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Swede Gets Death Penalty In Malaysia For Drugs


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Probably try to come with that xxxx in Thailand and poison lots of people, good jugement hope they execut it that is what drug dealer deserve.

But alcohol poisons/kills more people a year than what this guy had, but I'm sure you're ok with that

Millions and millions get killed by stupidity. Their own and/or that of others. Course of nature. It has always been and will always be this way. It's just human.

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If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

Nice name boris, seems to suit your apparent attitude.

The lines are quite clearly drawn already. Malaysia is very very clear on drugs wherever you enter the country their

immigration enrty form clearly states " the penalty for carrying drugs into or out of Malaysia is Death "

I am not aware of anywhere where they have capital punishment for selling alcohol, even in the middle east, but I am

open to correction by anyone. coffee1.gif

This is not a forum to expel other peoples names..grow up. ps. having a death penalty law doesn't mean its right.

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I am Swedish myself. In Sweden the penalty for this type of crime is only 5 years prison, maximum. Like this decision to scare another person, maybe. No excuse.

Let the law have the effect, the sooner the better smile.png

If not, the Swedish government send the private jet to pick him up in KL! He is as Swedes call "VIP"

when "imported" to Sweden as a refugee or other excuse!!

This guy give Swedes a bad reputation.

Edited by Scott
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I strongly disagree with their policy of execution for trafficking cannabis, but I would allow for the execution for methamphetamine which itself kills many people and destroys families.

Alcohol kills more and destroys more families than meth and all other illegal drugs put together.

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If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

Nice name boris, seems to suit your apparent attitude.

The lines are quite clearly drawn already. Malaysia is very very clear on drugs wherever you enter the country their

immigration enrty form clearly states " the penalty for carrying drugs into or out of Malaysia is Death "

I am not aware of anywhere where they have capital punishment for selling alcohol, even in the middle east, but I am

open to correction by anyone. coffee1.gif

This is not a forum to expel other peoples names..grow up. ps. having a death penalty law doesn't mean its right.

Obviously, the poster is not a natural Boris dodger but rather made reference to the added "loose brain" part.

If in an autonomous country death penalty is law and someone does not like it, well there are options. For example don't travel or even live in that country particularly if you a foreigner. If it is unavoidable for whatever reason well, stick to the law. The most brainless thing one can do is breaking the law on purpose particularly in a way that is punishable by death.

Well, surely one can decide to swim in shark invested waters but must be ready to face the music. The sharks are surely not to blame in this case. blink.png

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Problem is, Alcohol and Tobacco have got it all sewn up, with their massive political donations and lobbyists, smoking a joint can get you years in jail,yet you can go and purchase a warehouse full of hard liqour with no comeback.

What gets me is that so many people think its right, people like my grandfather, ThaiVisa members seem to hold many grandfatherly views, or they were just born old.

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He is an Iranian not Swede...he just happend to have a swedish passport...not born or raised in sweden and not living in Sweden...

Never the less death penalty is a hard penalty but he was aware of that when he did it. Sorry I have no sympathies for drug runners no matter what the nationality is.

If you need to be selling drugs to make brake even, youre in the wrong business a crappy businessman or both.

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Not sure if this thread is about drug dealing or death penalties.

The threat of a death penalty is meant to act as a deterrent, and it probably does to some degree.

What if Thailand had the same for causing the death of another road-user?

Might it have some effect? Maybe it would only have to be carried out a couple of times (on poor people of course) for all drivers and riders to get the message.

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Probably try to come with that xxxx in Thailand and poison lots of people, good jugement hope they execut it that is what drug dealer deserve.

I know I'm just barking out what's been said dozens of times before on here...

But it'd be nice to see them investigate exactly what organizations are involved (in the origin and destination) with this sort of traffic. 4.3 kg of heroin means a significant organization (for both the supply and distribution) is involved, and this guy's just an easily replaced little pawn in that system.

Exactly what I think too, much too often people are used without notice or they are desparate which does not excuse their action and you never see the big ones at both ends caught, the courier is only a weak and small chain in this business. When it comes to illegal drugs everyone is quick at hand with death penalty but like a gun it does shoot into your body by itself and legalized drugs killing people everday sanctioned by govs. all around the world. Killing people was never a solution other will follow if you not elliminate the roots of this problem and this again mostly due to governments. Happy Songkran taking a legal drugburp.gif

Well, if the drugs are legal, so be it...People can make the choice of killing themselves, perhaps more slowly, with these legal drugs.

