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One thing that has come to mind after reading and posting many times regarding visas, and I am sure that this applies to everyone of us who have had the misfortune to fall for a girl from overseas, no matter where we are from....

It is IMO one of the cruelest rides that we have to take....it is a wonder that none of us have had a heart attack over it, maybe there has been some.

The amount of stress that we go through, and our girls/fellas as well....our future hinges on the decisions of some faceless diplomat, whether it is tourist or spouse visas...

The point of this ???

We have some pretty good people here who try and make the ride easier, some people can be helped and others cant, but by and large the info given here has been invaluable to a lot of people.

Let us all tip our hats to those that spend the time to trawl through immigration sites searching for answers to other peoples problems.

As I said, it is probably one of the stressful things we have to go through and as the world gets harder to live in then this will only become a more traumatic experience.

Take a bow guys...you deserve it.



Me and the missus have successfully gone thru two tourist application processes - one at the vfs and the previous one at the embassy.

Just started getting the spouse visa stuff together within the last week - what a nightmare, makes the tourist visa process seem like a walk in the park.

Just getting through the process must be evidence of a committed relationship.

Can't imagine what it would have been like without this forum and the helpful posters.....I'm hoping (dreaming) that our application will go in and not have to be returned because of missing docs or incorrect forms. And that wouldn't be possible without being able to ask questions on this forum.

Thanks to all of the posters....and you too Mr Burns.

(I'm pretty sure I'll be posting more questions/getting clarifications over the next couple of weeks)


I feel for the guy's returning to the uk, their G/f 's visa having been refused standing in the passport control queue at HR for 45 min behind 500 non british EU nationals and not an anglo saxon airport offical in sight, Now that take's the biscuit. Not that i'm prejudice, just human.


I would have to second, third and fouth that. My sincerest gratitude goes out to all who have helped me so far....and I'm not finished yet!

I know after going through the process, winning, and settling back into a great life in OZ with my gal, I'll be the one sitting down at night helping others get through the experience.

:o why for some reason is this smiley called Dave?, or is someone just taking the p.ss? I don't wear cowboy hats, and I don't live at Breakneck Ridge!

:o why for some reason is this smiley called Dave?, or is someone just taking the p.ss? I don't wear cowboy hats, and I don't live at Breakneck Ridge!

Maybe it's because most dodgy builders are called Dave :D

Agree with all thats been said with regard to the visa process. If this site did not exist, where would we get all the information that is needed?

Yes, a big thank you to everyone who kindly provides information and advise.


I feel for the guy's returning to the uk, their G/f 's visa having been refused standing in the passport control queue at HR for 45 min behind 500 non british EU nationals and not an anglo saxon airport offical in sight, Now that take's the biscuit. Not that i'm prejudice, just human.

Not like in the good old days eh when you stood in line for the white immigration officer. Which line would that have been? Why, the far queue sir!


Nothing is as simple as it should be when dealing with government departments, irrespective of which country they represent.

The visa forum has a lot of expertise to offer, especially The Scouser who has first hand knowledge of the British Immigration procedures. His advice to his fellow country men and women is invaluable.

Matters involving other countries, such as the USA and Australia, are mostly handled by those who have gone through the procedures themselves and learned the hard way by jumping all of the hurdles placed before them. They then pass on advice to others who are planning to take their chosen partner home.

The aim of the exercise is to make the journey as easy as possible, and it is most satisfying when those asking the questions finally have their visas approved. They are then in an ideal position to join in and offer advice to others, using their newly gained experience as a guide.

We all share their anxiety as they await the official decision from their respective embassies. This is the difficult part and none of the advisors can really help to ease the pain, other than to offer a few encouraging words of comfort.

The Visa section of this forum will work best when many people become involved, so don't think that your advice/ideas are not welcome or are insignificant, jump in and let's hear from you all.


