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Breaking News - Tsunami Warning! Southern Thailand

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Urgent: Disaster centre issue warning of possible tsunami by undersea volcano

The National Disaster Warning Centre issued an urgent warning asking the people to monitor announcements from the centre constantly following 31 earthquakes under the Andaman Sea off Ranong's coast.

The centre issued an announcement on TV saying 31 earthquakes measured at 4.0 to 5.3 on Richter scale happened on the seedbed about 400 to 600 kilometres west of Ranong's coast.

It said the number of the quakes was irregular and the epicenter was at the fault which was undersea mountains and had lave seeping out.

The centre said the quakes could lead to a formation of a new undersea volcano, which could cause tsunamis if the volcano exploded.

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So IF a volcano is formed then it MIGHT explode which in turn MIGHT cause a tsunami.

I hope they dont put people off the system by crying wolf.


I would have thought that lots of little quakes were a good thing.

They relieve the strain.

It is when nothing happens for ages that we should worry.

It MAY be building up to another big bang.




Disaster centre warns of possible undersea volcano explosion, tsunami

The National Disaster Warning Centre Saturday issued an urgent warning asking the people to monitor announcements from the centre constantly following 31 earthquakes under the Andaman Sea off Ranong's coast.

The centre issued an announcement on TV saying 31 earthquakes measured at 4.0 to 5.3 on Richter scale happened on the seedbed about 400 to 600 kilometres west of Ranong's coast on Thursday, Fridayd Saturday.

It said the number of the quakes was irregular and the epicenter was at a fault where undersea mountains were located and sometimes lava had seeped out from the fault.

The centre said the quakes might have been caused by force of the lava which were pushing out through the fault or the moving of the fault.

The centre said the quakes could lead to a formation of a new undersea volcano, which could cause tsunamis if the volcano exploded.

The centre added that the quakes also indicated that the Bahrain Volcano, which was about 110 kms away from the fault or 67kms from Thailand might explode in the future and affect Thailand.

The centre asked Thais to monitor announcements from the centre closely and ask fishermen to watch out for possible signs of undersea volcano explosion, such as the change of sea colours and strange behaviours of sea animals and smelling of phosphorous and seeing bubbles coming up from the sea.

Following the announcement, Phuket authorities have asked people to closely monitor announcements of DNWC and alerted the authorities if they found irregular incidents at the sea.

Phuket Governer Udomsak Assawarangkura said the number of earthquakes from March 9-11 were irregular. And the quakes could cause volcano underwater explosion that could possibly lead to tsunami.

He asked fishermen to monitor unusual incidents at sea such as change of sea colour or strange behaviour of sea animals. If found, they were asked to alert the nearest authorities.

As of now, the authorities have not yet issued any warning or ordered evacuation. But they are closely monitor the announcement from the DNWC.

Agence France-Presse, meanwhile, reports from Wellington that a string of moderate earthquakes shook New Zealand Saturday but there were no reports of damage or injury.

It says the largest quake measured 4.6 on the Richter scale and struck 40 kilometres west of remote Te Anau on the west coast of the South Island, the New Zealand Geological and Nuclear Sciences Department said.

A series of four quakes ranging from 3.8 to 4.5 rocked Wanganui on the west coast of the North Island over an eight hour period.

Menawhile a 5.2-magnitude earthquake jolted northern Pakistan on Friday, killing one person and injuring 22.

The quake was an aftershock of the massive October 8 South Asian temblor that killed more than 73,000 people in Pakistan, seismological department chief Qamaruz Zaman told AFP.

The tremor was felt at 12:50 pm (0750 GMT) in Jhelum and Lahore in Punjab province and in the city of Mirpur in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, Zaman said, adding the epicentre was located between Jhelum and Mirpur.

--The Nation 2006-03-11

I would have thought that lots of little quakes were a good thing.

They relieve the strain.

I believe that is true if it were an earthquake they were worried about but multi-earthquakes around a volcano is often a pre-cursor to an erruption.


***URGENT***Tsunami alert in Thailand's southern Andaman provinces after 31 earthquakes in two days

PHUKET: -- Thailand's National Disaster Warning Center have alerted Phuket and other provinces in the country's southern Andaman Sea region to pay close attention and monitor any earthquake in the Andaman Sea after 31 earthquakes occurred beneath and off the nearby Ranong Province between Thursday and Saturday morning.

Phuket Governor Udomsak Asavarangkura said Saturday that the National Disaster Warning Center had warned that 31 earthquakes measuring from 4.0 to 5.3 on the Richter scale took place on the seabed some 400-600 kilometers west of the Ranong coast.

According to the Center, the quakes were at irregular intervals, but the epicenter is an undersea mountain which has probably resulted from a new undersea volcano.

If a huge explosion occurs, it could cause a new tsunami.

Thailand's six southern coastal provinces on the Andaman Sea, including Phuket, Phang-nga, Krabi, Ranong, Trang and Satun, were devastated by a tsunami of unprecedented proportions and intensity on December 26, 2004.

