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Reports: 3 Tibetans Self-Immolate To Protest China


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Three Tibetans have died after setting themselves on fire to protest Chinese rule, exiled Buddhist monks and reports said Thursday. Two of the three latest protesters were monks at a monastery in Ruo’ergai county of Aba Prefecture, according to exiled monks and the Free Tibet group. US broadcaster Radio Free Asia reported that a Tibetan woman in Rangtang County in the same prefecture also died after self-immolating on Wednesday. More than 100 Tibetans have self-immolated since 2011 to protest Chinese policies in the region and call for the return of the Dalai Lama from exile.—AP

Source: Irrawaddy.org
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The most extreme form of protest. Expect the Beijing bosses to trot out the same soggy (and wrong) reasons for it, as they always do. Unfortunately, the Chinese people will accept what Beijing says about it, just as they accept the warped and twisted version of how Tibet became Chinese. Who can blame them, as it's the only version they're allowed to hear.

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Self-Immolation is alas less newsworthy, and messy, than self-detonation.

A suicide bomber seeks to kill and maim others. The Tibetans self-immoliating are not harming others. They're expressing their profound anger/frustration at their country being occupied by the Chinese.

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I wonder what the US of fascism would say if a group of people from Peurto Rico self-immolated themselves..

I am sorry you have such deep resentments toward US. Truth is, you anger should be directed toward China here. The US has very little control over some Chinese issues and human rights violations. Nevertheless, US still does a lot to try help suffering Chinese and I have a cousin over there right now risking a lot to try help and ever so often his group runs into issues and China threatens to kick them out or sends them away.

Like US or not, tell me another country that spends more on humanitarian relief and on victims of human rights violations than US and US citizens. Not saying US is perfect, but we do way more than anyone else to help world issues which are apparently unappreciated by many such as yourself.

There are many issues you can legitimately raise about US, but this is not one of them. Place blame were blame is due, Chinese which have little or no regard for the people such that acts like this occur frequently.

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I wonder what the US of fascism would say if a group of people from Peurto Rico self-immolated themselves..

A Suffolk University (Boston) poll taken with a Puerto Rico university, released last week, showed 70% of Puerto Ricans want to become the 51st U.S. state. Accordingly, legislation will be introduced in Congress by mid next month. Pres Obama has budgeted $2.5 million for a referendum, which is not required but which Obama understandably encourages be held.

You like the word fascism so I thought I'd provide you the following link, along with the article's headline: http://www.aei.org/article/politics-and-public-opinion/beijing-embraces-classical-fascism/ "Beijing Embraces Classical Fascism". The article is prescient as it was originally published in 2008 in the Far Eastern Economic Review.

Ask the Tibet people about it, and check out several of the PRChinese websites in the PRC where PRChinese "netizens" post their hostility toward the regime of the CCP. They of course are quickly censored. So the netizens have taken to use code words the army of censors can't detect.

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The thread is about Tibet and not about the US. From Radio Free Asia's website:

RFA is a private, nonprofit corporation that broadcasts news and
information to listeners in Asian countries where full, accurate, and
timely news reports are unavailable.

Please stay on topic.

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I wonder what the US of fascism would say if a group of people from Peurto Rico self-immolated themselves..

What a dumbass comment. PR has no more self-immoliations than Phuket or Monaco. In other words; zero. The US rightly is aghast at self-immoliations no matter where they happen.

On the issue of 'speaking out.' Of all the nearly 200 countries ww, China rates in the bottom six when it comes to 'freedom of press' and they score the same sort of rating regarding; ability of citizens to 'speak freely.' I saw a list on Wikileaks of the words which are banned from online searches within China. The list had hundreds of words, many of them the 'code words' mentioned by Publicus, above - and that was a list from years ago. Nowadays, there are probably hundreds of words added to that list. As for a free and fair referendum for the Tibetan people - regarding whether they choose to be a state of China (as happened in PR): IMPOSSIBLE.

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It's the ultimate ballsy thing one could do and understandable from my pov regards the Chinese in Tibet, but from the pov of a Buddhist, are they not going against the grain in displaying 'desire'? Perhaps acknowledging this is as painful for them as having their country controlled by another...

Btw, rip.

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It's the ultimate ballsy thing one could do and understandable from my pov regards the Chinese in Tibet, but from the pov of a Buddhist, are they not going against the grain in displaying 'desire'? Perhaps acknowledging this is as painful for them as having their country controlled by another...

Btw, rip.

Not sure if I understand your post, but Buddhism strongly frowns upon self-immoliation and any other type of suicide, as do all the world's great religions.

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