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Topic says most of it.

I am buying a new car, and already sold the old one to a friend of mine.

What kind of paperwork does he need?

I'm in Bangkok, so i assume we have to go to moo chit to get the paperwork done.

Anything else i should be aware of?




Or a work permit is acceptable if one is available. Also I'd highly recommend just go to an official inspection station and even if the car is not old enough to require inspection (but it is if over 10 years) they will make transfer and everything for you for just a few hundred baht and they'll help you with all the details. Best way I ever did it even though we did it ourselves a few times we found out about this and it was the way to go, they'll even mail the transferred docs to the purchaser. It's what they do and they do it all the time and in bunches so they get in and out through sources that isn't worth the minimal savings versus time lost and hassle for you doing it yourself.

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I got my WP, so i guess im good, but he needs the residence certificate.

He live in Jomtien, so i guess he could just go to the local immigration.

Can you stil get this at the embassy (US)?

Anything else. How about Visa?


-if the car is not old enough to require inspection (but it is if over 10 years)

7 Years for a car, 5 years for a MC is when inspections are required before being able to pay road tax.


Yes either the Embassy or immigration but immigration is not quick unless you pay for an expedited cert. and you must make an appointment with the Embassy online at their website first.. You don't need these docs up front though if you have your work permit and your passport get them copied sign them and you can hand these items over to him at time of sale, he can get his docs in order from there after the fact but has to have it done by your next renewal date, personally though I wouldn't tell him that so he gets it done ASAP and out of your name.. I still suggest you use a local inspection/transfer service..


-if the car is not old enough to require inspection (but it is if over 10 years)

7 Years for a car, 5 years for a MC is when inspections are required before being able to pay road tax.

Ok possibly, I wasn't absolutely certain on that bit of info.


-if the car is not old enough to require inspection (but it is if over 10 years)

7 Years for a car, 5 years for a MC is when inspections are required before being able to pay road tax.

Ok possibly, I wasn't absolutely certain on that bit of info.

I see that mistake occasionally here. Sometimes it gets confused with not normally able to get 1st class insurance for a car after 10 years.

  • Like 1

-if the car is not old enough to require inspection (but it is if over 10 years)

7 Years for a car, 5 years for a MC is when inspections are required before being able to pay road tax.

Ok possibly, I wasn't absolutely certain on that bit of info.

I see that mistake occasionally here. Sometimes it gets confused with not normally able to get 1st class insurance for a car after 10 years.

Yes that sounds familiar.. A bit off topic but not entirely, I found out you can get secondary insurance that carries higher coverage on passengers and liability coverage over the governments required policy limits up to 16 years old and if already covered before 16 years it can be grandfathered in past that time.. No comprehensive (aka 1st class), that pays for your car though.


Had the first "inspection" this year.
Its a jazz registered in 2006, but never had any problems...

The buyer is a friend of mine, so i'm not to concerned.

Still has first class insurance untill november,


Had the first "inspection" this year.

Its a jazz registered in 2006, but never had any problems...

The buyer is a friend of mine, so i'm not to concerned.

Still has first class insurance untill november,

If a friend you can trust to follow through then all you need is to give him your docs and finalize the deal, he can do the rest on his pace all legal.. Including a bill of sale as the tax is based on that.


Had the first "inspection" this year.

Its a jazz registered in 2006, but never had any problems...

The buyer is a friend of mine, so i'm not to concerned.

Still has first class insurance untill november,

If a friend you can trust to follow through then all you need is to give him your docs and finalize the deal, he can do the rest on his pace all legal.. Including a bill of sale as the tax is based on that.

If.cheesy.gif .


Or a work permit is acceptable if one is available. Also I'd highly recommend just go to an official inspection station and even if the car is not old enough to require inspection (but it is if over 10 years) they will make transfer and everything for you for just a few hundred baht and they'll help you with all the details. Best way I ever did it even though we did it ourselves a few times we found out about this and it was the way to go, they'll even mail the transferred docs to the purchaser. It's what they do and they do it all the time and in bunches so they get in and out through sources that isn't worth the minimal savings versus time lost and hassle for you doing it yourself.

