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Ghanaian Man Arrested With Cocaine Impregnated Pants


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What's bye bye in Ghanian?

It must really suck being locked up in a Thai jail in the hot season. Going from a nice aircon condo/house to a stiffling tiny cell with 70 Thais in it and no fan, locked in there for 24 hours a day, forever.... Wonder what the temp gets to in cramped prison cells here.

You've got a strange idea of what a Thai prison is like. Been reading too much fiction I think.

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I guess if you have an enemy, and you want that enemy to spend a long time in jail, you just post them some drugs and make it obvious so that customs will be waiting when it's delivered.

In any country you would be arrested and charged with handling drugs, in most countries it would be a solid defense that you didn't know about the drugs.. in Thailand I guess he needs more than a solid defense.

If you or I were to receive a package of drugs, we might be able to make a case that we didn't know about the contents of the package. But an African living in Thailand? I'll bet there's a fairly good chance that he's guilty.

Anyway, from a practical perspective, who buys pants in Argentina to ship them to Thailand? It really doesn't make economic sense.

I'm not so sure how good a case we could make of it. I have seriously thought about this, several years ago when ebay exploded and suddenly it seemed that the whole world was making deliveries to my post office box in Melbourne and although I didn't import anything illegal, what if somebody's little sister thought it would be a really funny joke to put a bit of weed into the box carrying my electronics?

That's strangely specific, did your mate's sister's delivery of weed get through to you?

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Never ceases to amaze me why people do this sort of thing. The penalty is not worth the possible income - ever.

And how would you know? How many jobs have you had in Ghana?

When you live on a dollar a day then tell us how it is....

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I guess if you have an enemy, and you want that enemy to spend a long time in jail, you just post them some drugs and make it obvious so that customs will be waiting when it's delivered.

In any country you would be arrested and charged with handling drugs, in most countries it would be a solid defense that you didn't know about the drugs.. in Thailand I guess he needs more than a solid defense.

"in most countries it would be a solid defense that you didn't know about the drugs"

Oh really! name one.

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A man from Ghana and a girl from Thailand receiving a parcel of clothes from Argentina.

Nothing odd about that atall...........!!

Exactly my thoughts,especially since Latinos generally speak little English and I'm betting he didn't 'Habla Español'!

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Dude, where are my pants? Yea, my white yoga pants, I hung them in the guest house bathroom. Dude, do you see this photo in the newspaper? Dude, those are my pants. Who took my pants? You say what? Somebody soaked them in coke, then stuffed them in an African dude's suitcase? Get real, man. I bought those pants at the reggae concert. They're made from non-bleached organically grown cotton. I wan 'em back. Where was that photo taken? I'm going there to get my pants back.

Edited by maidu
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That is a very odd arrest. Who from Argentina is going to set them up? And unless this guy or girl was running their mouth in Thailand, who is going to know they are getting this package from Argetina and how it will be sent? Africans are smarter than this. I'm going to place blame on the Thai for running her coke sucker.

The DEA have Africans and Thai girls on their payroll in BKK,....

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I guess if you have an enemy, and you want that enemy to spend a long time in jail, you just post them some drugs and make it obvious so that customs will be waiting when it's delivered.

In any country you would be arrested and charged with handling drugs, in most countries it would be a solid defense that you didn't know about the drugs.. in Thailand I guess he needs more than a solid defense.

I reckon you would be in a pretty dangerous situation in almost any country if such a package turned up for you. You might get out from under it depending on who you are and what you can afford in terms of legal representation, but you also might not...

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Why does Thailand even allow Africans? I think many trickle down from Lao which may have more liberal requirements with former French colonies. Dont know.

In all my 20 years and travels I have never seen them in any area frequented by tourists anywhere in SEA. The only time I really do see them is when they are in transit (Vientiane) or on the border areas (Issan). I do recall from lives past they frequent and mix in the Arab area down on Sukhimvhit. I have a few up near me as well. Everytime they pass me they always try to stop me and either bum money off me or tell me about God (presuming to thrn bum money off me).

Any Sub Saharan African engaged in commerce save for rice and fruit woild be in China.

