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Lower Sukhumwit

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I'm off down Lower Sukhumwit in a mo to see my 'physio'.

If I see any of the following I'll be sure to report it to the TV Committee for them to express their outrage.

1- Anyone with no shirt on

2 - Anyone drinking beer

3 - Anyone with a dolly at least half their age or weight

4 - Anyone from Scotland

Never let it be said I let the side down!!!

If there's anything else which you feel may cause offence, post it here and if I see it, I'll report it...

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Scratch card time share touts.

Mr Lucky Man.

Cheap Charlie farangs wandering round with their 7-11 bought large Chang sipping it through a straw.

Farangs wearing black socks with their flip flops.

Fake Boy Scouts and monks.

Anyone from the African continent offering you drugs.

Middle aged women with beer guts and tattoos prancing around in schoolgirl outfits.

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Scratch card time share touts.

Mr Lucky Man.

Cheap Charlie farangs wandering round with their 7-11 bought large Chang sipping it through a straw.

Farangs wearing black socks with their flip flops.

Fake Boy Scouts and monks.

Anyone from the African continent offering you drugs.

Middle aged women with beer guts and tattoos prancing around in schoolgirl outfits.

I loathe Mr. Lucky Man.

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It wasn't too bad all told! Plenty of perfectly normal people having a nice Saturday afternoon out and enjoying the views.

The only dark moment was getting the inevitable 'Thai history/politics/culture' lecture until my pal informed the "lecturer" that I'd been here for a fair while and he actually apologised and went back to bore his pals...

Very pleasant day.

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What is the scam the lucky man is onto? He's tried it with me twice and i've ignored him. Where does it lead if you stop and ask him why you're lucky?

You mean that you were able to resist his strangely orange eyes, his eye shadow, and his hand wrapped around yours WITHOUT stopping?

Was he wearing the traditional Indian garments with facial piercings and dot on his forehead, or had he adopted his more western Hawaiian shirt, slacks, and lots of jewelry when he accosted you?

Edited by ivan96822
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