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Thailand Seeks Israeli Security Solutions


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Thailand Seeks Israeli Security Solutions

JERUSALEM: -- A group of 33 Thai Members of Parliament are in Israel Wednesday to learn about Israeli defense systems for use in Thailand.

The MPs’ visit is intended to lay a framework for trade in defense and security equipment between Israeli companies and Thailand.

The Thai government is planning a new Parliament building. The MPs will be looking in particular at the systems in use at Israeli public buildings such as the Knesset and Supreme Court.

“This delegation is the second to visit Israel, and prior to this senior Israeli experts in the field visited Bangkok,” explained Boaz Sharabi, the Ministry of Trade attaché in Bangkok.

“We already know of changes that were made in the original planning [of the Thai parliament building] as a result of the earlier tour,” he said. “We hope Thailand will take advantage of the experience and knowledge that Israeli companies have in this field, and will use their services in planning and construction.”

Defense expert Motti Cohen said the delegates would visit the Knesset as well as the Ashdod port and Israel’s borders.

“Unfortunately, our country is forced to cope with frequent threats to national security, to its installations and its citizens,” Cohen said. “But this fact puts us in the top tier worldwide in the field of homeland security, and allows us to share knowledge with our friends in order to help them guard sensitive installations like the Parliament in Bangkok.”

Source: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/167447

-- Arutz Sheva 2013-04-25

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They ought to try to some lessons from a countries that know how to settle differences and not increase tensions with those who already are upset with them ... unless of course the goal is to keep the problems in the south going for many decades to come.

Gee and i thought the topic was about getting security not one man opinion of what another country should be doing domestically.rolleyes.gif

Oh, its Nisa, sorry, thats about right thencoffee1.gif

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33 of them going to Israel for a "tour" on the taxpayers baht, what few of them there are in Thailand. We'll see if Thais are willing to pay Israeli premium for the best security technology around.

Of course they will pay, its tax payers money, plus might be able to get little extra pocketed :)

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33 of them going to Israel for a "tour" on the taxpayers baht, what few of them there are in Thailand. We'll see if Thais are willing to pay Israeli premium for the best security technology around.

Of course they will pay, its tax payers money, plus might be able to get little extra pocketed smile.png

Dealing with the EU and the USA gets harder and harder with anti corruption laws and all that.

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Ostensibly this visit appears to be about purchasing security systems for the new Thai parliament and more security and weapons deals.

I wonder if this visit includes a radical rethink and overhaul of the currently farcical security policy, strategy and deployment in the south (and Thailand in general) or is yet another opportunity to establish creative ways to stash more cash in the offshore account?

Time, as ever, will tell, or not - as the case may be.

Edited by arthurboy
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They ought to try to some lessons from a countries that know how to settle differences and not increase tensions with those who already are upset with them ... unless of course the goal is to keep the problems in the south going for many decades to come.

Such as? blink.png

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OK just buy lots of tanks and rockets, that will fix it :rolleyes::whistling:

would not they be visiting China or US then?:rolleyes::w00t:
Israel is a weapons dealer too. In fact haven't they been the 2nd largest provider (after Russia) of weapons to China for decades. You can be darn sure they are working to sell Thailand "self-defense" equipment and are not helping them out of the goodness of their hearts or for any humanitarian reason. While Israel may have some great technology and great intelligence operations, most of their approach to handling disputes with their neighbors has only made the world and its people less safe.Israel loses both financially and politically if conflicts in Southern Thailand were to be resolved. While they may be a good source to purchase weapons and technology (especially under the table) they certainly are not the country to trust to have Thailand's best interest in mind.

Sorry, did not realize Israel was a charity organization and no they have not been selling weapons to china because that would be in contradiction of US deals.

Security solutions on the other hand is a totally different matter.

As for Israel and its neighbors, clearly you do not a clue on the matter, not to mention its totally off topic - AGAIN

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Good partnership,they both show distain for the legal rights of others and ignore the U.N. and wider world opinion.

Yet more off topic no sense

Thailand ... Israel ... "security solutions" ... It seems the comment is completely ON topic.

Yeah so is UN and distain?

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Good partnership,they both show distain for the legal rights of others and ignore the U.N. and wider world opinion.

Yet more off topic no sense

Thailand ... Israel ... "security solutions" ... It seems the comment is completely ON topic.

Yeah so is UN and distain?

It's a common trait between the two, and relevant to "security solutions".

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Ostensibly this visit appears to be about purchasing security systems for the new Thai parliament and more security and weapons deals.

