.

So theres my life story for the last year or so.

As for illegal act, its disgusting that I make over £100k a year from poker and my bank accounts show this for the last 5 years apart from last year in Thailand when it was only £70k (£30k of that came in the last 2 months of the year that I moved back to the UK) that I cant settle in the UK with my wife and son because of stupid rules the UKBA make up whilst so many scumbags are granted aslylum in the UK every year, given houses, cars and free money. I don't want benefits all I want is to be in the UK with my family. It should be illegal that my wife, mother of my son is not allowed in the UK for longer than 6 months just because of stupid rules that they set that for a young man like me are near impossible to achieve.

And yes I should have saved money up but before I came to Thailand, met my wife I was living the life, buying fancy cars, 1/2/3 month trips to Vegas spending stupid money, flying first class, 3 month holidays in Florida, trips to Amsterdam every month just doing what most people my age would dream about doing. If I had hindsight I wouldnt have gone on many of those trips or wasted so much and I would have saved it up knowing it would have got my wife here to settle but we can't look into the future and I only came to Thailand on a 3 month holiday I didnt know that soon after I would be getting screwed by my own government making my life a misery trying to get our family settled down together somewhere we can live.

Is there anything else you need to know now before you start calling me something else or saying I have something to hide?

If I can get 6 months in Ireland come the end of the 6 months it means I can get another tourist visa of 6 months in the UK so that will be 1 years worth of saving and clearing debts which by the end of that hopefully I should have something sorted out in terms of trying to get some sort of income proven.

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What are you going on about what have I got to hide? Where have I hidden anything?

Let me explain something to you, maybe then you wont carry on being rude and obnoxious for no reason.

The whole reason I am not in Thailand any more is because the internet there is not good enough for my poker. My system on poker is simply I play people I feel I am better than. There was no one better than me at doing this on the site I play, however a year ago software came out that allowed people to do what I did automatically without having to lift a finger, when this software came in my money dried up and I couldnt get many games. Now its all about who is closer to the server of the poker site which is located in the Isle of Man. Considering there are only a handful of people close enough to this server to compete with me in getting players first it means now I am getting a lot of games again and things are back to normal.

However during the year or so in Thailand I couldnt make money I had a son and I didnt want to go back to the UK and miss his birth or early stages of his life. Therefore I stuck at it, eventually I sold my car and lived off credit cards and once they were near the end I told the wife we need to go live in Europe because I just cant do it in Thailand any more due to the distance away from the server. So I went home, she stayed in her mothers for a month, we got the tourist visa and over she came. Now that poker is back to normal there is no chance I am going back to Thailand for more than a holiday ever again or until I retire so I need to stay somewhere in Europe. I was going to stay in Portugal but that time of year is so expensive to rent a nice house. France and Spain were my first choices but poker in those countries is limited to only people who live there and as I play on an international site its therefore banned in that country.

Ireland would be ideal as its right next to the IOM and it means that I would not be effected really by moving there. Portugal would be slower but I still would do ok out there.

Thats why its important for me to remain in the UK and why I want to get a visa in Ireland. So now its going to take me about a year to clear my credit cards and money that I borrowed over that period of time in Thailand so therefore I cannot save money for now. During my time in Thailand I still made a lot of money, more than most in the UK earn in a very good job, however having 2 cars to pay for each month, rental fees, loads of bills in the UK, credit card payments, taking care of my wife and son and god knwos what other bills in Thailand not to mention the fact I have a taste for fine wine and food which in Pattaya comes at a price it meant that every month we were just about getting by but 1 bad month on poker and it meant that I was eating chunks off the credit cards.

So theres my life story for the last year or so.

As for illegal act, its disgusting that I make over £100k a year from poker and my bank accounts show this for the last 5 years apart from last year in Thailand when it was only £70k (£30k of that came in the last 2 months of the year that I moved back to the UK) that I cant settle in the UK with my wife and son because of stupid rules the UKBA make up whilst so many scumbags are granted aslylum in the UK every year, given houses, cars and free money. I don't want benefits all I want is to be in the UK with my family. It should be illegal that my wife, mother of my son is not allowed in the UK for longer than 6 months just because of stupid rules that they set that for a young man like me are near impossible to achieve.

And yes I should have saved money up but before I came to Thailand, met my wife I was living the life, buying fancy cars, 1/2/3 month trips to Vegas spending stupid money, flying first class, 3 month holidays in Florida, trips to Amsterdam every month just doing what most people my age would dream about doing. If I had hindsight I wouldnt have gone on many of those trips or wasted so much and I would have saved it up knowing it would have got my wife here to settle but we can't look into the future and I only came to Thailand on a 3 month holiday I didnt know that soon after I would be getting screwed by my own government making my life a misery trying to get our family settled down together somewhere we can live.

Is there anything else you need to know now before you start calling me something else or saying I have something to hide?

