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come on... lighten up... what is the matter with you all??? I'm not saying I'd do anything bad, but I certainly would have no hesitation in breaking any law I think is stupid in exactly the same way as I would in the UK.

Words fail me when confronted by moronic statements like these. Exactly when did your kindergarten teacher start letting you use a computer?

I am my own moral judge but to each to his own I suppose... laws are temporary... what goes in one year is different in another, the law is in a constant state of flux, and is supposed to reflect the mores and ethics of the society, though they are sometimes hijacked by sanctimonious politicians to reflect their own personal ethics. In my case I will decide if I want to comply with said law. If you don't agree with that then that's fine, but I believe laws are not set in stone and everlasting, other people such as Martin Luther King for one thought the same, but then people also disagreed with him didn't they??

Edited by ourmanflint
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come on... lighten up... what is the matter with you all??? I'm not saying I'd do anything bad, but I certainly would have no hesitation in breaking any law I think is stupid in exactly the same way as I would in the UK.

Words fail me when confronted by moronic statements like these. Exactly when did your kindergarten teacher start letting you use a computer?

I am my own moral judge but to each to his own I suppose... laws are temporary... what goes in one year is different in another, the law is in a constant state of flux, and is supposed to reflect the mores and ethics of the society, though they are sometimes hijacked by sanctimonious politicians to reflect their own personal ethics. In my case I will decide if I want to comply with said law. If you don't agree with that then that's fine, but I believe laws are not set in stone and everlasting, other people such as Martin Luther King for one thought the same, but then people also disagreed with him didn't they??

Cool! Then pay the consequences for your folly without whingeing if you get caught :-)

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In my case I will decide if I want to comply with said law. If you don't agree with that then that's fine, but I believe laws are not set in stone and everlasting, other people such as Martin Luther King for one thought the same, but then people also disagreed with him didn't they??

All I can say to your puerile attitude is, that I trust you can remain anally retentive when they decide to lock you up for "deciding not to comply with said law"

"Excuse me judge, but I decided that I didn't want to comply with that law as I didn't agree with it" :o:D Go jerk another chain somewhere!

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I certainly would have no hesitation in breaking any law I think is stupid in exactly the same way as I would in the UK.
OK, you've convinced me. I personally think laws regarding personal property are stupid, so if you'll tell me your address I'll be round tonight to collect your TV, HiFi and anything else that takes my fancy.

You won't object, will you? After all, I'm only following your lead.

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I am not advocating any of you to break the law, certainly none of the ones you so cleverly suggest I would be OK with. What I am advocating is that each of you think!! before you label someone else who has come unstuck as pathetic or an outlaw, or criminal.

Thinking certainly isn't against the law yet, at least not in Thailand or Europe, not so sure about other places in the world.

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That is the problem with the argument "I think the drug laws are stupid, so I'm going to ignore them."

One either obeys all laws, or none. One cannot pick and choose, and if one does then one cannot complain when others choose not to obey a law that results in loss or harm to oneself. But then, that's anarchy.

If one thinks that a law is stupid, or unfair or discriminatory then one should campaign to have it changed, not just ignore it.

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come on... lighten up... what is the matter with you all??? I'm not saying I'd do anything bad, but I certainly would have no hesitation in breaking any law I think is stupid in exactly the same way as I would in the UK.

I agree that there's many stupid laws and if I can do the time I've no problem breaking them.

So far this has cost me a fortune in speeding tickets :o

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I agree that there's many stupid laws and if I can do the time I've no problem breaking them.

So far this has cost me a fortune in speeding tickets :o

One day it may cost some poor innocent their life! Will you still be laughing then?
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Where I'm driving (Saudi) you don't get innocents on the highway :o . In fact more often than not it's people driving to slow that are a danger to everybody else.

Ofcourse I don't like to kill anybody.

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I always thought that the purpose of asking advice is to “get an advice".