Is there any official inspection station you would recommend as I maybe in Bangkok to purchase a car (year 2005) start of next month and am interested in the saving time rather than money part. smile.png


Had the first "inspection" this year.

Its a jazz registered in 2006, but never had any problems...

The buyer is a friend of mine, so i'm not to concerned.

Still has first class insurance untill november,

If a friend you can trust to follow through then all you need is to give him your docs and finalize the deal, he can do the rest on his pace all legal.. Including a bill of sale as the tax is based on that.

What a lot of crap ! rolleyes.gif The tax is based on the age of the car and the enginesize. Nothing whatsoever to do with the sellingprice!

You need to give the buyer copy of your wp, copy of your passport and (if you don't go with him to to DLT) a power of attorney, giving him the right to transfer the car without you being present. The POA-form you can get from any DLT-office.Just remember it is 2 papers. Those papers you hand over to the buyer together with the blue book with your signature. You get the money and the rest is up to the buyer!


Clearly based on others opinions who've followed much of my advice and thanked me for it, you know <deleted>.. and are showing so.. Certainly rather than stirring the <deleted> pot you can show the numerous quality advisory posts you made to help people with their issues? Go ahead entertain us all clap2.gif. Amazing how mostly just YOU under multiple nicks keep showing up to troll every thread, your posting style is obvious that their the same childish, bitter, vindictive person rolleyes.gif for whatever psychopathic reason..

I've bought and sold many cars too but since you know so much about my being "the self appointed king of the motor forum" (which sounds quite like envy BTW) you already know that don't you?? I thought not, you clearly have no clue of my posting history but yours is obvious and nothing more than a troll..

Sorry about this OP but my information IS correct why don't you take it and seek out a transfer agent to help you out since I'm not interested in a pissing contest but merely taking my time to give personal empirical advice for which you asked..

Hmm, looks all very familiar...Thanks for posting it..

Quote from your post #14 "including a bill of sale as the tax is based on that". Where in that all familiar link, do I find that??

Tecnically you know a lot about cars, and have no doubt given usefull advice to many posters here (including mew00t.gif ), But this time it was about paperwork, and you were in the wrong! Why is it so hard to admit??


^^ More crap posted in between before I was able to post so had to add the ^^ to direct who I'm addressing.

I think it appropriate to remove the post above and now below yours too since you've already posted the necessary info that backs up what was already posted but without the vitriolic and trolling tone being added....


Clearly based on others opinions who've followed much of my advice and thanked me for it, you know <deleted>.. and are showing so.. Certainly rather than stirring the <deleted> pot you can show the numerous quality advisory posts you made to help people with their issues? Go ahead entertain us all clap2.gif. Amazing how mostly just YOU under multiple nicks keep showing up to troll every thread, your posting style is obvious that their the same childish, bitter, vindictive person rolleyes.gif for whatever psychopathic reason..

I've bought and sold many cars too but since you know so much about my being "the self appointed king of the motor forum" (which sounds quite like envy BTW) you already know that don't you?? I thought not, you clearly have no clue of my posting history but yours is obvious and nothing more than a troll..

Sorry about this OP but my information IS correct why don't you take it and seek out a transfer agent to help you out since I'm not interested in a pissing contest but merely taking my time to give personal empirical advice for which you asked..


Hmm, looks all very familiar...Thanks for posting it..

Quote from your post #14 "including a bill of sale as the tax is based on that". Where in that all familiar link, do I find that??

Tecnically you know a lot about cars, and have no doubt given usefull advice to many posters here (including mew00t.gif ), But this time it was about paperwork, and you were in the wrong! Why is it so hard to admit??

Yes and did you read the part about luxury tax? and from 600 to 6000b? It's an open door and knowing this is Thailand where NOTHING is cast in stone concerning regs. is it possible that sometimes the goal posts move and aren't an absolute in EVERY case? Since you mentioned "king of the motor forum" check and mate...