If I can get 6 months in Ireland come the end of the 6 months it means I can get another tourist visa of 6 months in the UK so that will be 1 years worth of saving and clearing debts which by the end of that hopefully I should have something sorted out in terms of trying to get some sort of income proven.

Remember each time your wife applies for a visa she must return to Thailand as she is not a resident of the country you are in, she could get a residence permit in Ireland, but you must be working there and paying taxes, which you are not.

So as I said only way forward is after each 6 months period, get her a ticket to Thailand and apply again. Then back to UK for 6 months, then back to Thailand apply for Irish visa keeping this cycle going.

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Whatever the rights and wrongs of your case, ignorant comments such as

I cant settle in the UK with my wife and son because of stupid rules the UKBA make up whilst so many scumbags are granted aslylum in the UK every year, given houses, cars and free money. I don't want benefits..............

Don't help your cause.

The UKBA didn't make the rules; the elected government did.

Your comments on 'scumbags' are straight out of BNP propaganda; check the facts.

You don't want benefits? So you wont be using the NHS if you, your wife or son fall ill; wont be sending your son to a state school; wont be using other facilities paid for by taxpayers?

If what you have said about your income is true you and you can show that it is then after 'working' in the UK for 6 months you will have met the income requirement; debts etc. are not taken into account; just gross income.

You are in the UK now, and by the time her visit visa expires will have been for 6 months.

So once her visit is up, she returns to Thailand and applies for settlement in the UK.

Where's your problem?


I suspect that she would need to apply for an Irish visa in Thailand.

As you are working illegally, i.e. not declaring and paying tax on your income, using the EEA route is not an option as you would need to prove that you, the EEA national, were exercising an economic treaty right in the RoI.

Illegal working may seem attractive at the time, but by so doing you've bollixed the chances of a long term visa for your partner; Irish, UK or EEA.

Thats not completely true. If the op where to move with his wife to La Linea Southern Spain (free visa) he could become self employed and pay the minimum required contributions and then go across to Gibraltar each day and gamble his hart out (they even have a nice casino in the marina. Then apply for a Spanish ID card (free of charge)for the wife which they must give her within 3 months after 5 years this becomes a permanent resedents ID She could also return to England with her husband free of charge under the Surinda Sing provision. I would check this, but I think you will find it 100% true.

Note: He should get his own Spanish papers first should not take long.


Does Ireland check passport of passengers arriving from the UK? I can't recall going through any immigration there.

They do spot checks the men UKBA stop anyone they think looks sus when leaving the ferry. North and South.


Whatever the rights and wrongs of your case, ignorant comments such as

I cant settle in the UK with my wife and son because of stupid rules the UKBA make up whilst so many scumbags are granted aslylum in the UK every year, given houses, cars and free money. I don't want benefits..............

Don't help your cause.

The UKBA didn't make the rules; the elected government did.

Your comments on 'scumbags' are straight out of BNP propaganda; check the facts.

You don't want benefits? So you wont be using the NHS if you, your wife or son fall ill; wont be sending your son to a state school; wont be using other facilities paid for by taxpayers?

If what you have said about your income is true you and you can show that it is then after 'working' in the UK for 6 months you will have met the income requirement; debts etc. are not taken into account; just gross income.

You are in the UK now, and by the time her visit visa expires will have been for 6 months.

So once her visit is up, she returns to Thailand and applies for settlement in the UK.

Where's your problem?

Once again you didnt read my post properly and just want to pick at things, why are you even on this thread when you refuse to offer help just to try and find something to say to me to cause problems?

I said SO MANY scumbags, I did not say that all asylum seekers are. Read about it all on the internet and in the media constantly. As for BNP, I take no interest in their propoganda or their agendas, I guess anything that they say that someone has their own opinion on you brand them a racist and a BNP supporter.

Both me and my wife are on private health care, if the UKBA said I could send my son to a private school in order to get a settlement visa I would. I paid income tax for 10 years and road tax for the same so I am hardly sponging off the government. How can I show my income when they require payslips?


What are you going on about what have I got to hide? Where have I hidden anything?

Let me explain something to you, maybe then you wont carry on being rude and obnoxious for no reason.

The whole reason I am not in Thailand any more is because the internet there is not good enough for my poker. My system on poker is simply I play people I feel I am better than. There was no one better than me at doing this on the site I play, however a year ago software came out that allowed people to do what I did automatically without having to lift a finger, when this software came in my money dried up and I couldnt get many games. Now its all about who is closer to the server of the poker site which is located in the Isle of Man. Considering there are only a handful of people close enough to this server to compete with me in getting players first it means now I am getting a lot of games again and things are back to normal.

However during the year or so in Thailand I couldnt make money I had a son and I didnt want to go back to the UK and miss his birth or early stages of his life. Therefore I stuck at it, eventually I sold my car and lived off credit cards and once they were near the end I told the wife we need to go live in Europe because I just cant do it in Thailand any more due to the distance away from the server. So I went home, she stayed in her mothers for a month, we got the tourist visa and over she came. Now that poker is back to normal there is no chance I am going back to Thailand for more than a holiday ever again or until I retire so I need to stay somewhere in Europe. I was going to stay in Portugal but that time of year is so expensive to rent a nice house. France and Spain were my first choices but poker in those countries is limited to only people who live there and as I play on an international site its therefore banned in that country.