I just assume they are all up to no good. West Africa is fairly stable so forget the upper class refugee notion. Heroin, email scams, people smuggling...

Edited by bangkokburning
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I'm not so sure how good a case we could make of it. I have seriously thought about this, several years ago when ebay exploded and suddenly it seemed that the whole world was making deliveries to my post office box in Melbourne and although I didn't import anything illegal, what if somebody's little sister thought it would be a really funny joke to put a bit of weed into the box carrying my electronics?

That's strangely specific, did your mate's sister's delivery of weed get through to you?

Very droll coffee1.gif Seriously though, and this is filed away in that section of my brain with the perfect murder, body disposal and all of the other things I occasionally find my mind wandering towards; 'Did they really think they were going to get away with that? Now if it were me, I would have.....'

I did once fleetingly think about some ebay seller's stoner younger sister, then the next day found myself dwelling on the theory that if someone peed me off, payback by way of a prison term would be great and probably not too difficult to arrange. Or, and this theory was brought to life as I waited in the queue with the Monday morning pensioners at the post office with my 'Too Bulky for PO Box' card being fanned across my impatient face, what if Johnny Drug Dealer wasn't a very good one and put the wrong address on it? And I was fainting in the heat thinking about my last moments of freedom before the AFP came bursting through the doors with guns shiny and pointing and smokin'.

I lead a rather dull life, don't I? blink.png

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Why does Thailand even allow Africans? I think many trickle down from Lao which may have more liberal requirements with former French colonies. Dont know.

In all my 20 years and travels I have never seen them in any area frequented by tourists anywhere in SEA.

Saigon, 5 or 6 years ago. I was quite shocked by their sheer numbers, but my husband thought nothing strange and told me they were all over the place on Sukumvit too. I don't get out much after dark. Obvs.

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another upcoming episode of "locked up abroad"

good series if anyone's interested.

Amazing how the drug cartel perfectly executes a perfectly timed offer of money and trip abroad too a person who is at their absolute rock bottom in life.

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another upcoming episode of "locked up abroad"

good series if anyone's interested.

Amazing how the drug cartel perfectly executes a perfectly timed offer of money and trip abroad too a person who is at their absolute rock bottom in life.

Check out the Cartel Engineering doco also. That shit is crafty.

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the thai police dog was also celebrating songkran maybe ?

do thai police have sniffer dogs ?

They might possibly have trained sniffer dogs if they could find anyone in Thailand who could discipline a dog.

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the thai police dog was also celebrating songkran maybe ?

do thai police have sniffer dogs ?

They might possibly have trained sniffer dogs if they could find anyone in Thailand who could discipline a dog.
there are plenty of thai people who know how to handle a dog.

I can see the humour in his reply---and of course you are correct--plenty but not that many, look around the streets--many dogs out there HAVE owners, they are NOT all strays.

Of couse Thailand have trained sniffers, as most countries, our best friends are useful-very useful when looked after correctly. and also give love to millions.

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Years ago when I was involved, people were putting heroin into liquid and carrying it in Liquor bottles, slipped into a duty free bag. Not checked at all.

The days of my mispent youth, 40 years ago in Thailand. The Bombay Mafia was pressuring me to do the smack run for them from Tland to Bombay/Mumbai.

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A man from Ghana and a girl from Thailand receiving a parcel of clothes from Argentina.

Nothing odd about that at all...........!!

Right, lol. "Nothing odd in that, perhaps." Missed that one by being so fascinated by the premise of a story that in the end was sorely disappointing. I had fantasized that some dude from Ghana is so cool, he wears coke-impregnated pants.

Edited by aboctok
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What's bye bye in Ghanian?

It must really suck being locked up in a Thai jail in the hot season. Going from a nice aircon condo/house to a stiffling tiny cell with 70 Thais in it and no fan, locked in there for 24 hours a day, forever.... Wonder what the temp gets to in cramped prison cells here.

"O Bado De" ( good bye) some 'mates' will enjoy that they don't switch the lights off at night.

I always buy clothes from Colombia and a friend sends them to the post office in Nakhon Mei Lou.

Sniffing pants comes to mind.

Temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius possible. O Bado De......w00t.gif

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