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U S Government Wants Canadians To Pay To Enter The United States


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Proposed border fee for Canadians ruffles snowbird feathers

TORONTO, Canada - The United States government wants Canadians to pay to enter the United States to help ease their desperate financial situation.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Fiscal Year 2014 budget requests a study to determine the feasibility of collecting a fee from pedestrians and passenger vehicles crossing between the United States and Canada by land.

Whether this fee would focus on those entering or exiting the United States, or both, and how much each crossing might cost has yet to be determined.

"While we appreciate the fiscal challenges faced by our friends in the United States we would prefer the U.S. government focus on ways to reduce obstacles at the border that hinder trade and tourism," MacKenzie said.

The Canada-U.S. economic relationship is one of the largest in the world. Trade in goods and services between the two countries totaled $645 billion in 2010—more than $1.7 billion in goods and services each day.

Fees for many commercial goods and agricultural inspections are already charged at the U.S. - Canada border. Airline passengers in both countries already pay significant security fees on top of their ticket prices.

Full story: http://www.eturbonews.com/34459/proposed-border-fee-canadians-ruffles-snowbird-feathers

-- eTN 2013-04-22

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But we have to pay attention to the words “ The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Fiscal Year 2014 budget requests a study to determine the feasibility of collecting a fee “

So at this stage as yet it is no more than one of the bizarre and shockingly wasteful projects the US
government has embarked on and I guess at least you could say it is a bit more relevant than giving American taxpayers money away to a primate research center to study where in chimpanzees' brains they get the idea to throw their feces , a Virginiauniversity to study Jordanian students' water pipe smoking habits or a grant spent to study how cocaine hurts or helps the sex drive of Japanese quailblink.png

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I have friends in Alaska who regularly drive through Canada to go visit relatives in the "lower 48". pretty sure they will be real happy if Canada hit them with a similar fee which they will have to pay twice.

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But we have to pay attention to the words “ The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Fiscal Year 2014 budget requests a study to determine the feasibility of collecting a fee “blink.png

Never mind, they're on a roll.

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Note that the article says, "...requests a study to determine the feasibility of collecting a fee...".

In the U.S. just about all fees are increasing.

Note that on an international air ticket the following fees are collected:

US International Departure Tax (US) $17.20

US September 11th Security Fee (AY) $2.50
US Passenger Facility Charge (XF) $4.50
USDA APHIS Fee (XA) $5.00
US Immigration Fee (XY) $7.00
US Customs Fee (YC) $5.50
I assume both U.S. and Canadian citizens would have to pay any fees, were they to be implemented? (The article appears to be authored from solely the Canadian perspective.)
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Of course the USA needs the money to pay for the free services and babies of the illegal aliens from Mexico, central and south america.

The northern neighbors who actually contribute to the states is the only good thing about the region. So lets punish them!!! IDIOTS

Truer words were never typed. The US Govt is determined to further do more damage to their sinking economy.

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Obamas government has no limit to their greed. Unbelieveable.

Another true statement but you forgot to add "and no concept of the value of money as they will borrow until the Chinese flag flys over Washington DC".

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Of course the USA needs the money to pay for the free services and babies of the illegal aliens from Mexico, central and south america.

The northern neighbors who actually contribute to the states is the only good thing about the region. So lets punish them!!! IDIOTS

You are missing another point. This is not a one way street where only the Canadians are forced by U.S. gov't officials to pay fees to visit the USA. Americans will now be forced to pay Canadian officials to visit Canada. It's called recipacality. (Pardon my spelling). It all about getting the most out of tourist. Every other country has to pay these fees. Why not Canada?

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As a US citizen, I think the idea is ridiculous. Consumer goods are so much cheaper in the US compared to Canada, that Canadians come over the border to shop, significantly aiding merchants on the US side at major crossings.

The US and Canada have long been trading partners and easy flow between countries is as necessary as it is in the Eurozone. I just show a passport, maybe answer a few questions, and I'm in Canada. They are happy to take my money for gasoline, motels, meals and anything else I buy. They are nice people, too.

BUT please take note. The headline isn't quite accurate. It says "The US Government wants Canadians to pay..." while in fact this is only a study and it is being instigated by the Department of Homeland Security.

Now that department is headed by Janet Napolitano, who is well known as not being the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

I predict that this goes nowhere.

My apologies to all Canadians for the continued gaffs of Janet Napolitano.

Well said +1

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Jeez. You guys don't travel very much. Do some research on what countries charge entry and exit fees. A vast majority already do. Many times, it's bundled into your transportation ticket. Every time you leave Thailand, you pay this fee:


And many countries do this:




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OK since the mods did not give me mercy blink.png

let me say that i dont think this is that great of an ideawhistling.gif

No entrance fee will make up the loss in revenue from lowered border crossings

and you might have to do this for all international travels (mexico?) once the lawsuits starts

and all will do is give the US bashers fodder to play with.

You really dont need a study for this one, but the bureaucrats needs to justify their jobs somehow.

(tame enough for ya? lol)


I had hoped that i would get points for artistic merit on the post that was deleted, but i guess not :(

Edited by jamhar
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Of course the USA needs the money to pay for the free services and babies of the illegal aliens from Mexico, central and south america.

The northern neighbors who actually contribute to the states is only good thing about the region. So lets punish them!!! IDIOTS

Why is it Americans always forget that all bar a few Red Indians are all immigrants so should not be so quick to blame their problems on immigrants. You all have no right to be in a country you took by force.

Blaming others for your Governments mismanagement of the economy is somewhat blinkered !

