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Motorcycle Accident Caused Death To Grade 12 International School Student On Saturday.


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<p>Received an email from the local international school here in CM about a senior in high school involved in a accident over the weekend. </p>

<p>Anyone know details?</p>

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<p>Apparently he was a "luk kreung", half-thai half-white"</p>

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He was killed in the accident, as the email said his funeral will start today and cremated on thursday.

Apparently it happened, as stated in the email, " early hours of Saturday morning" which doesn't sound good since I am assuming it was probably some time after friday midnight.

I'm only revealing his name cause a mass email was sent out, so I am under the impression its not kept confidential.

Name was Api Enders which I googled and found a youtube video, good looking boy, too bad graduation is only weeks away.

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I know him and his family. What a terrible shock.

So sorry to hear about this terrible accident.

My deepest condolences to his family. I can't even imagine what an awful shock this must be for them.

Wishing them the strength to pull through. It's really hard when someone goes so quickly, especially when so young.

He was such a nice kid, so so sad.

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R.I.P. , this is very sad news, a young life ended too early. wai2.gif

Api used to sleepover at our house, several years back, when he & my sons were school-mates.

I know he will be missed, by them and many other students, who knew him back then when he was at Prem. sad.png

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From what I understand, Api was a friendly and likable young man.

NIS is a closely-knit community and even many of the students who did not know him directly, including my kids, are saddened.

My condolences to the family.

May he rest in peace.


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Is the life... People die every minute... RIP

Total crap. your attitude would soon change if it were someone nearest or dearest to you involved in a fatal accident.

All my 3 kids have motorbikes and I `m constantly on tender hooks worrying about them Everyday using those bikes. I say to them, please be careful on those deathtraps. When you`re on the road, think only about your driving and nothing else.

Some years ago when they first got the motorbikes, I spent many hours with them on the roads and did not let them out alone on the things until I was sure they were proficient enough to drive safely.

All there is to do is live in hope that nothing bad happens and my heartfelt sympathies go out to the family of this tragic road victim.

I feel for the family it is not an easy thing to take and I know from personal experience.

But the saying

"People die every minute."

is true and I am glad it is not up to me to pick the minute they die.

I accept it and move on with life. I miss my boy even now 24 years later. But it is a part of my life I did not choose and I think often of the good things that were yet to come. And I am eternally grateful it was not up to me to make the decision when he should go. For him who is to say. Unless they can predict the future.

Once again I say to the family I understand the loss. It is not only a loss of what was but what we dream would have been. It is a pain that we carry with us for a long time. A reminder of how precious they really were to us.

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Really sad to hear about Api.

I did not know him, but from the video clip, he was a nice kid with good friends and a bright future.

Condolences to Api's Family and his Friends.

My thoughts are with you today.

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Is the life... People die every minute... RIP

Total crap. your attitude would soon change if it were someone nearest or dearest to you involved in a fatal accident.

All my 3 kids have motorbikes and I `m constantly on tender hooks worrying about them Everyday using those bikes. I say to them, please be careful on those deathtraps. When you`re on the road, think only about your driving and nothing else.

Some years ago when they first got the motorbikes, I spent many hours with them on the roads and did not let them out alone on the things until I was sure they were proficient enough to drive safely.

All there is to do is live in hope that nothing bad happens and my heartfelt sympathies go out to the family of this tragic road victim.

I didn't want to say this earlier, but as the inevitable discussion has been kicked off now: there is no way I will let my kids anywhere near a motorbike. And that includes any friend's bike.

I rode and raced motocross from the age of 11. As a young man I discovered the joys of bikes on the open road. Without exaggeration I can say that some of the very best moments of my entire lifetime have been on a motorcycle and they added a huge amount of joy to about 30 years of that life.

But I will NOT allow my children on a motorcycle and even though my son is only 9, I make an active and ongoing effort to convince him that he should never ride. I'll help him get a car some day but I will beg him (if I have to) to stay off motorcycles.

I never had an accident despite lots of high speed riding but while I put that down to defensive and (I like to think) a great deal of skill and experience, know too much about how easy it is for someone else to make a mistake and the rider ends up seriously injured or dead; and I've known a couple fatalities personally. Maybe it's hypocritical and selfish but I will do everything I can to prevent or (when they are older) dissuade my kids from riding - even as a passenger - on motorcycles.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Watched the video and so touching.

Very sad indeed.

Condolences to family and friends of Api.


...can i ask if anyone knows the details of this accident, how it came about, and if it he was taken to emergency or died on the spot?
I suppose when you have a face to a name, it makes one wish to know the details more. I know it wont bring him back but maybe the circumstances could be prevented if others take heed (if it was the kind of accident where a driver was negligent etc? or helmets not worn?). Hope it doesnt cause offense that i ask.

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If you ride a lot tangcoral there may be times when you have a fall, however although you are probably right (and i noticed it myself, but thought nothing of it..as so many riders i know have had accidents at one time or another), there really is nothing to suggest that the accident in that scene was caused by riding a motorbike.

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Was he wearing a helmet and, if not, was his not wearing a helmet instrumental in his death?

I ask as one with more than thirty-five years of motorcycling experience, and still adding to them, and also as one who shakes his head everyday at the foolishness of the many riders here who do not wear helmets, who when they do wear cheap helmets that offer very poor protection and who when they do so often do not bother to strap them on, practically ensuring that the moment they crash the helmet will fly off their heads.

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Motorcycles are a practical fact of life in this part of the world, to keep the kids off of them is damn difficult. I cringe every time I see my nieces an nephews bugger-off into the sunset on their automatic rockets without helmets, to say anything to the parents would be instantly interpreted as "blame",therefore severally frowned upon.

My kid is 4yrs old and has been on a bike since she was 6months old. I do intend to let her ride at the proper age, if she so desires. All I can do is try to provide her with the utmost training in skill and safety through sport-riding,where one would hope she could develop a disciplined interest in motorcycles and respect for the open road.

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In reference to eek's question, none of that kind of information has been released to anyone at school. I'm interested to know as well.

He was a popular boy with a charismatic personality and a fantastic student this is a huge loss to us all.

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Someone mentioned a "bus" was involved but I cannot confirm.

I hear one of the students say this time last year another student at this same school was killed in a moto accident, except it was an exhibition of speed of some sort or high rate of speed.

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There was a big crash outside my place (there often are I'm afraid - my computer desk offers a "prime" view of many) - opposite the traffic police station by (Moo) Ban Kwanwiang (between Hang Dong Somoeng junction and Saraphi - near the new 7-11/swimming pool). It seemed to be a white car and a motorcycle/moped- (I didn't follow the local out for a look-see, but couldn't miss 200 metres of flashing lights and ambulance sirens - car horn was stuck on for a good ten minutes too until tow truck turned up and yanked the battery. No idea if its the same accident (we have one or two a month at the moo ban junction).

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The You Tube video is very touching. He was a good looking boy and obviously a very good student. I can't imagine the pain the parents are feeling...

I agree with the others. No way am I letting my boy ride around on a motorcycle. You can be the best parent you can be, teach them all the dangers, etc. but kids will be kids. I see it every day, kids chatting on mobiles while driving, not wearing their helmets, etc.

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