The center urged residents to pay attention to earthquake and tsunami indicicators, and to closely monitor earthquakes in the Andaman Sea.

The authority also advised fishermen and oother coastal and deepwater shipping in the region to take particular note of peculiar movements of ocean waves and the behaviour of marine animals.

The center urged those who notice the peculiar signs to immediate report through the center's hotline,1860, or other local government agencies soonest possible.

However, Phuket authorities have not announced an evacuation, the governor said, or set off other alarnms, as the intensity of the earthquakes at just over 5 on the Richter scale is not considered very dangerous.

--TNA 2006-03-11 at 14:33


At Least the warnings go out now Without some Lazy official worrying about loosing FACE if they mgiht be wrong.

Thai politicians have learned at least something :-(


I have a friend down there right now who is new to Thailand. He's somewhere in the Krabi area. I hope he's monitoring the warnings and I hope this all comes to nothing this time. I've sent him emails which is the only way I have to contact him right now until he returns to BKK next week. MalcolmL

So IF a volcano is formed then it MIGHT explode which in turn MIGHT cause a tsunami.

I hope they dont put people off the system by crying wolf.


:o You took the words right out of my mouth, VanZam ! :D

I personally think it is great that they issue warnings in advance if they deem there is a potential threat. Even if the risk is low.

I agree, however, you have to feel sorry for these guys and their warnings.....damned if they do, damned if they don't.


The USGC states:

Seismologists have observed that for every magnitude 6 earthquake there are 10 of magnitude 5, 100 of magnitude 4, 1,000 of magnitude 3, and so forth as the events get smaller and smaller. This sounds like a lot of small earthquakes, but there are never enough small ones to eliminate the occasional large event. It would take 32 magnitude 5's, 1000 magnitude 4's, 32,000 magnitude 3's to equal the energy of one magnitude 6 event. So, even though we always record many more small events than large ones, there are never enough to eliminate the need for the occasional large earthquake.


Ranong has already been hit once. It may not be my favourite place but it's not exactly the richest part of Thailand so I too hope this amounts to nothing, it's the last thing Thailand needs.


why dont they send navy-boats in the andaman-sea?

the fishermen should watch, because the navy dont have money for the diesel?

what about sailing boats?

I personally think it is great that they issue warnings in advance if they deem there is a potential threat. Even if the risk is low.

I totally agree. I live in Phuket and was here when the tsunami struck. I know what it looks and feels like. I am glad that they have issued the warning.


I don't think any fisherman will be able to report bubbles emerging from the sea. If that is the case, his boat will likely lose its float as the sp gr of the water would have dropped.


It might be wise to remember that the Mt St Helens volcano's was a magnitude 5.2, which occurred only seconds before the massive explosion. It might also be wise to remember that about 50 earthquakes having magnitudes larger that 4.5 were located in the Mt St Helens area preceding the main event.

The present warning is properly made.


On TV it shows that the Thais moved away from the Tsunami Danger Zone(even left their houses )....but the Farangs didn't .

Either they don't have the Tsunami Warning in English (or swedish & German) or the Farang's don't take this seriously.... :o

rcm :D

I don't think any fisherman will be able to report bubbles emerging from the sea. If that is the case, his boat will likely lose its float as the sp gr of the water would have dropped.

Actually, there have been reports of bubbling in that area shortly after the tsunami. Geologists have been speculating that the tsunami earthquake may have reactivated under sea volcanoes and *another fault line. I don't know much about this at all, but am merely repeating what I remember reading after the tsunami.


One of the top stories in Sweden right now. Swedes are usually very sensitive about things like this, so count on a few percent less drunk swedes in Phuket in the coming months.


Bangkok Post warning issued at 15:01pm

Tsunami warning after 31 quakes

The National Disaster Warning Centre on Saturday warned people in Phuket and other provinces rimming the Andaman Sea to be on standby alert for a tsunami after a series of small offshore earthquakes occurred in the area.

The centre asked the people to monitor announcements from the centre constantly following 31 earthquakes under the Andaman Sea off Ranong's coast.

Director of the centre Plodprasop Suraswadi also urged the people in the Southern area to report to the centre immediately if they see something wrong.

The centre announced on TV saying 31 earthquakes measured at 4.0 to 5.3 on Richter scale had been recorded in the seabed some 400 to 600 kilometres west of the Ranong province, probably resulting from a new undersea volcano.

Such a high number of the quakes was unusual and the epicenter was at the fault which was undersea mountain with lava seeping out and could lead to an undersea volcano and possibly tsunamis.

--Bangkok Post 2006-03-11 at 15:01

One of the top stories in Sweden right now. Swedes are usually very sensitive about things like this, so count on a few percent less drunk swedes in Phuket in the coming months.

Well, the missing Places will be filled by other Nationalities....not to worry

rcm :o

One of the top stories in Sweden right now. Swedes are usually very sensitive about things like this, so count on a few percent less drunk swedes in Phuket in the coming months.

Correct. Two of my guests received a text message half an hour ago, first they had heard of the "threat". I showed them this thread and put their minds at rest.