But then now some people may think twice before taking illegal drugs in or out of Malaysia...

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I strongly disagree with their policy of execution for trafficking cannabis, but I would allow for the execution for methamphetamine which itself kills many people and destroys families.

Alcohol kills more and destroys more families than meth and all other illegal drugs put together.

Perhaps, but my 2 beers in the evening make me feel fine.

If I was on Meth, would you know what quantity I would need to just feel fine???

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The biggest crime here is the length of time these offenders have to wait for the sentence to be carried out. Governments like Iraq that execute people within 30 days after all legal avenues have been exhausted seems to be the most humane.

i would hazard to guess that sitting on death row awaiting execution for years and years is not very nice. You can debate the alcohol, drugs, guns, issues all you want. The laws of each country have been written over time by the various representatives (Governments) of the people. Want different laws.....vote for different people.

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If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

And I do know that ingesting too much SALT will be detrimental to one's health...

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If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

Nice name boris, seems to suit your apparent attitude.

The lines are quite clearly drawn already. Malaysia is very very clear on drugs wherever you enter the country their

immigration enrty form clearly states " the penalty for carrying drugs into or out of Malaysia is Death "

I am not aware of anywhere where they have capital punishment for selling alcohol, even in the middle east, but I am

open to correction by anyone. coffee1.gif

This is not a forum to expel other peoples names..grow up. ps. having a death penalty law doesn't mean its right.

In Malaysia, it is right....

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If you're going to applaud the execution of drug traffickers - would you hold peddlars of whisky etc to the same standard -given that alcohol abuse wreaks havoc on the roads and in families in cases of domestic violence and in the community in cases of random and premeditated violence ??. Or perhaps those whose superannuation and pension funds invest in companies that manufacture arms and weapons of war.....which often do untold damage to innocent civilians....Just wondering because the holier than thou mentality of some of the would be local lynch mobbers is pretty nauseating. Where do you draw the line?

Nice name boris, seems to suit your apparent attitude.

The lines are quite clearly drawn already. Malaysia is very very clear on drugs wherever you enter the country their

immigration enrty form clearly states " the penalty for carrying drugs into or out of Malaysia is Death "

I am not aware of anywhere where they have capital punishment for selling alcohol, even in the middle east, but I am

open to correction by anyone. coffee1.gif

Thanks for the obtuse dig at the name Boris , jock, not quite sure what connotations the name Boris has for you but I'm open to a renaming should you have any better suggestions, my mother has alzheimers so we won't get any argument from her. Look I agree with you about the laws in Malaysia - the guy is a fool -and in that sense he gets what is coming for trying to get away with a a crime that incurs the severest penalty. My point was more about the attitude of 'he deserves what he got because he's a bad guy' as opposed to well he knew the risk so tough luck. The cheer squad attitude is reminiscent of the witch hunt mentality of the middle ages.

People do go on about the evils of drugs etc and I've had decades of seeing people both enjoy and abuse different drugs some of them now dead and some now clean and alive and well and many still having a puff at the end of the work day. I agree that crystal meth does seriously mess with peoples lives but my point is that so does abuse of alcohol. Yet the liquor barons of the world never seem to attract the same criticism or vitriol, they just make huge profits off a substance that most of us enjoy , no problem with that at all... but some of us also find it takes over and destroys our lives and health or reduces it to a dependency that can be hard to kick. If you doubt that visit a few AA meetings and listen to the tales of misery there. Basically the tycoons have a 'get out of jail free' card which is fine but it seems hypocritical when people breathe fire and brimstone at drug dealers without acknowledging the parallels between them and the makers of hard liquor. Maybe I'm splitting hairs here but hey, it's a quiet night at home. Now I'm off for a beer

The point is that illegal drugs are against the law - that's why they are called illegal. Alcohol and tobacco are not illegal in the majority of the world's countries.

Break the law, get caught and you face punishment in accordance with the laws of the country you are convicted in.

The comparisons between illegal drugs and A&T is irrelevant - regardless of opinions. Some are illegal some are not. If you don't like that, try petitioning the law makers to change the law.