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Jeez. You guys don't travel very much. Do some research on what countries charge entry and exit fees. A vast majority already do. Many times, it's bundled into your transportation ticket. Every time you leave Thailand, you pay this fee:


And many countries do this:




This is all true, but Canada and the US have always had a certain relationship. I think we're talking about border crossings, which go on with millions of crossings by car. Most of the Canadian population lives along the US border, I assume for the better weather (they go clear to the Arctic) and good living conditions. It has only been in the past few years that I have even had to show a passport to enter Canada. I can't recall, but that may have been due to terrorism.

So up until recently, we have all driven back and forth at will. Now I just show a passport, no problem.

So this is shocking. It is unacceptable. I don't think this will happen.

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Note that the article says, "...requests a study to determine the feasibility of collecting a fee...".

In the U.S. just about all fees are increasing.

Note that on an international air ticket the following fees are collected:

US International Departure Tax (US) $17.20

US September 11th Security Fee (AY) $2.50
US Passenger Facility Charge (XF) $4.50
USDA APHIS Fee (XA) $5.00
US Immigration Fee (XY) $7.00
US Customs Fee (YC) $5.50
I assume both U.S. and Canadian citizens would have to pay any fees, were they to be implemented? (The article appears to be authored from solely the Canadian perspective.)

When i tell people that Freedom isnt Free,

This is NOT what i was referring to!blink.png

But I do love the dedication to freedom in the US

and apparently that includes

freedom for some blankety blank middle manager

to spend MY tax dollars on a really ill-advised study

Its ok and even encouraged to think out of the box

but do it quietly so that i dont have to keep explaining for ill-advised action!

Christ almighty, someone get me a bat!blink.png

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Of course the USA needs the money to pay for the free services and babies of the illegal aliens from Mexico, central and south america.

The northern neighbors who actually contribute to the states is only good thing about the region. So lets punish them!!! IDIOTS

Why is it Americans always forget that all bar a few Red Indians are all immigrants so should not be so quick to blame their problems on immigrants. You all have no right to be in a country you took by force.

Blaming others for your Governments mismanagement of the economy is somewhat blinkered !

How silly. Which stone age people, as in Upper Paleolithic people, originally owned Europe, Africa, and Asia?

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Of course the USA needs the money to pay for the free services and babies of the illegal aliens from Mexico, central and south america.

The northern neighbors who actually contribute to the states is the only good thing about the region. So lets punish them!!! IDIOTS

You are missing another point. This is not a one way street where only the Canadians are forced by U.S. gov't officials to pay fees to visit the USA. Americans will now be forced to pay Canadian officials to visit Canada. It's called recipacality. (Pardon my spelling). It all about getting the most out of tourist. Every other country has to pay these fees. Why not Canada?

Why not Canada? First of all the proposed fee is to be levied on LAND crossings between Canada and the US. The only other country that would be subject to this fee would be Mexico. So it is not "every other country", just one. Second of all, the cultural and economic relationship between Canada and the US is closer than "every other country", the number of Canadians working in the US (legally) and vice-versa, the number crossing the border every day for tourism and shopping, and the number of cross-border family relationships is far, far greater than "every other country". Third, Canada the US and Mexico have a free trade agreement which is supposed to prohibit arbitrary fees and tariffs such as this, though it seems to US feels free to violate this agreement whenever it chooses.

I hope that answers your question.

I agree with the earlier comment about Janet Napolitano. Though I have generally favorable opinions of the Obama administration, the current director of Homeland Security is indeed not the brightest bulb, and this is not the first time she or her department have offended Canada and Canadians out of sheer ignorance.

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And Americans sometimes wonder why there is so much anti-Americanism in Canada. I guess Canada will just have to slap a similar fee on people crossing in the other direction.

Wrong on both counts.

Idiot bureaucrats in the U.S. government do not speak for 300 million Americans. And most Canadians know that.

There is more probably more anti-Americanism in the U.S. than there is in Canada.

Wrong on both counts? How? I am Canadian, and believe me, there is a lot of anti-Americanism in Canada. I'm not saying it is right, some of it is petulant and stupid, some of it is legitimate. And why would the Canadian government not charge a reciprocal fee on border crossing in the other direction, and how could you categorically state that they would not?

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Jeez. You guys don't travel very much. Do some research on what countries charge entry and exit fees. A vast majority already do. Many times, it's bundled into your transportation ticket. Every time you leave Thailand, you pay this fee:


And many countries do this:




That is not strictly true, there is no tax on land crossing into Thailand, the fees on air tickets are airport taxes as well as a government fee..

If they charge Canadians I guess they will have to do the same for the Mexico crossing.

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Jeez. You guys don't travel very much. Do some research on what countries charge entry and exit fees. A vast majority already do. Many times, it's bundled into your transportation ticket. Every time you leave Thailand, you pay this fee:


And many countries do this:




This is all true, but Canada and the US have always had a certain relationship. I think we're talking about border crossings, which go on with millions of crossings by car. Most of the Canadian population lives along the US border, I assume for the better weather (they go clear to the Arctic) and good living conditions. It has only been in the past few years that I have even had to show a passport to enter Canada. I can't recall, but that may have been due to terrorism.

So up until recently, we have all driven back and forth at will. Now I just show a passport, no problem.

So this is shocking. It is unacceptable. I don't think this will happen.

This article is poorly written. This part:

(A) the feasibility of collecting from existing operators on the land border such as bridge commissions, toll operators, commercial passenger bus, and commercial passenger rail;

more specifically applies to this:


Some land border crossings, such as Detroit and Buffalo, use toll bridges, but the toll money goes to bridge operators, not DHS.

So part of this feasibility study is to see how they can get a portion of the fees already being charged. Makes sense.

I'm all for the public paying for their fair share. If you cross the border, paying a nominal fee is fine. NOMINAL!

This article also applies to the Southwest. Have you been at the border crossings there? Absolute mayhem. I'd be for a tax to allow me to get through quicker rather than stand in line for hours.

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