I agree- much thanks to everyone who helps and gives out advice and certainly without theri help a lot of us (myself included) would not have been so succesful :o


Unfortunately I only discovered this forum today - or should I say my resourceful wife did and sent me the link. Since then I have avidly been reading the threads and have already gleened a lot of information which might have helped us. However, I must say my wife made a great job of the application and seems to have been right on the button. We have become a little disheartened (under statement!) of late still waiting for the "call" 3.5 months after lodging our application on Dec 12th. But now, I am confident that we will receive the visa very soon. Thanks guys and especially you Graham, your words of encouragement and advise are invaluable to guys in this difficult and disheartening situation.



Unfortunately I only discovered this forum today - or should I say my resourceful wife did and sent me the link. Since then I have avidly been reading the threads and have already gleened a lot of information which might have helped us. However, I must say my wife made a great job of the application and seems to have been right on the button. We have become a little disheartened (under statement!) of late still waiting for the "call" 3.5 months after lodging our application on Dec 12th. But now, I am confident that we will receive the visa very soon. Thanks guys and especially you Graham, your words of encouragement and advise are invaluable to guys in this difficult and disheartening situation.



Thanks Paul

It is responses such as this that keep us all going....we share in the delight that we can help others to achieve their goals.

As MM said, once someone has gone through the process they are in a position to help others get through it easier...by all of us posting our experiences, no matter how trivial it may seem, we are helping someone through it. On this forum we Aussies dont have a Scouser with his experience, so we have to rely on what we can do for each other.

Lets hope that many more may find assistance here.

Thanks again



As MM said, once someone has gone through the process they are in a position to help others get through it easier...by all of us posting our experiences, no matter how trivial it may seem, we are helping someone through it. On this forum we Aussies dont have a Scouser with his experience, so we have to rely on what we can do for each other.

Lets hope that many more may find assistance here.

I concur. Finding this forum was divine intervention on what probably would have been the most depressing, frustrating and lonely experience of my life to date! Having now gone thru the process myself it is much easier to understand the issues and emotions people are having in regards to their own visa nightmares.

Yeah we need a Scouser, or maybe an Okker, here. So Graham I reckon you should go work in the embassy a coupla years then come back here and help us all. :o


Lest we forget! What a minefield the Thai women Case Officers are. They forget there own creed. They are goverened by the Dept. policy; which basicaly states they are there to help. Honestly, when someone takes it upon themself not to communicate to another human being I see this as complete arogance.

This was my experience. The Dept. does not score well also in the Ombudsman's annual report. At our interview I felt less than. I understand this is a hard job, but when u see the evidence of people thru this forum getting visa's in 2-3 months, with the Aussie residing in Thailand; and speaking to some of the women doing the application (quantitative results waiting in line at the embassy) waiting in Thailand for 6+ months, something is wrong.

I did get a lot from the poms threads as they appear more proactive in representation not only to the embassy but also to the politicians. One thing the embassy worker hates is a ministerial letter to explain to their boss in Canberra why a lunatic like my good self is asking them questions.

The greatest fear that I had was to complain. This I eventually did. I used Amanda, John, Kim, opposition spokesperson on immigration, and local member. John's office prompted Bangkok to grant visa within 3 days of recieving the request to please explain. My letter to Mr Howard detailed how the Dept handled itself along the process. The main complaint was lack of communication with the applicant. I live in Chiangrai and use email for all correspondence.

Sometimes things are not straight forward. Such is life. Sometimes we also need to heal ourselves after a tuma has been removed. That is how it has felt dealing with DIMA in Bangkok. Its been rewarding to read the posts pre and post application.

My experience here is to say don't forget the politicians, document all discussions with Dima, read what your rights are on from there Charter of Service and use this forum no matter how small or insignificent u think ur question is.

There are some bright lights here. Good on ya guys. :D:o:D


I would also like to say a thanks to all the people that are willing to give up their time and knowledge to help others. It does give me faith in the human race :o Some times I wish there was more I could do to help because it can feel a little leech like using the board to help your own circumstances while not being able to put much back!!!

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