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Royal Thai Police On High Alert After Boston Attacks


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The longer I live here, the more these kinds of announcements become an absolute joke. I know I will never ever ever never understand Thai culture. But one thing I DO understand, is that when someone keeps talking about doing this or doing that, and they never follow through, I stop listening. I also stop trusting. I also stop caring. Is that what you had in mind Thai government official?

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In fairness, these statements are aimed to deter would be terrorists , who ,unlike us TV experts , do not realize that an increased state of awareness means drinking an extra Red Bull in the cake shop whist watching the traffic go by !

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The longer I live here, the more these kinds of announcements become an absolute joke. I know I will never ever ever never understand Thai culture. But one thing I DO understand, is that when someone keeps talking about doing this or doing that, and they never follow through, I stop listening. I also stop trusting. I also stop caring. Is that what you had in mind Thai government official?

How did you come up with the misconception that any Thai cares what you think?

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Maybe the RTP's "high alert" has nothing to do with the South because this happened yesterday;


Then again...maybe their "high alert" was just that..alert for finding a high...hmmmm.

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The statutory definition of domestic terrorism in the United States has changed many times over the years; also, it can be argued that acts
of domestic terrorism have been occurring since long before any legal definition was set forth.

According to a memo produced by the FBI's Terrorist Research and Analytical Center in 1994, domestic terrorism was defined as "the unlawful use of force or
violence, committed by a group(s) of two or more individuals, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political orsocial objectives."

Under current United States law, set forth in the USA Patriot Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "

- involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

- appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

Edited by Thorgal
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The midday news on IN Channel had a long opening segment on the Boston incident including a press conference by the Thai transport Minister to assure he was closely monitoring the situation including how all major airports were ready to handle any emergency. Emergency, what emergency the bombs were set at the end of a marathon and the only transport used was shanks' pony ?

Why is the Thai government getting so worked up other than to seize every opportunity to sound off in public without realising what dicks they make of themselves

What a country, a bomb goes off at a sporting event on the other side of the world and the Thai government does to DEF COM 4 with a cabinet minister and the head of Thai Airways calling press conferences to explain how ready they are etc. The rub here is that with bomb blasts the norm in the south our hero Chalerm who is responsible for that security situation won't even visit the area.

He visited the area last week, there was a thread on here about it. But i'm sure facts like this won't deter you from posting nonsense. There was a press conference in the UK as well to explain how ready they are etc. Normal procedure i would have thought!

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Pol. Gen. Adul affirmed that Thailand has all security measures in place

to handle any act of violence while saying that the US has not issued

warnings for the country.

Did I read that right..... whistling.gif

This is the same organization that cannot even enforce the wearing of helmets and driving against traffic... coffee1.gif

Thailand obviously thinks it needs to go on alert when the US does not? Stupid is as stupid does.

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The midday news on IN Channel had a long opening segment on the Boston incident including a press conference by the Thai transport Minister to assure he was closely monitoring the situation including how all major airports were ready to handle any emergency. Emergency, what emergency the bombs were set at the end of a marathon and the only transport used was shanks' pony ?

Why is the Thai government getting so worked up other than to seize every opportunity to sound off in public without realising what dicks they make of themselves

What a country, a bomb goes off at a sporting event on the other side of the world and the Thai government does to DEF COM 4 with a cabinet minister and the head of Thai Airways calling press conferences to explain how ready they are etc. The rub here is that with bomb blasts the norm in the south our hero Chalerm who is responsible for that security situation won't even visit the area.

He visited the area last week, there was a thread on here about it. But i'm sure facts like this won't deter you from posting nonsense. There was a press conference in the UK as well to explain how ready they are etc. Normal procedure i would have thought!

I check this forum everyday and didn't see that thread. Did he go over Songkran, not much publicity ?

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#41 - "He visited the area last week, there was a thread on here about it.
But i'm sure facts like this won't deter you from posting nonsense.
There was a press conference in the UK as well to explain how ready they
are etc. Normal procedure i would have thought!"

Is the Bangkok Marathon next weekend like the London Marathon, for which there's a possible correlation?

No it's not until November.

