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A Poem For You

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I am currently studying with Open Universities Australia, one of the subjects being Creative Writing through Macquarie University. I have never written a poem in my life before this course, but as my first offering was well received at MQ, I thought I might share this, my second, with you. I learned to ride a motorbike in Thailand at the age of 60, four years ago - and I'm loving it. The poem is dedicated to an old army buddy with whom I shared a room as a Signalman (Tech Elec). Steve was disccharged about a year after I was (1971) and one of the first things he did was to buy a Honda 750, the most powerful bike on Australian roads at the time. He lasted just three months.

Ode for Steve

Motor revvin’ on the red line

Bike scorchin’ down the white line

Heart is thumpin’

Adrenaline pumpin’

And a very fine line

‘Tween livin’ and death.

<deleted> in a black Benz

Pushin’ like life depends

On gettin’ past.

He’s not so fast

On the mountain bends.

I’ll get to the bottom first!

Blind bend, keep an inside line,

Open bend, ridin’ wide is fine.

Give it the gun

Back wheel’s spun

Overcorrect, way out of line -

I’ll get to the bottom first!

Another machine, green line,

No! Can’t be! A flat line!

Across the Great Divide

With He shall I abide?

Doth He a Harley ride?

Like a bat out of Hell?

Created under Creative Commons Share Alike, No Commercial

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