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Visa Run Recommendations


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So I'm staying in Chiang Mai for a while and in 2 weeks I'll need to renew my visa, is there anywhere that you would recommend to go for a visa run, or is it just a case of any place will do?

I'm currently staying close to the night bazaar. Any further information would be great.

Many thanks,


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Hi Paul

This question comes up here all the time, so if you search the forums, or do a google search, you'll find all the answers you need.

If it's a land crossing you are looking for, a day trip to Mae Sai will suffice. If it's an airport, then take your pick of destinations.

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Since you need to ask the question, I'm going to assume you don't have a passport full of previous visas (many consulates are iffy about issuing a large number of back to back visas).

It all depends how much longer you want to stay. You could do a 'border run' to Mae Sai and get an extra 15 days. You could do a 'border run' by air (not stopping over, just turning round and coming back) and get an extra 30 days. But that's a much cheaper option from BKK than it is from CM. Or you could do a 'visa run' to pretty much anywhere (Laos is about the cheapest option from CM) and get a single or double good for up to 6 months stay.

A few of the easy to reach consulates don't do doubles (again, they change the 'rules' all the time so it's a bit hit & miss) and/or take longer to issue visas (i.e. 4 days for Penang(?)) so I'd suggest Vientiane or Savannakhet (Laos). Check the visas forum ( http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/forum/1-thai-visas-residency-and-work-permits/ ) for the most recent reports on visa runs and decide if you want to go by bus to or fly to Udon Thani and go to Laos from there (less stressful option imho).

Edited by bobl
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Since you need to ask the question, I'm going to assume you don't have a passport full of previous visas (many consulates are iffy about issuing a large number of back to back visas).

It all depends how much longer you want to stay. You could do a 'border run' to Mae Sai and get an extra 15 days. You could do a 'border run' by air (not stopping over, just turning round and coming back) and get an extra 30 days. But that's a much cheaper option from BKK than it is from CM. Or you could do a 'visa run' to pretty much anywhere (Laos is about the cheapest option from CM) and get a single or double good for up to 6 months stay.

A few of the easy to reach consulates don't do doubles (again, they change the 'rules' all the time so it's a bit hit & miss) and/or take longer to issue visas (i.e. 4 days for Penang(?)) so I'd suggest Vientiane or Savannakhet (Laos). Check the visas forum ( http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/forum/1-thai-visas-residency-and-work-permits/ ) for the most recent reports on visa runs and decide if you want to go by bus to or fly to Udon Thani and go to Laos from there (less stressful option imho).

I got a triple-entry 60-day visa whilst in England, and I'm coming up to the end of my first one. I have never been to the border specifically for a visa before, normally it would be to go somewhere else, but I know of people that have paid for a company to take them to the border and back, so I was looking for the same kind of thing. Ideally to get back the same day, if possible.

I think going to Mae Sai sounds good, what would be the best place to buy that from? I'm not too worried about bus or minivan.

Thanks again,

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The problem with asking for visa advice on this site is that you will get 101 answers. 50 of which will be completely wrong. 50 more will be iffy and 1 will be spot on. The problem is out of the 101 how do you identify which one is spot on. Now what I am going to say you can take with a grain of salt. But I presume what you are saying is that you are here on a triple entry tourist visa and you are coming to the end of your first 60 days. I know that people who are here on a regular 60 day tourist visa can go to immigration in Chiang Mai and obtain a 30 day extension. So I presume with your triple entry visa you could do the same thing. Afer your 30 day extension is up then you have to leave the country.

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Since you need to ask the question, I'm going to assume you don't have a passport full of previous visas (many consulates are iffy about issuing a large number of back to back visas).

It all depends how much longer you want to stay. You could do a 'border run' to Mae Sai and get an extra 15 days. You could do a 'border run' by air (not stopping over, just turning round and coming back) and get an extra 30 days. But that's a much cheaper option from BKK than it is from CM. Or you could do a 'visa run' to pretty much anywhere (Laos is about the cheapest option from CM) and get a single or double good for up to 6 months stay.

A few of the easy to reach consulates don't do doubles (again, they change the 'rules' all the time so it's a bit hit & miss) and/or take longer to issue visas (i.e. 4 days for Penang(?)) so I'd suggest Vientiane or Savannakhet (Laos). Check the visas forum ( http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/forum/1-thai-visas-residency-and-work-permits/ ) for the most recent reports on visa runs and decide if you want to go by bus to or fly to Udon Thani and go to Laos from there (less stressful option imho).

I got a triple-entry 60-day visa whilst in England, and I'm coming up to the end of my first one. I have never been to the border specifically for a visa before, normally it would be to go somewhere else, but I know of people that have paid for a company to take them to the border and back, so I was looking for the same kind of thing. Ideally to get back the same day, if possible.

I think going to Mae Sai sounds good, what would be the best place to buy that from? I'm not too worried about bus or minivan.

Thanks again,

Ah, then yes, you don't need a visa run you need a border run. You're not going 'for a visa' you're simply going to get stamped out and back in to 'activate' your 2nd 60 day stay. A visa run's what you'll need to do at the end of your 6-9 months.

If your triple entry has a 6 month validity (what's the "enter before" date?), you could get 9 months out of it by extending your current stay by 30 days at immigration in CM.

But if you only want to stay 6 months then activating your next 60 days at Mae Sai is a better option. I don't know about the bus/minivan option because I usually drive - but from what I've read I think it's about 700 baht and they leave around 8am. There's lots of 'tourist info' places near night bazaar (the places that do motorcycle rental, tickets for flight of the gibbon and stuff) that will likely point you in the right direction.

There's another thread in the CM forum started by someone who asked the same question and has just done his border run - start there... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/625563-mae-sai-border-runhelp/ Edited by bobl
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