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Hoping For A Miracle ? Budget Busters Coming


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For a long time in Chiang Mai , many of us have got away with our girlfriends request for a branded bag etc since central airport plaza and KSK never had any real international branded stuff for us to consider insane to pay for the prices quoted

With these 2 malls coming with all branded names :-) what are u going to do or how will u tell your Teerak no ?

Every week soon they will be walking into these malls

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My ex would buy those things with her own money, though there were times when she asked if we could spend X amount on some makeup kit etc. How could I say no when she never raised a question about all the money I was spending on motorcycles etc.

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If I were to show up with a designer handbag or something like that, my partner would laugh me out the door saying "those are the kind of things ladies buy with their own money". If she wants something like that, or if her brother asks her to find him designer neckties or shirts, she scours Internet forums looking to see when X (name brand) factories outside Bangkok or in Lamphun have direct sales to the public twice a year or whatever. She then gets there at 7:30 A.M., gets in the queue and buys 10 or 20 of each. She re-sells them for large profits and ends up getting the item for free and putting the profits in her bank account or Mutual Funds.wink.png

If you are 'required' or pestered by a partner to buy over-priced junk because it is a "designer brand name", find someone else.

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If I were to show up with a designer handbag or something like that, my partner would laugh me out the door saying "those are the kind of things ladies buy with their own money". If she wants something like that, or if her brother asks her to find him designer neckties or shirts, she scours Internet forums looking to see when X (name brand) factories outside Bangkok or in Lamphun have direct sales to the public twice a year or whatever. She then gets there at 7:30 A.M., gets in the queue and buys 10 or 20 of each. She re-sells them for large profits and ends up getting the item for free and putting the profits in her bank account or Mutual Funds.wink.png

If you are 'required' or pestered by a partner to buy over-priced junk because it is a "designer brand name", find someone else.

Even more so if you are pestered by a 'teerak'.

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Rule 1

Don't go shopping with your wife/gf.

Rule 2

Don't give your wife/gf money, let her spend what she earns.

Rule 3

Don't consort with a woman you have to pay to be with you, unless you are very rich.

Rule 4

Never let your Thai date order the food (or drinks) at a restaurant

Rule 5

Only date Thai girls that are willing to meet you at your apartment for lunch.

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Rule 1

Don't go shopping with your wife/gf.

Rule 2

Don't give your wife/gf money, let her spend what she earns.

Rule 3

Don't consort with a woman you have to pay to be with you, unless you are very rich.

If most old farangs took note of this they would be a lot better off.Why would you want to pay someone to be with you,that is sad.

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Rule 1

Don't go shopping with your wife/gf.

Rule 2

Don't give your wife/gf money, let her spend what she earns.

Rule 3

Don't consort with a woman you have to pay to be with you, unless you are very rich.

If most old farangs took note of this they would be a lot better off.Why would you want to pay someone to be with you,that is sad.

If most men in general (young or old) took note of Rule 3, they would be better off. If a woman acts as though I have to pay her to keep her around, I just look at her and say "I'll really miss you when you are gone but goodbye." Chances are that if they don't expect or anticipate getting money from me, they will end up with more. There is a big difference between being generous and being looked at as an ATM.


Edited by Genericnic
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The biggest investment I made on the g/f was to spend a "gut wrenching" 10,000 baht on a sewing machine, then sent her to the 1bht per hour college to learn how to use it.

now she makes all her own clothes and even made me a designer bag from my old favourite jeans........it looks horrendous....so squeezing the life out my existing one; before I tell her the one she made is no longer fashionable!

but hey; I cant remember the last time she bought owt "shop made"

thinking of investing 500bht next to buy her a rice steamer.......that will cut out lunches and restaurants.

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I dont mind letting the wife have these things now and again,it usually means i can carry on with work,beer after work and coming home with another retro motorbike when i find one

.....here's another one who lets his wife wear the trousers

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Like Eyecatcher bought my wife a sewing machine and it has plenty of kilometers up on it. My missus would regard branded bags etc as a waste of money, just as well she is as miserable as me on trivial items. Others enjoy that sort of thing, to each their own. When I was a teenager you just had to wear Levis or you were really uncool, I grew out of that.

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Better deals on branded bags at Mae Sai thumbsup.gif


Better deals on branded bags at Mae Sai thumbsup.gif

even better than branded bags. I just bought genuine Ray Bans at Mae Sai for 60 bahts. Such a good price I bought 5 of them..When I got home I compared them to the Ray Bans I bought in Canada for an astronomical price compared to Mae Sai..I keep comparing and feeling and honestly cannot see or feel a difference

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Rule 1

Don't go shopping with your wife/gf.

