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How Many Mosquitoes Bit You Last Night?

mosquitoes bit you, while in bed  

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Bangkok. Uncle has not suffered any bites in several nights. A few weeks ago, usually one a night (usually each mosquito making several successful biting runs; very adept at finding ankles, back of elbows, other tasty spots) . Problem aggravated by need to make several bathroom visits with mosquitoes evidently following back into screened bedroom Causal role of beer drinking and prostate problems.

What is the cause of recent decline in mosquito activity?

Edited by UncleDonald
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Bangkok. Uncle has not suffered any bites in several nights. A few weeks ago, usually one a night (usually each mosquito making several successful biting runs; very adept at finding ankles, back of elbows, other tasty spots) . Problem aggravated by need to make several bathroom visits with mosquitoes evidently following back into screened bedroom Causal role of beer drinking and prostate problems.

What is the cause of recent decline in mosquito activity?

No Bites at all

Great Thread.... :o

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Bangkok. Uncle has not suffered any bites in several nights. A few weeks ago, usually one a night (usually each mosquito making several successful biting runs; very adept at finding ankles, back of elbows, other tasty spots) . Problem aggravated by need to make several bathroom visits with mosquitoes evidently following back into screened bedroom Causal role of beer drinking and prostate problems.

What is the cause of recent decline in mosquito activity?

Cause of recent decline? No rain. Remember, we had some unseaonably heavy rain showers in Bangkok a few weeks ago. At that time I also noticed the increased mosquito activity and recent subsequent decline in activity. Wait until late April or early May and it will be business as usual.

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While trying to sleep last night I heard that unmistakable high pitched whine close to my ear and knew I was in for a restless night.

Woke up with loads of bite marks on various parts of my body and had been heavily sucked on four times during the night.

Didn't have any problems with mozzies though. :o

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No Mozzi bites last night but got well stung in me local pub when I found out (afterwards) that they (McMullins) have put up the price of a pint of the Amber N by 10 p a pint.. :D ...now £2-78p =@ Bt.200 bt.

Ye gods Jesu Marie etc...I remember the time when a pint of lager was 10 p a pint :o

If only we could "deet" the brewers...... :D

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No problems with mozzies in the UK this week - they either drowned during the daytime or froze to death at night.

I saw a report on the box that claimed a certain way to keep them away was to drink your own urine or rub it all over your body before going to bed. I know that Russians use urine to cure mild burns or scalds but I've not come across this one before. I'd try it myself but, as I said, we have no mozzies here. Would anyone who is suffering care to try it for a few days and tell us whether it works? Give us a day to day report.

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No problems with mozzies in the UK this week - they either drowned during the daytime or froze to death at night.

I saw a report on the box that claimed a certain way to keep them away was to drink your own urine or rub it all over your body before going to bed. I know that Russians use urine to cure mild burns or scalds but I've not come across this one before. I'd try it myself but, as I said, we have no mozzies here. Would anyone who is suffering care to try it for a few days and tell us whether it works? Give us a day to day report.

Urine huh! Think I'll stick to the Marmite on Toast, apparently mossies dislike the odour it gives off through the skin.

Must work I havn't been bitten recently, but then that could be because i'm in the UK! :o


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Despite insect screening throughout the house, I regularly was bitten 2-3 times a night. I went through a nightly ritual of getting up (usually they attracked around 4 a.m.), rubbing calamine lotion on the bites, and then 100% DEET repellent on the rest of my exposed skin (which I hate doing--stinks and can't be that healthy). However, malaria is a real threat in our area from time to time, so I had to weigh chemical DEET on my skin, vs. Malaria in my bloodstream.

I still don't know how the heck they get in, except for the fact that when I open the exterior door in the morning it's like they're waiting in line to swarm inside the second the door cracks open.


However, for the first time in years, I've now gone a 45 day streak with no bites at night. I give credit to a little gadget my friend bought me. It's called ARS NOMAT, and under the name on the box it says "Liquid Electric Mosquito Repellent". He picked it up at the local mini-mart for about 150 baht. You pour some kind of liquid into a holder, and plug it in during the night. No odor. (Now wonder what I'm inhaling.) Lasts 45 days before a refill needs to be purchased. (Yeah they got me on a string.)

But, it's working. I'm a believer. I don't think the no-bite-streak is due to the weather because I see plenty of mosquitos in my bedroom during the day, and in the evening when I'm reading or working at my desk (also in the bedroom). But, they do seem to disappear when I use this little gadget at night.

P.S. I don't own stock in the company, and I'm not a sales rep. :o

Edited by toptuan
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However, for the first time in years, I've now gone a 45 day streak with no bites at night. I give credit to a little gadget my friend bought me. It's called ARS NOMAT, and under the name on the box it says "Liquid Electric Mosquito Repellent". He picked it up at the local mini-mart for about 150 baht. You pour some kind of liquid into a holder, and plug it in during the night. No odor. (Now wonder what I'm inhaling.) Lasts 45 days before a refill needs to be purchased. (Yeah they got me on a string.)

I have a similar device, also from ARS. Instead it uses a small blue pad that you place in the supplied heating unit. Slowly vaporizes the contents in the pad and works perfectly.

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I have screens on all the windows and doors, yet I still get bites, especially downstairs.

I have a tube of Systral creme in every room because I swell up right away after a bite.

Back home in Quebec, we had big mean mosquitoes, :D but I never swelled up like I do here. :o

And there is no sign that my body is building immunity.

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I don't get bitten very often - If I go for a jungle-trek then yes (and they hurt them jungle mozzies, feels like they use a can opener!).