Edited by laobali
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Who makes this shit up and even more incredulous is the fact that they think that people will take them seriously. The local authorities are at best a joke and not a funny one at that. They are totally incapable of any form of logical preemtive actions as it is simply beyond them. You need a modicum of intellegence to understand that your are in fact stupid and they are simply to bloody dumb to realise this..

What in the name of hell has the yet to be determined Boston bomb blast got to do with this irrelevant little country.

They have a civil war going on in their own back yard which they can not contain and and they pontifiating to the public that they are on the highest alert to ensure that what ever or who ever perpetrated the Boston attack will not succeed in Thailand.

The military ,police and their administration could not organize a piss up in a brewery at any level beyond the gathering of their invisible incomes. Bloody parasites at best.

I am not sure if it is just as a result of my continued amazement and disgust but I have the strongest feeling that this year has been the worst so far as to the issuance of these rediculous news releases. Thai Visa is starting to emulate Not The Nation

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While applauding the authorities concerns over security in general and especially with regard to terrorist activities, I can't but help wonder why the Thai police and this article are so intent on trumpeting what should after all be standard practice in these matters.

Security of any type should be a given and not something to crow about or dramatize vis a vis, 'a war room has been set up to monitor all situations, under collaboration with the Special Branch Police and the Immigration Bureau to liaise with the US Embassy in Bangkok.'

And as posters have already commented, what about the ongoing situation in the South? Bombing and killings on an almost daily basis continue to wreak death, carnage and misery on so many people simply going about their daily lives.

Before making such soap opera statements as noted above, perhaps the chief of police might like to deploy his highly talented war room team to provide some useful intelligence in the southern provinces to stop the ongoing slaughter.

The problem is that there ARE countless people, both Thai and foreigner alike, that do eat up this bullshit that they keep announcing.

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The statutory definition of domestic terrorism in the United States has changed many times over the years; also, it can be argued that acts

of domestic terrorism have been occurring since long before any legal definition was set forth.

According to a memo produced by the FBI's Terrorist Research and Analytical Center in 1994, domestic terrorism was defined as "the unlawful use of force or

violence, committed by a group(s) of two or more individuals, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political orsocial objectives."

Under current United States law, set forth in the USA Patriot Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "

- involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

- appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

I'm glad you posted this as, in the article I was reading this morning, Prez Obama said Boston was categorized as terrorism - but he/they didn't know who or how many were involved, nor was the motive known.

I don't disagree with his "terrorism" label, this seems an elaborate act for a lone whackjob with no real motive, rather only on technical definition and ever present need for a politician to move his/her lips after a major event. I expect to see quick legislation banning pressure cookers and black nylon backpacks over a certain capacity size.

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Lets forget about the bombings in the south, lets go on high alert for Boston. What BS!!

Yes it really is utter <deleted>!

'Set up a war room' for what?

'Liaising with the US Embassy' or brown nosing?

It's terrible what happened in Boston but c'mon this report is way OTT!

Edited by youngXpat
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#41 - "He visited the area last week, there was a thread on here about it.

But i'm sure facts like this won't deter you from posting nonsense.

There was a press conference in the UK as well to explain how ready they

are etc. Normal procedure i would have thought!"

Is the Bangkok Marathon next weekend like the London Marathon, for which there's a possible correlation?

No it's not until November.

Ah i see. So terrorists only attack marathons. Interesting logic on your part, well done. And Chalerm visited the south before songkran.

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More PR crap from an irresponsible headline grabber. Thailand has NO high alert status or track record in securing anything and not just the South and its own back yard. Gee - a bomb went off 13,734 kms away and Thailand goes on high alert? blink.pngcoffee1.gif

Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doens't it? coffee1.gif

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hi............im alert...................lol........stop the insanity........give a thai guy a funny hat a funny badge a tight pair of ''slacks'' and presto...........anything to avoid the problems back home""thailand''...so now.. all is focused on this ''high alert''.......hahaha forget the carnage of song''KHRAM''....forget the traffic issues and the destruction of the beach..

