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Going to need new appliances soon - TVs and such. Maybe a washing machine.

Used to buy Samsung but the problem is quality isn't great and service it appalling, at least in Thailand. Washing machine keeps breaking - last fix 2,000 Baht even though it's supposed to have a 5 year warranty. And the TV was in for service about 5 times for a black screen issue. USB port is broken on the TV. Every time we sent it in they sent it back saying it was fixed.... and it wasn't. At least they honored the warranty but still. A friend of mine had a broken mainboard on his Samsung SGS3 after 6 months and had to pay 6k baht for repairs. They just refused to fix it under warranty, saying it was somehow his fault.

Anyway - this has convinced me to switch away from that brand.

So I am wondering, are Toshiba, Philips, Sony any better about service? Quality? I am looking for a company that cares about both quality and service. I don't mind to pay a little more for that.


Can't help, I'm afraid. My 9 year old Samsung washing machine is still working perfectly (had to buy a new drain pipe - 250 baht) and the Philips and two Sharp TVs of similar age are still going strong. The Philips TV fell off a stand and hit the tiled floor 3 feet below and is still going. I wish it would go pop so I can justify buying a big LED TV.


I have 3 Samsung TV's. One died recently, due to a power surge. The other two a fine. Samsung washer, no problems. Multiple Samsung phones, no problems. Samsung laptop, no problems, and a Samsung Laser printer, also no problems.

Hmmmm, maybe you are just jinxed.

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