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Policewomen, A Rarity In Thailand.


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Have you noticed that whenever you see a police person (politically correct speak rolleyes.gif ) when you are out and about, it nearly always seems to be a man?

I find you see some policewomen in Thailand but they seem to be working inside police stations.

At immigration offices, customs and excise and other government departments there seem to be plenty of women working.

That makes me wonder that if there were more policewomen on duty outside on the streets if it would be a better thing?

Do you think they would be as corrupt at taking tea money for so many offences or would they be more honest and straightforward?

Would their feminine touch make the streets a safer and better place?

And why such a lack of policewomen in general in Thailand? Is it government policy or do they think women are not up to doing the work?

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Maybe we still have the typical what is a male and what is a female jobs in Thailand.

Maybe most female police persons (or a female Police Officers as I would rather call them) rather have more relaxed police jobs.

Just maybe.

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Was not that long that they were even accepted to the academy (2009).

Thailand to recruit first women police officers

Thailand's Royal Police Academy is admitting female cadets for the first time in its 107 year history, but it will be four years before they graduate and start work.

The 250,000 strong Thai police force has only a small number of women members, all of them in office support and computer roles.

The first class of female cadets will include just 70 students and has attracted hundreds of applicants. After four years of training including military style courses in parachuting and jungle survival the successful among them will graduate as sub-lieutenants.

They will then be assigned to cases involving women and children. "Female victims of crime will feel more comfortable with a female officer," said Police Lieutenant General Amarin Akarawong, the academy's director, explaining the radical break with tradition.


Perhaps this explains why so few. biggrin.png

Kanokporn Niyom, also 18 years old, who travelled hours by bus to submit her application, said she wanted to join the police to combat political corruption.


That explains a lot. Thanks for the interesting input.

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I had a female police asking for my DL & insurance on sukumvit a couple of days ago,

spoke english very well and helped me find current insurance slips,

for some reason i get along better with females, even if they are police

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Seem to have control of the traffic here. wink.png

1) I love the fact you can see people breaking traffic laws behind them

2) I wonder if they ever make the male cops do this?

3) Some cuties in there, almost worth paying the tea money thumbsup.gif

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Seem to have control of the traffic here. wink.png

1) I love the fact you can see people breaking traffic laws behind them

2) I wonder if they ever make the male cops do this?

3) Some cuties in there, almost worth paying the tea money thumbsup.gif

Pretty neat what you can do with Photo Shop.

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Where I come from they use them in domestic disputes. Saw one handle a drunk husband one day. His wife had called the police. It was amazing to watch she treated him like a man would and he calmed right down. She arrived in a regular patrol car by her self.

Also dosen't it cost a lot of money to become a police person. I had heard over 300,000 baht.

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I have seen them out on the street near my home guiding traffic. It's funny how they make the men wear uniforms that are so tight you wonder

how they get into them, well actually I don't care. The women on the other hand have uniforms that just don't fit them at all. In fact, you wonder if

there is any more than a skeleton inside because the out fit looks like it was made for a large foreigner. I guess it's their way of keeping these coppers

humble, like making they ride their own motorcycles which makes them look like Key Stone cops. I especially like the ones with broken lights although I did

happened to see one yesterday that seemed quite impressive. Maybe that will catch on.

Edited by oops
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Seem to have control of the traffic here. wink.png

1) I love the fact you can see people breaking traffic laws behind them

2) I wonder if they ever make the male cops do this?

3) Some cuties in there, almost worth paying the tea money thumbsup.gif

Pretty neat what you can do with Photo Shop.

I love the way they look in these uniforms, wonder if they are really cops. I liked the dancing in the street they should of had some motorcycle cops show up with

lights blaring, but they were probably busy helping a bus somewhere break the speed barrier or to escort the transport BMW motorcycles to Phuket.

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I know this sounds bad but women should not be street police, too much bad stuff going on and that requires a man.