I wonder if this visit includes a radical rethink and overhaul of the currently farcical security policy, strategy and deployment in the south (and Thailand in general) or is yet another opportunity to establish creative ways to stash more cash in the offshore account?

Time, as ever, will tell, or not - as the case may be.

It's a good point! But giving the Thais far too much "thinking" credit. Also doubt that the Israelis would want to touch helping the Thais in Muslim controlled area at war.

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They ought to try to some lessons from a countries that know how to settle differences and not increase tensions with those who already are upset with them ... unless of course the goal is to keep the problems in the south going for many decades to come.

Such as? blink.png

Start with any country that has not had 1/2 century plus military engagement with its neighbors under a not so dissimilar situation as Sothern Thailand ... that of course assumes Thailand's leaders wants to actually settle the problems and not keep them ongoing in order to use fear as a means of political control and financial gain.
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OK just buy lots of tanks and rockets, that will fix it rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

would not they be visiting China or US then?rolleyes.gifw00t.gif
Israel is a weapons dealer too. In fact haven't they been the 2nd largest provider (after Russia) of weapons to China for decades. You can be darn sure they are working to sell Thailand "self-defense" equipment and are not helping them out of the goodness of their hearts or for any humanitarian reason. While Israel may have some great technology and great intelligence operations, most of their approach to handling disputes with their neighbors has only made the world and its people less safe.Israel loses both financially and politically if conflicts in Southern Thailand were to be resolved. While they may be a good source to purchase weapons and technology (especially under the table) they certainly are not the country to trust to have Thailand's best interest in mind.

Sorry, did not realize Israel was a charity organization and no they have not been selling weapons to china because that would be in contradiction of US deals.

Security solutions on the other hand is a totally different matter.

As for Israel and its neighbors, clearly you do not a clue on the matter, not to mention its totally off topic - AGAIN

you should do some research before posting nonsense. Israel has sold weapons systems to PRC. Also previously to a number of questionable regimes in Africa. Israel is now ranked around 6th in value of worldwide weapons sales.

"The Jewish state, recipient annually of $3 billion in U.S. aid, is second only to Russia as a weapons provider to China, U.S. congressional investigators say".

Edited by simple1
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33 of them going to Israel for a "tour" on the taxpayers baht, what few of them there are in Thailand. We'll see if Thais are willing to pay Israeli premium for the best security technology around.

I could see the point if it was a small specialist team but 33 MPs and I wonder if the wives will be going too on a government paid for " chopping trip " ? It doesn't matter what they see or learn the Thais do not have the determined application of the Israelis and never will plus add in the corruption, special interests and all the other " considerations " that apply here.

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Nothing better than asking a bunch of terrorists how to stop terrorism

Looks like they will soon be building a wall in the South of Thailand then they will deprive people of basic human necessities then every couple of years they will rain down bombs on the people inside the wall.

No, not a wall, they should build a canal - it's a very old idea and the Chinese government would probably finance and/or build it as it would help their security too. See wikipedia for the many proposed paths. The main benefit would be economic and the secondary benefit would be to annex these southern provinces (as long as Thais living there were offered compensation to relocate if they wished). The Chinese would love a canal, especially after the proposed high-speed railway is built.

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I thought the security problem was settled when they bought the eye in the sky balloons, that could be shot down with an AK47. Of course, someone made a lot of money on that project, same with the personal carriers, that the Thai ride on the outside, not inside. Amazing Thailand, even things as important as national security, and they only think of money, how much can go into the pocket. 33 people for two trips to Israel, and im sure business class. Oh well, its only money!

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They ought to try to some lessons from a countries that know how to settle differences and not increase tensions with those who already are upset with them ... unless of course the goal is to keep the problems in the south going for many decades to come.

You should go visit and get an education on what is really happening in that region. You shouldn't just let your anti-semtic feelings and propaganda you believe too much rule your thoughts. Israel has been in Judea for more than 3000 years, longer than the two other Abrahamic religions have been in existence. The 6 million who live there make up less than 1% of the worlds population and a majority of them live in Tel Aviv which they built from scratch out of the sand 50 years ago. You have a lot to learn if you think you can blame everything on the jews or muslims. The unrest is that region is caused by extremist who will not accept peace for their own selfish reasons. If Israel is not bombed or attacked, the peace will come. And the last time I looked, the entire region is up in flames with Israel, Jordan, and Turkey looking to secure themselves. So it's a good idea that Thailand work with Israel and the USA, or would you rather Thailand align itself with Russia and North Korea?

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