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Teaching In Cambodia

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It varies all over the map. They think in terms of "by the hour" and no you don't get paid when you don't work. You will find offers of US$5 an hour, and $15 an hour depending on the area and the school. It is very easy to get hired with no credentials if you want to work for a for-profit school that doesn't care about the kids. With something like a TEFL you can get into a better school for maybe $8 - $10 an hour. If you actually have a degree and certification as an English teacher, you can probably pull $15 an hour. Many in Cambodia earn more than those in Thailand. In fact Thailand is known for poor pay in the public schools, at least.

Cambodia is less developed, but I found more people who could speak English in ordinary places in Cambodia than I have in Thailand by a wide margin. It isn't as much as The Philippines at all, but it's somewhere between The Phils and Thailand.

I was in PP for a month not too long ago and I was offered three jobs without wanting one or looking, and without caring about my credentials. The pay was lousy, like $5 - $6 an hour, but I think I could have done much better had I actually been looking.

I know one Barang teacher there at a uni who makes about $2,000 a month.

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There are no public schools as such. The education sector is mainly run by private companies for money and hence they suck. The wages haven't really gone up in PP for maybe 5 years. Quite a few University jobs with wages from $7 - $15 an hour with terms similar to Thailand. AUA has a presence and pays $17 + but you need a CELTA.

Outside of PP you will get paid peanuts.

For more info have a look at Khmer440.com

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