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Bible Thumpers Invaded Pattaya?


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Hey if you want to learn about Christianity YOU WILL, please let people decide for themselves, don't jam it down their throats for Goodness sake! :o

These Bible pushers really are a ucking nuisance and should all be put on an island somewhere and left to rant to each other.

One day i had the unfortunate experience of being on KhoSan Road and if that wasn't bad enough there were 2 Bible pushers ranting away, God ###### it! why dont they get the message, people are NOT interested. Please, please bugger off home :D

I'm not religious but these guy's dont give the Bible a good name.

Why don't they try going to Burma, then they will realise they are completely wasting their time!

I agree, religeon is a crutch that some people need to get by, but they got religeon on their own, they didnt need it shoving down their throats (ask yourself though, how can these people spout about god and they dont actuall 'work' is god paying them ? are they on a price for souls saved?, NOT likely, they are Mormons who just happen to own best part of the US and quite a few of the God spot TV channels) and these people are more than likely get walking street and the bars shut down, they may seem figures of fun, but they are dangerous people, not in the terrorist sense, but in the changing things they dont like sense (dont beleive me, try a google on mormons, you might get a shock)

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as Jessie Ventura said................

"religion is the biggest cult in the world"

I have not problem with it as long as they keep their thoughts to themselves and religion isn’t so bad if they would just stop killing each other over it

the thais do it right, love everybody and dont push it in their faces

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"If you have looked upon a woman with lust in your heart, you are a fornicator, and God will punish you!"

It seems a fundametal characteristic of religion that it preaches tolerance but practises intolerance. Shouldn't these people be "loving their neighbours as themselves" and therefore letting people get on with their own lives and not accusing everybody of being evil for some trumped up, man made offence.

The whole basis of religion is self contradictory, unbelievable nonsense.

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