Absolutely no signs of any related activity (i.e running to the hills, evacuation, panic) here in Karon.

why dont they send navy-boats in the andaman-sea?

the fishermen should watch, because the navy dont have money for the diesel?

what about sailing boats?

There are thousands of fishing boats out there so while they are out there they might as well be educated about the warning signs so they can report it when they see something.

I don't see how you can criticize them for asking the eyes out on sea to be alert.



Trang unaffected by underwater tremors

TRANG: -- Unusual underwater tremors monitored in the Andaman Sea between March 9-11 have not affected this southern province, but concerned officials have been ordered to be well prepared if the disaster hit the province.

Cherdpan Na Songkhla, Governor of Trang, said on Saturday that concerned officials were ordered to be on alert, while islanders and people living along the seacoast were requested to be more cautious.

The National Disaster Warning Center earlier on Saturday issued a warning that between March 9-11 it had detected 31 quakes ranging in magnitudes from 4.0 to 5.3 on the Ritcher scale in the Andaman Sea off the southern province of Ranong.

The epicenters have been in an area where underwater volcanoes, sometimes, erupt along a fault line.

According to the center, such earthquakes could cause a major eruption of underwater volcanoes, and that could trigger a new tsunami that could damage Thailand.

Thailand's six southern coastal provinces along the Andaman Sea, including Phuket, Phang-nga, Krabi, Ranong, Trang and Satun, were hit by the December 26, 2004 tsunami.

Meanwhile, Ar-thorn Lek-kerdpol, chairman of the tambon (sub-district) administrative organization for Libong Island in the province's Kantang District severely hit by the December 2004 tsunami, said people living on the island were not affected by the quakes, while a disaster alarm system is being installed and is not ready yet.

He said people living on the island were asked to remain alert and follow news reports closely.

--TNA 2006-03-11 at 18:25

***URGENT***Tsunami alert in Thailand's southern Andaman provinces after 31 earthquakes in two days

PHUKET: -- Thailand's National Disaster Warning Center have alerted Phuket and other provinces in the country's southern Andaman Sea region to pay close attention and monitor any earthquake in the Andaman Sea after 31 earthquakes occurred beneath and off the nearby Ranong Province between Thursday and Saturday morning.

Phuket Governor Udomsak Asavarangkura said Saturday that the National Disaster Warning Center had warned that 31 earthquakes measuring from 4.0 to 5.3 on the Richter scale took place on the seabed some 400-600 kilometers west of the Ranong coast.

According to the Center, the quakes were at irregular intervals, but the epicenter is an undersea mountain which has probably resulted from a new undersea volcano.

If a huge explosion occurs, it could cause a new tsunami.

Thailand's six southern coastal provinces on the Andaman Sea, including Phuket, Phang-nga, Krabi, Ranong, Trang and Satun, were devastated by a tsunami of unprecedented proportions and intensity on December 26, 2004.

The center urged residents to pay attention to earthquake and tsunami indicicators, and to closely monitor earthquakes in the Andaman Sea.

The authority also advised fishermen and oother coastal and deepwater shipping in the region to take particular note of peculiar movements of ocean waves and the behaviour of marine animals.

The center urged those who notice the peculiar signs to immediate report through the center's hotline,1860, or other local government agencies soonest possible.

However, Phuket authorities have not announced an evacuation, the governor said, or set off other alarnms, as the intensity of the earthquakes at just over 5 on the Richter scale is not considered very dangerous.

--TNA 2006-03-11 at 14:33

2Days ----hmmmmm never made the news yesterday!!!! (delayed reporting) :o

One of the top stories in Sweden right now. Swedes are usually very sensitive about things like this, so count on a few percent less drunk swedes in Phuket in the coming months.


That's a bit like a glass being "1/2 Empty or 1/2 Full" . . . . isn't it !

Perhaps the heavily drinking Swedes may feel more secure in the knowledge that Thailand is actually monitoring the sea-areas from whence danger might creep-up . . . . ? ? ? ? So; perhaps Phuket can look forward to more tourists from that thirsty part of the world, not less ? ? ?


why dont they send navy-boats in the andaman-sea?

the fishermen should watch, because the navy dont have money for the diesel?

what about sailing boats?

I think there where a few japanese research ships sunk quite a while ago while they were monitoring the formation of an underwater volcano somewhere in the pacific... :o


One of the top stories in Sweden right now. Swedes are usually very sensitive about things like this, so count on a few percent less drunk swedes in Phuket in the coming months.


That's a bit like a glass being "1/2 Empty or 1/2 Full" . . . . isn't it !

Perhaps the heavily drinking Swedes may feel more secure in the knowledge that Thailand is actually monitoring the sea-areas from whence danger might creep-up . . . . ? ? ? ? So; perhaps Phuket can look forward to more tourists from that thirsty part of the world, not less ? ? ?


Unfortunatly most swedish only read the headlines which right now says "VOLCANIC ACTIVITY outside THAILAND". Swedes like mot people are dumb.

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