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Thai Army Chief Urges The Public To Stop Criticizing Gt200 Fraud


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However, he admitted that some military personnel still use them since there is no other alternative instrument.

Thai public urge army to stop criticising them for pointing out that they are a bunch of dickheads who can't tell their arse from their elbows never mind a bomb detector from a piece of plastic shit.

Also Thai public urge army to realise a soldiers life is worth more than them not wanting to admit they're wrong and losing face.

I would say words fail me but clearly they don't.

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...'However, he admitted that some military personnel still use them since there is no other alternative instrument.'...... I wonder how the families of the troops using this golf ball finder feel about this...... and if people are still being carted off for interrogation if this toy indicates that they have been handling explosives. Is the Thai Army not leaving itself open to international ridicule and possible lawsuits from the wrongly accused..... it's no suprise that some of the Thai muslims want an independant state !

Your last sentence concerns me. There is no state which "belongs" to the Muslim population of Thailand. I go to the south regularly, I sleep on Buddhist owned land. Where would my gracious hosts rest their heads each night if their land was handed to Muslims? The government has no right to do this, nor the interest. It is about face. Thai Muslims are no different than Muslims of any other country: some are good, some are bad. Some of the good support the bad when it comes to the war against "the infidels". Yes, that means you, as a non-muslim.

I would suggest you read thoroughly with regards to modern Islam and its' view of the western world. Visit the east coast of Malaysia while you are at it, and as a last stop, take a look over in Somalia and parts of Nigeria. Then feel free to come back and remind us that we are doing the muslim population of Thailand and the rest of the world a great wrong by attempting to protect those whom they wish to maim, murder and slaughter.

ummmm....... maybe you should read my post properly before commenting....... 'it's no suprise that some of the Thai muslims want an independant state !' note the words ' some' and 'want'.

Yes - sometimes innocent comments bring out the hate. Actually they would most likely settle for some form of local autonomy.

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However, he admitted that some military personnel still use them since there is no other alternative instrument.

Thai public urge army to stop criticising them for pointing out that they are a bunch of dickheads who can't tell their arse from their elbows never mind a bomb detector from a piece of plastic shit.

Also Thai public urge army to realise a soldiers life is worth more than them not wanting to admit they're wrong and losing face.

I would say words fail me but clearly they don't.

Stop it. You have been asked to stop discussing this obvious point politely. Next, you will be ordered, and finally the last statement will be " if you don't like it go home."

If you don't like it go home should be codified as somchais law much like Godwin's.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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And how much face will be lost when all this - and especially his 'guidance' starts being commented on in the foreign press?

"Thailand's army chief general Prayuth Chan-ocha has asked the public to stop making comments or criticisms about the controversial bomb detector GT200 procurement."

That request makes perfect sense. After all they can't have the public and media calling them incompetent or staying the made stupid decisions. It might cause them to lose face.

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And how much face will be lost when all this - and especially his 'guidance' starts being commented on in the foreign press?

"Thailand's army chief general Prayuth Chan-ocha has asked the public to stop making comments or criticisms about the controversial bomb detector GT200 procurement."

That request makes perfect sense. After all they can't have the public and media calling them incompetent or staying the made stupid decisions. It might cause them to lose face.

I await a looooong Sunday Times and Telegraph article chronicling the whole story. Monday should be very very interesting.

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First of all the UK court has NOT convicted the fraudsters. They have been found guilty and sentencing is to come. Secondly the Nation reported that Thai army generals were invited to give evidence. Wrong too. The court case has already been finished. But if you can get your fingers on the dossier you will know that high ranking officers were complicit and received large sums of money. The accused knew that the upstanding members of the community, ebing it UN officials from dark Africa, Pakistani secret service people and army officers and Thai and Sri Lankan officials are ignorant and dumb, but not that dumb if a huge kickback is not paid to them. And what the hack. 32000 Euro for a scanner that was originally developed to collect golf balls.... Not a bad scam for Anupong and his predecessors as well as the new army leader. You hear the army always using the false argument that the rural people are taking money during elections (and than still vote for who they want) but the army is rotten to the core.