I Put it down to the fact that I don't eat meat and am not that sweaty. In BKK during the mozzie months when its so bl**dy hot 'n' sticky I just sleep on the bed with a towel to cover my bits and the fan on medium pointing directly at me - no air con (why freeze in LoS?), no mozzie cream, no chems either worn or burnt - no bites!

When my folks come from the UK they get bitten day and night, they leave me alone (the mozzies not the folks :o )

Are you jelous yet? :D

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No problems with mozzies in the UK this week - they either drowned during the daytime or froze to death at night.

I saw a report on the box that claimed a certain way to keep them away was to drink your own urine or rub it all over your body before going to bed. I know that Russians use urine to cure mild burns or scalds but I've not come across this one before. I'd try it myself but, as I said, we have no mozzies here. Would anyone who is suffering care to try it for a few days and tell us whether it works? Give us a day to day report.

Urine huh! Think I'll stick to the Marmite on Toast, apparently mossies dislike the odour it gives off through the skin.

Must work I havn't been bitten recently, but then that could be because i'm in the UK! :o


I was joking. Actually, the real cure is to drink the urine of the oldest lady in your village. The belief is that, because of all the years that she has been exposed to mosquitos, her body chemistry has built up permanent resistance. The easiest way to share her immunity is to drink her urine. Some people rub it all over themselves rather than drink it.

Do try it and let us know if it works.

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Why would it be in her urine? Her immunity musy be blood based - so, gut her and bathe in her blood - that the way to go. It has the added benefit of giving you eternal life too - assuming she's a virgin - like Countess Báthory's theories.

er... for the phsychopaths out there, I was joking!

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Why would it be in her urine? Her immunity musy be blood based - so, gut her and bathe in her blood - that the way to go. It has the added benefit of giving you eternal life too - assuming she's a virgin - like Countess Báthory's theories.

er... for the phsychopaths out there, I was joking!

Interesting idea, though. On the other hand, I fear that elderly virgins in Thailand are as rare as hens' teeth! Did you try the urine? I'd try myself but there are no mozzies here at the moment. In any case the old lady is a bit slow and says that she's put off by me standing around with a bucket.

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Good screens on the windows and doors, then keep the doors shut.

Spray the house infrequently, for the odd ones that did get in.

My wife likes to have open tubs of water with plants in them, but she puts

small fish in as well to eat any mosquito larvae.

Edited by astral
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My wife likes to have open tubs of water with plants in them, but she puts

small fish in as well to eat any mosquito larvae.

Ah! Eureka! you genius Astral - I never understood why the Thais insist on putting ornate guppies in the smallest amount of standing water - now I know. Doh! How stupid I feel now :o

Edited by wolf5370
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Our house is next to the Klong. Hence, mosquitos galore.

I havent been bitten for a ffew days now, but today could be the end of that good run. You never can tell.

I do have some fun massacring the buggers though. Leave the motorbike helmet outside overnight and in the morning the thing is full of 50-100 mozzies. Stand there armes with electric tennis racket and turn over helmet. instand Mozzie genocidde. Its a great feeling and leaves a funky, 'killer' smell in the air for a while.

Try it, you might like it too!!

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Why would it be in her urine? Her immunity musy be blood based - so, gut her and bathe in her blood - that the way to go. It has the added benefit of giving you eternal life too - assuming she's a virgin - like Countess Báthory's theories.

er... for the phsychopaths out there, I was joking!

Interesting idea, though. On the other hand, I fear that elderly virgins in Thailand are as rare as hens' teeth! Did you try the urine? I'd try myself but there are no mozzies here at the moment. In any case the old lady is a bit slow and says that she's put off by me standing around with a bucket.

Cat's piss is a suitable alternative mosquito repellent, but the required quantities are hard to come by.

Also, be careful, your fumbling the cat could easily be misinterpreted by the casual observer. :o

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Why would it be in her urine? Her immunity musy be blood based - so, gut her and bathe in her blood - that the way to go. It has the added benefit of giving you eternal life too - assuming she's a virgin - like Countess Báthory's theories.

er... for the phsychopaths out there, I was joking!

Interesting idea, though. On the other hand, I fear that elderly virgins in Thailand are as rare as hens' teeth! Did you try the urine? I'd try myself but there are no mozzies here at the moment. In any case the old lady is a bit slow and says that she's put off by me standing around with a bucket.

Cat's piss is a suitable alternative mosquito repellent, but the required quantities are hard to come by.

Also, be careful, your fumbling the cat could easily be misinterpreted by the casual observer. :D


I heard today that in Wales sheep's urine works well. So, those shepherds have been misunderstood for all these years! In the case of cats, one should always ensure that observers are smartly dressed.

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Leave the motorbike helmet outside overnight and in the morning the thing is full of 50-100 mozzies. Stand there armes with electric tennis racket and turn over helmet. instand Mozzie genocidde. Its a great feeling and leaves a funky, 'killer' smell in the air for a while.

Try it, you might like it too!!

I do the same with my boots and the kid's shoes.

aaaaah....I love the smell of fried mozzies in the morning. :o

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  • 5 months later...

Had to go to an ex-pats house the other day to fix a problem with his computer, within seconds I was smacking my elbows trying to squash the little devils. I asked him were the Baygon was (is it ok to use a brand product name in here?) to which he replied that he didn't have any as the mozzies didn't bother him anymore.

I politely informed him (eh eh) while I was busy scratching the skin off my arms "So, they just sit in a corner starving until you have visitors.... they bite you, it's just your skin doesn't explode anymore.... they can still give you malaria or dengue fever though"...... he came back about ten minutes later with a spray can. :o

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