Drug dealers are in it for the money - regardless of the consequences on the addicts they feed, and the wider social environments. This convicted criminal knew the risk he was taking in breaking the law for gain. Absolutely no sympathy for him.

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Well, apparently this Swede, like some others here, didn't understand the meaning of "illegal" OR "death penalty."

He was flat-out stupid.

He's only a swede by legalities, he's Iranian.

What does that mean? Arnold Swarzenegger is only an American by legalities. He's Austrian. This guy seems to have a Swedish surname so he could be more Swedish than you think

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Problem is, Alcohol and Tobacco have got it all sewn up, with their massive political donations and lobbyists, smoking a joint can get you years in jail,yet you can go and purchase a warehouse full of hard liqour with no comeback.

What gets me is that so many people think its right, people like my grandfather, ThaiVisa members seem to hold many grandfatherly views, or they were just born old.

"Smoking a joint" is against the law, which is why you could go to prison. Purchasing alcohol is not against the law, in most countries, although most have some age or other restrictions.

What gets me is so many people who think they should only obey the laws which they choose to. Don't like the law, vote for different lawmakers. become a lobbyist, move to a country with more favourable laws (Holland ?) or whatever.

Your view has nothing to do with age. You simply don't like obeying a law you don't like. Break the law, face the consequences.

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I strongly disagree with their policy of execution for trafficking cannabis, but I would allow for the execution for methamphetamine which itself kills many people and destroys families.

Alcohol kills more and destroys more families than meth and all other illegal drugs put together.

That's because it is considerably more widely available than the illegal drugs.

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I believe that the drug users in 99% of the cases choose for it themselves to possibly ruin their own lives and/ or the lives of there relatives/ friends.

At the same time there is news about a child molester from the UK that has been convicted multiple times, but sadly manages to do his dirty acts over and over again. And unlike with drug users, his victims don't have the choice to get molested or not. I would think in his case death sentence would be more appropiate...

But obviously it is his own stupid fault. Though, I can imagine that the profits are better in Malaysia; higher, more severe penalties only make it a more profitable business...

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I strongly disagree with their policy of execution for trafficking cannabis, but I would allow for the execution for methamphetamine which itself kills many people and destroys families.

Alcohol kills more and destroys more families than meth and all other illegal drugs put together.

Perhaps, but my 2 beers in the evening make me feel fine.

If I was on Meth, would you know what quantity I would need to just feel fine???

But if you were on meth, it would be your choice, nobody would force it on you.

The US has spent billions of dollars of tax payers money on a totally pointless war on drugs, but, IF American people didn't want to take drugs, drug smugglers wouldn't be shipping them in.

They obviously want to take a different drug other than government sanctioned and most imporantly TAXED and massive politcal donated legal drugs, so there will always be a massive business opportunity for people willing to take the risk to give people what they want.

Science is a great thing, the days of watching your grandfather stumbling through life in a drunken stupour and thinking that it's the only release available are long gone.

All the while Alcohol and Tobacco companies are allowed to sell their poison through massive political clout, nothing will change, and the old fellows on ThaiVisa, well, they are just too indocrinated to know any difference.

Sorry guys if you cant understand it, I've just had 4 large cans of Chang Export.......

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I strongly disagree with their policy of execution for trafficking cannabis, but I would allow for the execution for methamphetamine which itself kills many people and destroys families.

Alcohol kills more and destroys more families than meth and all other illegal drugs put together.

That's because it is considerably more widely available than the illegal drugs.

So should it be less available as it kills so many, like be made illegal ?

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If I made a pill that had the same effect as drinking 2 shots of whisky, I would surely be put to death or given a life sentence, yet, I can buy as much TAXED whisky as I want.


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Probably try to come with that xxxx in Thailand and poison lots of people, good jugement hope they execut it that is what drug dealer deserve.

But alcohol poisons/kills more people a year than what this guy had, but I'm sure you're ok with that

I think if drugs were allowed in most countries like alcohol drinks are - then the drugs would cause the death of much more people then alcohol.

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Probably try to come with that xxxx in Thailand and poison lots of people, good jugement hope they execut it that is what drug dealer deserve.

But alcohol poisons/kills more people a year than what this guy had, but I'm sure you're ok with that
I think if drugs were allowed in most countries like alcohol drinks are - then the drugs would cause the death of much more people then alcohol.

So, why is Alcohol ok?

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