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This whole issue would be hilarious if it were not depressing as hell. What kind of educational tradition allows such quackery, when such obviously fraudulent devices are labeled as "scientific technology"? And what kind of political tradition allows such corruption?

Soldiers and civilians have been killed and maimed because of false faith in a false device. Who knows how many innocents are declared guilty from false readings?

A corrupt administration almost a decade ago gave the okay to invest heavily in the pseudo-science, with many greedy hands as accomplices. Then a deputy-PM in a more recent administration countered criticism of the devices by declaring: "We use a different brand", a product from a different company but virtually identical to the one under the microscope.

It must be difficult for those Thai intellectuals who do have scientific training to witness this affair. Where will we find a Thai James Randi?

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First of all the UK court has NOT convicted the fraudsters. They have been found guilty and sentencing is to come. Secondly the Nation reported that Thai army generals were invited to give evidence. Wrong too. The court case has already been finished. But if you can get your fingers on the dossier you will know that high ranking officers were complicit and received large sums of money. The accused knew that the upstanding members of the community, ebing it UN officials from dark Africa, Pakistani secret service people and army officers and Thai and Sri Lankan officials are ignorant and dumb, but not that dumb if a huge kickback is not paid to them. And what the hack. 32000 Euro for a scanner that was originally developed to collect golf balls.... Not a bad scam for Anupong and his predecessors as well as the new army leader. You hear the army always using the false argument that the rural people are taking money during elections (and than still vote for who they want) but the army is rotten to the core.

First of all the UK court has NOT convicted the fraudsters. They have been found guilty

Ummmmm, that would constitute a conviction. Whether they go to jail or not is not the issue. When you are found guilty, that is is guilty. Of course, it is none of Britain's business, unless he paid bribes to get stuff done, in which case he is in breach of Foreign Anti Corruption Law in the UK. How that applies to those receiving the money who knows, but I would imagine, he blabbed his mouth off in hope of getting some kind of reduced punishment, which could mean there is a list of people compiled, who probably won't face any charges whatsoever, but who may find it difficult to get a visa to the UK in the future.

What he achieved is beyond belief, and for this many people to be fooled, one can only conclude that on a global level, procurement by armed forces is extremely bent, as though we didn't know this already.

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This whole issue would be hilarious if it were not depressing as hell. What kind of educational tradition allows such quackery, when such obviously fraudulent devices are labeled as "scientific technology"? And what kind of political tradition allows such corruption?

Soldiers and civilians have been killed and maimed because of false faith in a false device. Who knows how many innocents are declared guilty from false readings?

A corrupt administration almost a decade ago gave the okay to invest heavily in the pseudo-science, with many greedy hands as accomplices. Then a deputy-PM in a more recent administration countered criticism of the devices by declaring: "We use a different brand", a product from a different company but virtually identical to the one under the microscope.

It must be difficult for those Thai intellectuals who do have scientific training to witness this affair. Where will we find a Thai James Randi?

It wasn't just Thailand. But the next time you are on the bus and the driver has 20 amulets dangling from the rear view mirror, realise, that the mindset is no different.

I am sure, that within 5 days, every Thai soldier using these things absolutely knew they were bogus, but, orders are orders. Those up the chain of command need their asses whipped.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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To stop the criticizing general Prayuth might want to mention that the original go-ahead was given by then PM Thaksin himself, ages ago in 2004.

Cute but misleading. The procurement of the equipment was 100% military. The questions about the equipment efficacy in Thailand were raised in 2009 and came to a head in 2010.

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I understood Mr McCormick is in detention, and could shed some light on the issue if interviewed?

He is on bail with his assets frozen.

Whoever had the cash under the table in Thailand will never go to court or pay it back.

Remember the tourism minister that got huge backhanders from an American couple for staging the Bangkok film festival?

They were jailed in the USA.

She is still out there enjoying the spoils.

This is Thailand.

This is Thailand "and that sums it up 100%

Anything goes AND no one is ever accountable.....

