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Expat Discovered Buried Under Koh Samui Home

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Poor guy, RIP.

2 years is a long time, he will have to pay a serios overstay fine.

How can anyone serious say, "Poor guy, rest in peace."

For all you know, he may have been the lowest scumbag on the planet.

He may also have been a very generous philanthropist.

I am sure that his family will enjoy reading your post! (Not.)

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Poor guy, RIP.

2 years is a long time, he will have to pay a serios overstay fine.

How can anyone serious say, "Poor guy, rest in peace."

For all you know, he may have been the lowest scumbag on the planet.

Rest in peace regardless... Dust to dust, no matter what you did or didn't do in life.

Edited by AngThong
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Poor guy, RIP.

2 years is a long time, he will have to pay a serios overstay fine.

How can anyone serious say, "Poor guy, rest in peace."

For all you know, he may have been the lowest scumbag on the planet.

I think there may have been a little bit of sarcasm.gif in BA's post whistle.gif

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When we say we like to lay good foundations

It doesnt mean..........oh never mind.

Probably to hard to get any concrete explination from her on the planning permision. rotfl..... Let this be the text book example to would be pensioners on how not to invest in a lovely property over looking the sea. This is the main problem with Thailand. You book a holiday for 1 month and end up staying much longer than your original plans. You can get tied up and swamped in property in your not careful. Lol

becarefull you dont dig a whole for yourself tongue.png

i dont think this man is the only an who tried to dig his way out of a hole.

seriously how can they prove this man was killed by the other man and maybe looking for a scape goat who is already charged with murder to take the rap.

u never know whistling.gif

could have been suicide. maybe her dig a whole and put himself inside it then covered it up. i have seen news stories similar our her lol.

like a man considered to be suicide shot himself in each arm and left before kiling himself in the head ha ha

Edited by BigC
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interesting this covers phuket forum and samui. never know this man might work his way round all proviences. did anyone se that pathetic alibi that that Iranian bomber said.

he said that he found the bomb and did not know what to do with it do he went to find a policeman to giove it to him and threw at in panic,. ha ha

i wonder what this man's defense is going to say.

let me guess " me and my friend were diggiung a whole when i accidently lifted up my ho very hard when he was standing behinde me and i aciently killed him paniced berried him in the hole then went out and spent money on his credit card and accidently forged a signiture on a car documennt. i am clumsey sorry gov"

seriously he must have been a hit man to have clocked up all these bodies or he has some powerful friends that are making him look bad by making him wear that silly hat on telly ha ha oh yeah and stiching him up for mutliple murders

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