Ireland would be ideal as its right next to the IOM and it means that I would not be effected really by moving there. Portugal would be slower but I still would do ok out there.

Thats why its important for me to remain in the UK and why I want to get a visa in Ireland. So now its going to take me about a year to clear my credit cards and money that I borrowed over that period of time in Thailand so therefore I cannot save money for now. During my time in Thailand I still made a lot of money, more than most in the UK earn in a very good job, however having 2 cars to pay for each month, rental fees, loads of bills in the UK, credit card payments, taking care of my wife and son and god knwos what other bills in Thailand not to mention the fact I have a taste for fine wine and food which in Pattaya comes at a price it meant that every month we were just about getting by but 1 bad month on poker and it meant that I was eating chunks off the credit cards.

So theres my life story for the last year or so.

As for illegal act, its disgusting that I make over £100k a year from poker and my bank accounts show this for the last 5 years apart from last year in Thailand when it was only £70k (£30k of that came in the last 2 months of the year that I moved back to the UK) that I cant settle in the UK with my wife and son because of stupid rules the UKBA make up whilst so many scumbags are granted aslylum in the UK every year, given houses, cars and free money. I don't want benefits all I want is to be in the UK with my family. It should be illegal that my wife, mother of my son is not allowed in the UK for longer than 6 months just because of stupid rules that they set that for a young man like me are near impossible to achieve.

And yes I should have saved money up but before I came to Thailand, met my wife I was living the life, buying fancy cars, 1/2/3 month trips to Vegas spending stupid money, flying first class, 3 month holidays in Florida, trips to Amsterdam every month just doing what most people my age would dream about doing. If I had hindsight I wouldnt have gone on many of those trips or wasted so much and I would have saved it up knowing it would have got my wife here to settle but we can't look into the future and I only came to Thailand on a 3 month holiday I didnt know that soon after I would be getting screwed by my own government making my life a misery trying to get our family settled down together somewhere we can live.

Is there anything else you need to know now before you start calling me something else or saying I have something to hide?

If I can get 6 months in Ireland come the end of the 6 months it means I can get another tourist visa of 6 months in the UK so that will be 1 years worth of saving and clearing debts which by the end of that hopefully I should have something sorted out in terms of trying to get some sort of income proven.

Remember each time your wife applies for a visa she must return to Thailand as she is not a resident of the country you are in, she could get a residence permit in Ireland, but you must be working there and paying taxes, which you are not.

So as I said only way forward is after each 6 months period, get her a ticket to Thailand and apply again. Then back to UK for 6 months, then back to Thailand apply for Irish visa keeping this cycle going.

If I could do it that way it sounds ideal, 6 months here, holiday in thailand, 6 months Ireland then holiday in Thailand. Only thing that would worry me is moving my lad about constantly.

I only need to do this for about 12/18 months and then I can quickly save up money.


I suspect that she would need to apply for an Irish visa in Thailand.

As you are working illegally, i.e. not declaring and paying tax on your income, using the EEA route is not an option as you would need to prove that you, the EEA national, were exercising an economic treaty right in the RoI.

Illegal working may seem attractive at the time, but by so doing you've bollixed the chances of a long term visa for your partner; Irish, UK or EEA.

Thats not completely true. If the op where to move with his wife to La Linea Southern Spain (free visa) he could become self employed and pay the minimum required contributions and then go across to Gibraltar each day and gamble his hart out (they even have a nice casino in the marina. Then apply for a Spanish ID card (free of charge)for the wife which they must give her within 3 months after 5 years this becomes a permanent resedents ID She could also return to England with her husband free of charge under the Surinda Sing provision. I would check this, but I think you will find it 100% true.

Note: He should get his own Spanish papers first should not take long.

The visa is only free if they prove they are married, she must apply here for the visa (Thailand) and the Certificate must be certified at the MFA, and then the British Embassy, tickets must also be provided to show that they are traveling together, and his passport and copies. To cross from La Linea to Gib she would require a Visa, unless they still have those day passes, cannot remember as have not been there for over 20 years. Also the Spanish Embassy might not give her a long term visa, it is upto their discretion, this means the Op and his family would need to come back to Thailand to get another visa.

If she has a residents card to Spain then she can travel to the UK with her husband but am not sure about staying in-definelty.


Also to use the Surinder Singh ruling he would need to have been working in an EEA state other than the UK, and Gibraltar wouldn't count.

He's been told what he needs to do, but doesn't want to do it.

Instead he'd rather moan, whinge and repeat racist lies.

Up to him.


This thread is going round in circles, the OP has been given advice and now needs to make an informed decision, it's now time to close this thread.

I have removed a flame against a member of the forum.


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