Rule 2

Don't give your wife/gf money, let her spend what she earns.

Rule 3

Don't consort with a woman you have to pay to be with you, unless you are very rich.

If most old farangs took note of this they would be a lot better off.Why would you want to pay someone to be with you,that is sad.


Agreed. I have never understood why older farang men in Thailand pay women to be with them. Some even put their wives/g/f's, whatever...on salary. And the endless gifts? They would not do that in their home countries; why here?

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Better deals on branded bags at Mae Sai thumbsup.gif


>Better deals on branded bags at Mae Sai thumbsup.gif

even better than branded bags. I just bought genuine Ray Bans at Mae Sai for 60 bahts. Such a good price I bought 5 of them..When I got home I compared them to the Ray Bans I bought in Canada for an astronomical price compared to Mae Sai..I keep comparing and feeling and honestly cannot see or feel a difference

I'm sure the 60 Baht Ray Bans are fake. My partner's aunt owns an optical shop in Hat Yai and I was surprised to see them sell for as much as 5K THB there. She said Ray Ban costs a lot of money in Thailand even wholesale. 60 Baht? The g/f's uncle travels to China 4 times a year to bring back frames for the shop. He pays 150-200 THB per frame in China (and re-sells them for 2K THB in Thailand!), so hard to imagine what you are getting for a whopping 60 THB.

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Better deals on branded bags at Mae Sai thumbsup.gif


>Better deals on branded bags at Mae Sai thumbsup.gif

even better than branded bags. I just bought genuine Ray Bans at Mae Sai for 60 bahts. Such a good price I bought 5 of them..When I got home I compared them to the Ray Bans I bought in Canada for an astronomical price compared to Mae Sai..I keep comparing and feeling and honestly cannot see or feel a difference

I'm sure the 60 Baht Ray Bans are fake. My partner's aunt owns an optical shop in Hat Yai and I was surprised to see them sell for as much as 5K THB there. She said Ray Ban costs a lot of money in Thailand even wholesale. 60 Baht? The g/f's uncle travels to China 4 times a year to bring back frames for the shop. He pays 150-200 THB per frame in China (and re-sells them for 2K THB in Thailand!), so hard to imagine what you are getting for a whopping 60 THB.

Do you think I really thought they were the real thing? All I said is that in Mae Sai I paid 60 bahts each $2.00 and they look and feel like the real Ray Bans. I always recall several years ago watching a TV program about designer items made in China. The manufactuer would receive an order lets say from Calvin Kline or even Ray Ban.. His order would be for 2 million units. But he would actually make 5 million units the balance he would sell at an increased price to whomever he could. Don't ever think that if Calvin Kline pays $1.00 per unit in China that it is going to be sold in the west for $2.00 per unit. Maybe more like $200.00 per unit.

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Better deals on branded bags at Mae Sai thumbsup.gif


>Better deals on branded bags at Mae Sai thumbsup.gif

even better than branded bags. I just bought genuine Ray Bans at Mae Sai for 60 bahts. Such a good price I bought 5 of them..When I got home I compared them to the Ray Bans I bought in Canada for an astronomical price compared to Mae Sai..I keep comparing and feeling and honestly cannot see or feel a difference

I'm sure the 60 Baht Ray Bans are fake. My partner's aunt owns an optical shop in Hat Yai and I was surprised to see them sell for as much as 5K THB there. She said Ray Ban costs a lot of money in Thailand even wholesale. 60 Baht? The g/f's uncle travels to China 4 times a year to bring back frames for the shop. He pays 150-200 THB per frame in China (and re-sells them for 2K THB in Thailand!), so hard to imagine what you are getting for a whopping 60 THB.

Please free to Pm me.. I will invite you to my house to view to Mae Sai Ray bans and the Canadian bought Ray bans. If you can see the difference you are much more intelligent than me.

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New and better malls will save money because we save the Hong Kong flight. :-)

In all seriousness though, By far the best place for shopping remains the USA. Good deals, good sales and a terrific exchange rate. I'll be there soon and already started my online research. :thumbsup:

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New and better malls will save money because we save the Hong Kong flight. :-)

In all seriousness though, By far the best place for shopping remains the USA. Good deals, good sales and a terrific exchange rate. I'll be there soon and already started my online research. thumbsup.gif

Agreed. The USD is so weak buying in the US is the way to go.

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