I saw so many posters just puking comments, insults and attacking the OP which (if I am not wrong) is aware of the fact that what he did was wrong. Surely the OP had his own nightmares regarding his experience and he doesn’t need your comments but an ADVICE

What is the point to ask for an advice to a forum supposedly full of very experienced people when in reply you have to receive lengthy useless posts on what you shouldn’t or should do regarding the law?

Said so I am happy to see that someone was actually able to come up with some advice and help with the translation.

The above is just my opinion and not intended to offend anyone but to highlight a point. :o

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....and, indeed, it is an extremely good point isn't it, itsme?

**gosh, that turned out rather wordy, didn't it?** :D:D

seriously tho', thank you for posting what needed to be said...


Yea John having a second read I should have used different words but....who's perfect in this world? :D

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....and, indeed, it is an extremely good point isn't it, itsme?

**gosh, that turned out rather wordy, didn't it?** :D:D

seriously tho', thank you for posting what needed to be said...


Yea John having a second read I should have used different words but....who's perfect in this world? :D

This line:

**gosh, that turned out rather wordy, didn't it?** :D:D

was written in reference to this line:

....and, indeed, it is an extremely good point isn't it, itsme?

and not in reference to these lines:

I always thought that the purpose of asking advice is to “get an advice".

I saw so many posters just puking comments, insults and attacking the OP which (if I am not wrong) is aware of the fact that what he did was wrong. Surely the OP had his own nightmares regarding his experience and he doesn’t need your comments but an ADVICE

What is the point to ask for an advice to a forum supposedly full of very experienced people when in reply you have to receive lengthy useless posts on what you shouldn’t or should do regarding the law?

Said so I am happy to see that someone was actually able to come up with some advice and help with the translation.

The above is just my opinion and not intended to offend anyone but to highlight a point.

because those lines were just fine, and prompted this line:

seriously tho', thank you for posting what needed to be said...


Hope that clears things up.... :D

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The scans of the documents concerned have been e-mailed to me, Chumbles will pick up the translation in his e-mail tomorrow so then he can let you all know what the score is.

Cheers Noodles.

Hello all,

I trust you all had a good weekend?

I will pick the e-mail up in a couple of hours as I can't access hotmail from work, I will get it posted!

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Turn off the preaching, for God's sake
:o Er, is that preaching too? :D
I find this whole situation so strange.....particularly with Thailand being a producing country to a certain extent

Er, 'cos maybe they want to move away from this reputation and clean up their country - seems logical to me. I mean, we don't say we shouldn't arrest gangsters because we aknowledge having (and therefore produce) Mafia gangs, do we.

Thailand has done a lot to try and remove the production of drugs.

I have a book published during the 90's which is an investigation into the drug industry in LoS. During this time, 90% of the world's Heroine came through (not necessarily directly from) Thailand - the worlds biggest producer at the time. Great projects like those by Mama, the late mother to HRH the King (a truly great person), their HRH the King and Queen and Crown Pricess HRH Maha Chakri Sirindhorn which have moved hill tribes and scratch farmers away from the growing of opium in favour of flowers, strawberries and the like - much more profitable to the farmer too! Crackdowns and istallation of Army outposts near known trafficing border areas. The massive crackdown on dealers over the last few years (OK, a thousand or so small time dealers took the brunt of this with rumours of execution like street justice and criminals using it to clear turf for cultivation etc).

With the profits so high and the choices of some of these people so low, its a hard struggle. Corruption and organised crime is a constant obsticle, and its all too easy to get drugs in LoS, but most of it now comes from across the border. Afganistan is now the major conduit (figures from pre-war, so may have moved again).

I got to puke some more irrelelavance........untill the scan arrives

Thailand has done a lot to try and remove the production of drugs.

IMHO thats a good thing (and addiction to anything is a bad thing). I only meant that it grows by nature. Sorry for the misunderstanding (which is a fault of my own poor writing!) and warrants your explaination.

what a nasty end to your holiday Mr Chumbles :D

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That is the problem with the argument "I think the drug laws are stupid, so I'm going to ignore them."

One either obeys all laws, or none. One cannot pick and choose, and if one does then one cannot complain when others choose not to obey a law that results in loss or harm to oneself. But then, that's anarchy.

