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Roof Company Needed

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there is a German owned company in Dan Khun Tot (between Sikhio and Chayaphum) that builds football stadium roofs - they maybe able to help.

Sorry, don't know the name, just that they exist - a bit of Googling investigation may find it?

Good luck

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Thanks for the reactions. we had a company but they dont want to come up with a price.

guess they realized they couldnt do it.

so harveyw and I came up seperately and 1/2 hour apart to post in Thai Visa.

sorry for the cross post.

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To be clear on what you require, what is there now - an open sports field/pitch? From your post it sounds like you need a large span structure AND a roof, am I right? If so, a 'roofing company' is not what you're after, and you need a structural engineer and architect. PM me if you require assistance.

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and don't use the local plumber, that size roof could come down with an Almighty bang!

I wouldn't use an electrician to install a roof either. Local or otherwise.

I meant an unqualified person or group, sorry i didn't realize I had to spell it out
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