This is again why I recommended an agent and WHY the advice came from one in the first place, they are Thai and get viewed differently and know the people they deal with on a daily basis and the ways around some details that a farang doesn't get the consideration for.. The potential savings in time lost and additional fees to the foreigner in some cases far exceeds the cost for the service, but in any case the convenience factor is still worth it in the end..

Last word on this is that you threw a blanket over EVERY bit of advice I gave as being "crap" not once but twice and if you had an issue with one thing that's what you should have quoted and still no reason for the tone you took on..

Glad to hear I've given at least SOME good advice though whistling.gif ..


Why is it the Guys who post in the Bikes and Moped Section,are more happy less rude to each other.Exept one idiot.coffee1.gif . Ive only sold a Pik Up once to a ferang. Can only remember a Thai Guy etching a Number in the engine and burning his hand. No need for shouting at anyone. thumbsup.gif

  • Like 1

Had the first "inspection" this year.

Its a jazz registered in 2006, but never had any problems...

The buyer is a friend of mine, so i'm not to concerned.

Still has first class insurance untill november,

If a friend you can trust to follow through then all you need is to give him your docs and finalize the deal, he can do the rest on his pace all legal.. Including a bill of sale as the tax is based on that.

If.cheesy.gif .

I posted this earlier to this post..

"well you know how it is?''..............

Not quite sure actually why but it must've gotten deleted in the heat of the other posts but it wasn't intended to be anything but a fun response to your post..


Had the first "inspection" this year.

Its a jazz registered in 2006, but never had any problems...

The buyer is a friend of mine, so i'm not to concerned.

Still has first class insurance untill november,

If a friend you can trust to follow through then all you need is to give him your docs and finalize the deal, he can do the rest on his pace all legal.. Including a bill of sale as the tax is based on that.

If.cheesy.gif .

I posted this earlier to this post..

"well you know how it is?''..............

Not quite sure actually why but it must've gotten deleted in the heat of the other posts but it wasn't intended to be anything but a fun response to your post..

Is there any official inspection station you would recommend as I maybe in Bangkok to purchase a car (year 2005) start of next month and am interested in the saving time rather than money part. smile.png


If a friend you can trust to follow through then all you need is to give him your docs and finalize the deal, he can do the rest on his pace all legal.. Including a bill of sale as the tax is based on that.

Had the first "inspection" this year.

Its a jazz registered in 2006, but never had any problems...

The buyer is a friend of mine, so i'm not to concerned.

Still has first class insurance untill november,

If.cheesy.gif .

I posted this earlier to this post..

"well you know how it is?''..............

Not quite sure actually why but it must've gotten deleted in the heat of the other posts but it wasn't intended to be anything but a fun response to your post..

Is there any official inspection station you would recommend as I maybe in Bangkok to purchase a car (year 2005) start of next month and am interested in the saving time rather than money part. smile.png

I mentioned one in Don Muang off of Srong Bra Pa rd. directly across from the airport. I can't give you much more info then that but about half way up from the end of Srong bra pa rd. about 1.5 k's on the left side you can see a shop and the sign out front and drive behind in the alley and the inspection station is located there..

Google this address, I can't figure out how to save it to post the map directly but now you can Google and view the shop.. Sompong Auto Mechanics, 570/5 Thanon Song Prapha, Don Mueang, 10210, Thailand

  • Like 1

Thanks WarpSpeed very much appreciated. thumbsup.gif

What????????????? No likes?????????????? sad.pngwink.png Use Google street view and you can see the shop it's documented now and another good thing, that part of town is not so congested comparatviely speaking but avoid afternoons as there is 2 schools there right on the main road that let out around 3:00 and the road is daft in the afternoon, but overall the roads there are a bit nicer and wider as the military base as it at the end..

For a bit of useless historical info. all that used to be water front (and back whistling.gif) property just a little over a year or so ago, did you know that? Just before they did the Google street view mapping..

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