Ahh, from pot-smokers to anarchy... :o

So either you follow all laws or none at all? :D Hhmm.

This kind of simplistic binary thinking defies logic and reality.

Reminds me of the with-us-or-against-us rhetoric.

Newsflash: the world isn't white & black, it consists of shades of grey and plenty of colour, too. :D

If one thinks that a law is stupid, or unfair or discriminatory then one should campaign to have it changed, not just ignore it.
Yes, and voicing one's opinion, rather than quietly doing what is prohibited, is very much part of 'campaigning'. :D
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jesus h christ

100 or more posts here and we still dont know whats been stamped in the fukcing hopheads passport.

he must be smoking the stuff continually.

c'mon man , put your joint down for 30 seconds if you can and post the bleedin' translation for fukcs sake. :o

Edited by taxexile
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jesus h christ

100 or more posts here and we still dont know whats been stamped in the fukcing hopheads passport.

he must be smoking the stuff continually.

c'mon man , put your joint down for 30 seconds if you can and post the bleedin' translation for fukcs sake. :o

:D Easy tax, ask him nicely and he might roll you a fat one to help you relax. :D:D

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jesus h christ

100 or more posts here and we still dont know whats been stamped in the fukcing hopheads passport.

he must be smoking the stuff continually.

c'mon man , put your joint down for 30 seconds if you can and post the bleedin' translation for fukcs sake. :o

taxexile you muppit, where did that little rant come from? Bored are we??

Thanks noodles for translating my passport and those other 2 pages, this little rant from taxexile has pissed me off so I have decided against posting the translation, too many people have had a go.

Thanks to those of you who have given me constructive advice, its all been taken on board.


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jesus h christ

100 or more posts here and we still dont know whats been stamped in the fukcing hopheads passport.

he must be smoking the stuff continually.

c'mon man , put your joint down for 30 seconds if you can and post the bleedin' translation for fukcs sake. :o

taxexile you muppit, where did that little rant come from? Bored are we??

Thanks noodles for translating my passport and those other 2 pages, this little rant from taxexile has pissed me off so I have decided against posting the translation, too many people have had a go.

Thanks to those of you who have given me constructive advice, its all been taken on board.


Chumbles - It's your duty to finish what you started, so let us all know what it said in the passport. Don't mind all the wind-ups.

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Thanks noodles for translating my passport and those other 2 pages, this little rant from taxexile has pissed me off so I have decided against posting the translation, too many people have had a go.
I can understand your feelings, Chumbles, and I just hope that the situation, based on that Thai text written in your passport, is not too bad for you.



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Without the translation, I can only guess what to advise.

The handwritten text shouldn't show up in any computer file Thai immigration might have on you.

Better get rid of it by asking for a new passport.

There are many legitimate reasons to renew a passport which hasn't expired yet, and having several pages handwritten in a foreign language in it by a pissed individual officer, is one of them.

After that, enquire with your new passport at the nearest Thai consulate about your present status.

That's my 2 Pence worth.

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Here you go everyone I felt I should post it.

The writing in your passport just says that

you are not allowed to leave Thailand until the fine

had been payed and they have prosessed your case (so

you can ignore that as it is all cleared now).

The other papers just say you were found in possesion

of 1.57g catogary 5 drugs. B5000 fine but as you

addmitted posession the fine was reduced to B2500.

Also says that your details have been logged on the

national Immigration and police database and if you

were to break the law within the next 12months you

would automaticly be imprisoned for up to 3years for

the drugs offence and then whatever the new offence


It says nothing about not being allowed in to the

country but that is not to say you will be allowed in.

There you go people, not very exciting and a bit inconclusive. Still no clearer on where I stand with regards to being let back in the country. When I find out I will let you all know!



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Ok not going back to Thailand in a year anyways, so clean slate after that. Certainly good news, surprised lawyer never told you this. :o Anyways I'd prob get a new passport once you decide to go back to LOS. I certainly wouldnt want that rubbish in my passport.

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