Edited by metisdead
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Cute, but misleading as a PM might only be responsable when successes need to be allocated, mistakes and faults are the prerogative of underlings.

"(note: the first Thai purchases of the GT200 occurred by the Thai Air Force in 2004, when Thaksin Shinawatra was PM)"

A repeat of most posts here can be found in a topic from a year ago:

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Commander-in-Chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha has requested the public to

stop fueling criticisms and leave the case to be investigated by

Department of Special Investigation (DSI) and the Thai court.

Yes we all know whay this is mausing

He added

that the army has already stopped using the devices for 2-3 years.

However, he admitted that some military personnel still use them since

there is no other alternative instrument.

why not tell the soldiers ot use their feet? That way they would not take such a stupid risk in the first place (instead of telling them "this heap of junk will protecct you" hit-the-fan.gif )

.....hang on they have their amulets so they are already safe!! What was I thinking!! sorry.gif

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El General seems to have the same attitude toward the Thai population, as the Politicians (including ex), Big business, Elite, wanna be hi so, etc. 'Do not think nor talk, just listen and follow orders'.

They seem to do well giving instruction/decrees from the rear/sidelines but never from the front of the people they want to sacrifice for their over inflated ego..

This man is probably quite accepting of the mortality rate for his troops for 'Marine traing' and just does not understand why the desertation rate is what it is, How he lived to be promoted above 2nd Lt. rank is another one of lifes great misteries

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Cute, but misleading as a PM might only be responsable when successes need to be allocated, mistakes and faults are the prerogative of underlings.

"(note: the first Thai purchases of the GT200 occurred by the Thai Air Force in 2004, when Thaksin Shinawatra was PM)"


A repeat of most posts here can be found in a topic from a year ago:


Do you genuinely think ANY Prime Minister of Thailand gets involved in the procurement process for the Thai army?

In fact, it's probable that his squeezing of their budget contributed to them slavishly chasing the opportunity to buy these products. Or was the instanteous increase in their budget post coup not real?

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El General seems to have the same attitude toward the Thai population, as the Politicians (including ex), Big business, Elite, wanna be hi so, etc. 'Do not think nor talk, just listen and follow orders'.

They seem to do well giving instruction/decrees from the rear/sidelines but never from the front of the people they want to sacrifice for their over inflated ego..

This man is probably quite accepting of the mortality rate for his troops for 'Marine traing' and just does not understand why the desertation rate is what it is, How he lived to be promoted above 2nd Lt. rank is another one of lifes great misteries

You only just worked this out. This is one of the biggest problems, this sepia tinted view that the Thai army can do no wrong, who work slavishly to protect the Thai people. On the way, enriching themselves, buying their positions, generally being pretty useless, and if you dare to say so, you will first be politely asked not to talk about it.

Squeeze them hard enough, and you might get a good shooeing, but if you really tick them off, by scruntinizing what they do, they just take over the country and shoot people. Politicians get banned for years, these buggars are so powerful, they get to right their own constitutions.

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What I think or not think doesn't matter, but may I repeat from the former topic?

"far be it from me to even remark that Thaksin's brother Gen Chayasit was Army Chief till moving to the Supreme Command in 2004 and replaced in 2005"

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What I think or not think doesn't matter, but may I repeat from the former topic?

"far be it from me to even remark that Thaksin's brother Gen Chayasit was Army Chief till moving to the Supreme Command in 2004 and replaced in 2005"

Well, where was our good man "supreme commander" today, pointing out this most obvious fraud and corruption? You are either in it, or your not, and hopefully, the story comes out, and it will show probably, that they are ALL in it up to their armpits.

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Other than here on ThaiVisa, are the "public" out there in Thailand criticising the Army over this?

They sure as heck ought to be. Could it be the Army is actually feeling some public heat over this?

Patently yes, because he would much rather not have to say anything at all.....

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The issue isn't that they got scammed in the purchase of a non functioning toy bomb scanner, but that someone jacked up the purchase price by 1 billion.

Someone in Thailand bought a private jet around that time ?

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