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I was at swampy yesterday and noticed no extra security in place

Did not see one officer in deparatures / check in

This is just typical malarky that Gov't feel the have to say to the public

They can't stop deaths on the road or trouble in the South ... I give them

slim to no chance of stopping anyone / group who wanted to wreak havoc,

and slim just left the building

Oh there r extra police at Swampy but all they seem to be concerned with is limiting access to Level 2. Typical irrational Thai shinnanigans......The main lifts have never stopped at Level 2, and now they r manning and blocking many of the escalators, and asking to see passports to go to the area on level 2 where passengers arrive. But when I ask them how to get to Level 2, where I need to go, they point to the other end of the Level we r on. And sure enough some of the escalators and the lifts at either end still go to Level. So what is the point! Except to inconvenience and make weary travellers and terrorists walk twice as far as they need to!

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I was at swampy yesterday and noticed no extra security in place

Did not see one officer in deparatures / check in

This is just typical malarky that Gov't feel the have to say to the public

They can't stop deaths on the road or trouble in the South ... I give them

slim to no chance of stopping anyone / group who wanted to wreak havoc,

and slim just left the building

Oh there r extra police at Swampy but all they seem to be concerned with is limiting access to Level 2. Typical irrational Thai shinnanigans......The main lifts have never stopped at Level 2, and now they r manning and blocking many of the escalators, and asking to see passports to go to the area on level 2 where passengers arrive. But when I ask them how to get to Level 2, where I need to go, they point to the other end of the Level we r on. And sure enough some of the escalators and the lifts at either end still go to Level 2. So what is the point! Except to inconvenience and make weary travellers and terrorists walk twice as far as they need to!

..........Also originally when I was looking for the usual Swampy hotel pick up holding the hotel sign at either the meeting point at gate 3 or 4 on Level 2, I could not find him/her. In fact, the only hand held signs to be seen were for individuals being met. When I eventually tracked him down he was halfway between the 2 gates with no sign. I asked him why, when he should be at one or the other gates, was he between the two. He explained that the police no longer allowed it. What the hell is that all about? Tea money required from the hotels? Just when Swampy transport connections r at last running smoothly, and the local hotel pick up service is really good, they manage to find some way to <deleted> it up!

Edited by SunsetT
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I was at swampy yesterday and noticed no extra security in place

Did not see one officer in deparatures / check in

This is just typical malarky that Gov't feel the have to say to the public

They can't stop deaths on the road or trouble in the South ... I give them

slim to no chance of stopping anyone / group who wanted to wreak havoc,

and slim just left the building

IN Channel reported that Immigration have been told to examine arrival records going back 6 months to check those with criminal records entering the country but how would they know who has a criminal past and what are they looking for as even the US doesn't know ? Some offences would prevent a passenger being permitted to land anyway so this is just another load of official hot air.

Huh? Does r Thailand have access to the world's criminal database?

If they want to trawl the terrorist database, it would be better if they did this ahead of time wouldn't it?

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I'm Aussie but watching this video sure is spine tingling stuff.

I admire the Thais for playing their national anthem daily and to listen to the USAers reacting together sure shows the defiant spirit to all stand together against adversity.


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I'm Aussie but watching this video sure is spine tingling stuff.

I admire the Thais for playing their national anthem daily and to listen to the USAers reacting together sure shows the defiant spirit to all stand together against adversity.


Moving, if not a bit surprising that many still know the words.

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An obvious inside job to either start a new war in middle east or to put the blame on people with guns and change the laws inside USA....So no connection with Thailand.

On the other hand bombs like that explode almost daily in the south, which should be a reason for the royal thai police to wake up.

Just curious how often people refer to you as the "total idiot"?

The truth passes thru 3 stages, first it is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed and thirdly it is accepted as self evident As Thailand surely has some terrorist threats to deal with, America really does not, except they are surely creating them with their never-ending wars, lack of Habeus Corpus and Drones taking out so many civilians. As an American, I thoroughly investigate every one of these instances and the poster of this comment above realizes many are inside jobs... and if you care to look much deeper into this situation or 9-11, Sandy Hook, etc.. you yourself may be quite surprised and also find things are not usually what the mainstream media wants you to believe. When people call others names, it is usually because they have no relevant argument. False flags have been a a part of American Gov't culture for quite a while, it is nothing new.

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