Only sounds bad if you buy into the feminist pc nonsense. Women have no place as on the street police officers or firefighters. Simple facts of biology at play here. Women, of any race, can't tackle and contain a fully grown man - heck even a teenager - so of course they shouldn't be a burden on their police partners. Now, it is true that female police help keeping tempers down with drunks or agressive people, but that doesn't outweigh the risk should they get into a fight, at which point the female police officer is as good as done. Even worse if you for the sake of political correctness allow women to be firefighters. No woman can carry a 100kg man out a burning building. But your overlords are saying that the feelings of feminists are more important than the lives of people trapped in fires. Insane.

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I know this sounds bad but women should not be street police, too much bad stuff going on and that requires a man.

Are women not better equipped psychologically to diffuse situations?

Also if you had ever seen some of these Thai women chasing men down the street, broom in hand, berating them and beating them, with the man cowering under the onslaught, then you would know they are not to be messed with.

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Women are not up to it. In western countries police women have to have a big,burly policeman to protect them if they go out to patrol the streets. So what is the point?

In a violent situation they would just stand and watch...........or burst into tears.

Why dont women stick to doing what they are best at,like cooking breakfast and having babies.

After all,its only human nature. Women know what I mean.

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I know this sounds bad but women should not be street police, too much bad stuff going on and that requires a man.

Are women not better equipped psychologically to diffuse situations?

Also if you had ever seen some of these Thai women chasing men down the street, broom in hand, berating them and beating them, with the man cowering under the onslaught, then you would know they are not to be messed with.

"Are women not better equipped psychologically to diffuse situations?"

No. I'm a h3ll of a lot calmer than most women.

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your outragous ,,to think women aint up for it ,your probably gay,what do you think the gun is for,???maybe its just a novelty lighter,doubt youd have the balls to say that to your poor mothers,i must be having a bad day cos i can usually see irony,sarcasm,wit,atc,,,,

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Women are not up to it. In western countries police women have to have a big,burly policeman to protect them if they go out to patrol the streets. So what is the point?

In a violent situation they would just stand and watch...........or burst into tears.

Why dont women stick to doing what they are best at,like cooking breakfast and having babies.

After all,its only human nature. Women know what I mean.

It's pretty obvious why you escaped from farangland...

probably just ahead of the feminist lynching party.

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When one see the size of many of the Police Officers in a certain western country, I kind of doubt if a female or male makes any difference, as many of these Officers are not able to run 50 yards even before they collapse.

They stop disputes, anger, etc, by pointing a gun.

However, a fairly fit male is what it is.

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Women are not up to it. In western countries police women have to have a big,burly policeman to protect them if they go out to patrol the streets. So what is the point?

In a violent situation they would just stand and watch...........or burst into tears.

Why dont women stick to doing what they are best at,like cooking breakfast and having babies.

After all,its only human nature. Women know what I mean.

I know this sounds bad but women should not be street police, too much bad stuff going on and that requires a man.

Only sounds bad if you buy into the feminist pc nonsense. Women have no place as on the street police officers or firefighters. Simple facts of biology at play here. Women, of any race, can't tackle and contain a fully grown man - heck even a teenager - so of course they shouldn't be a burden on their police partners. Now, it is true that female police help keeping tempers down with drunks or agressive people, but that doesn't outweigh the risk should they get into a fight, at which point the female police officer is as good as done. Even worse if you for the sake of political correctness allow women to be firefighters. No woman can carry a 100kg man out a burning building. But your overlords are saying that the feelings of feminists are more important than the lives of people trapped in fires. Insane.

Stone age mentality. Need to catch up with the 21st century.

Human biology has hardly changed since the stone age. There is not a single woman in Thailand, or elsewhere, who would be able to tackle me to the ground and contain me for arrest. The idea that 40 years of feminism has changed simple biological facts is laughable.

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I know this sounds bad but women should not be street police, too much bad stuff going on and that requires a man.

I respect your opinion but I have worked with many female officers that could clean your clock faster than reading your watch .....

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Dangerous to traffic if you ask me.


At least people will slow down, if only to take a look...

Or, continue with the same speed, down with the window, out with the mobile phone to film or capture, while passing.

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