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My Thai Girlfriend Just Told Me Her Father Is A Policeman....


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My son is a policeman in Chiang Mai.

I told him about your concerns. My boy said, that if you, davidst01, do anything dishonorable to his chief of police lovely attractive young virgin daughter, they know where to find you. So watch it. His words not mine.

It's a shame she is no longer a virgin and is in Chiang Rai, otherwise a good try

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I would be the person you are, just be yourself. Take it or leave, thats who you are.

If you love her, being yourself and she loves you back for it, then why wouldnt her Father feel happy his Daughter is happy. On you first meet, show him respect and ask to have a man to man chat.

Explain to him that you are very fond of his Daughter, but being [insert your Nationality here], you have been raised to seek approval to court his Daughter with his permission, if he does not give it, then you can walk away, one with his blessing and two with face.

Running like a love rat, makes you look weak and vulnerable, why wouldnt he crush you for fun.

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I would be the person you are, just be yourself. Take it or leave, thats who you are.

If you love her, being yourself and she loves you back for it, then why wouldnt her Father feel happy his Daughter is happy. On you first meet, show him respect and ask to have a man to man chat.

Explain to him that you are very fond of his Daughter, but being [insert your Nationality here], you have been raised to seek approval to court his Daughter with his permission, if he does not give it, then you can walk away, one with his blessing and two with face.

Running like a love rat, makes you look weak and vulnerable, why wouldnt he crush you for fun.

Great advice, also remember to discuss sinsodt to make sure father is really happy

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The fatherof my gf is a colonel and her uncle(mother's older brother is a general) and beleive, is very helpful, in my opinion u hav notin to worry about and if u wanna noa the ranking of her papa, just ask herthumbsup.gif

Is that what she told you? And you believed her? Oh dear!


The fatherof my gf is a colonel and her uncle(mother's older brother is a general) and beleive, is very helpful, in my opinion u hav notin to worry about and if u wanna noa the ranking of her papa, just ask herthumbsup.gif

Is that what she told you? And you believed her? Oh dear!

Yeap, and have had the opportunity of checking the facts by myself (I life in their house).
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Then sorry my learned friend I have no idea what sinsodt is, please enlighten me.

Perhaps it would be wise to learn little about Thailand before giving out advice about Thailand??? What you think?

He's got a English wife he is exempt from such issues.

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Then sorry my learned friend I have no idea what sinsodt is, please enlighten me.

Perhaps it would be wise to learn little about Thailand before giving out advice about Thailand??? What you think?

I think asking your girlfriends Father if it would be alright to date his daughter, isnt exclusively a Thai Issue, but I am prepared to give way to your more educated viewpoint on account of not caring enough to care.

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Then sorry my learned friend I have no idea what sinsodt is, please enlighten me.

Perhaps it would be wise to learn little about Thailand before giving out advice about Thailand??? What you think?

He's got a English wife he is exempt from such issues.

I still had to ask permission, fortunatly for me the answer was a surprising "yeah ok".

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So your about 40 and you can't use google to understand ranks and your also asking for advice on TV. Really.


i think it is better to ask on TV than to rely on google

at least its more fun and entertaining


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My ex wives father was a Police officer in the Thai police and I never had a problem. I divorced her after 11 years and still did not have a problem

I dont see short of you raping her how you would have a problem

If she loves you and you love her Go for it and marry her

Good Luck

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I did not think to ask about her parents occupations before as it did not really interest me.

I once dated the daughter of the Chief of Staff. When it was pointed out to me who she was, I began to appreciate her even more than just for her ways...

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If you are really worried about meeting him, why not tell her the truth? Say you are a bit concerned that he may have a problem with you and ask her to tell him about you before you meet him?

That way you will have a bit of a heads up if he wants to kill you

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The question is are you just in it for the fun, or can she be "the one?" A few years ago, I dated a sweet young thing, but then found out her father was a high ranking military officer. I found myself having less and less time to be with her, eventually bailing (in a nice way, of course). Wasn't worth the "potential" hassle.

It may be paranoia, but if you're just in it for the fun, it's just not worth it. Too many other (less dangerous) fish in the sea. And it should be noted that Thai girls who date farangs tend to be a little more unstable and whacked out than the average Thai girl, as many have reported. No telling what she'll tell daddy.

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Does said policeman like to wear white gloves and blow whistles at traffic intersections ?

I know someone whose father is a Commissioned officer in the RTP. He wears a white suit for ceremonial purposes with white gloves, and lots of medals. For what I do not know. I also found this on facebook and asked who the guy with the upside down smile was :)

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The father is not aware his young daughter has a foreigner boyfriend his age?

My wifes brother is a policeman, and you could not meet a nicer person,

I had a similar problem with a previous relationship.

My youngest brother was a convicted rapist, my older brother had been convicted twice for drug offences, my sister had been done for prostitution a few times, my father had served 15 years for manslaughter and my mum was a convicted arsonist.

The thing that broke up the relationship was when I told my girlfriend I was a Celtic supporter.

I think she mistook Celtic for that brand new third division team The Rangers. Oh I forgot, The Rangers are almost unknown in Thailand unlike that last sixteen Champions League team Celtic.

and I have been with her for 7 years, she is 20 years younger than me.

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WOW - 40 year old man, 20 Year old kid... You have got to be kidding me, are you smoking crack man!!! She is young enough to be your daughter, unless you have something to offer such as MONEY than I think her DADDY is not going to be to happy with you.

What do you think your doing, what do you think she is going to think of you when your 50 and she is 30, she being in her prime you being close to the grave; you think little princess is going to be happy sitting with you at the bar getting soaked or pushing you around in a wheel chair - HELL NO. Seen this so many times in Thailand it's histerical, she will leave you eventually for someone that has more money or just someone younger when you get older, God forgid you have children, you will most likely be dead before you can even finish putting them through school. Happens all the time here. It is not normal for a good Thai girl 20 years old to date a 40 year old man UNLESS it's for money or assets doesn't matter what country your from or even if your a Thai national. It's no more normal in the UK or the USA - her parents should run you out of their house immediately.

Corrected the age, I mistyped the number earlier....

Edited by commande
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My father in law was a policeman and it didn't gave me any problems. But what I don't understand is that you are not interested in your girlfriends life. And even if you ask the question here your relationship isn't that good I think. Why not ask your girlfriend, why not meet her family? If your intentions are not good any father can be trouble. I would if it was my daughter. If your intentions are good just meet the good man and try to convince him you are nice and kind for his daughter.

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Then sorry my learned friend I have no idea what sinsodt is, please enlighten me.

Perhaps it would be wise to learn little about Thailand before giving out advice about Thailand??? What you think?

He's got a English wife he is exempt from such issues.

I still had to ask permission, fortunatly for me the answer was a surprising "yeah ok".

Of course, he wants his share of the $20 million after the divorce.

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