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Thai Govt's Water Projects May Break Corruption Law


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Water projects may break corruption law



Legal problems aside, funds are being tapped for other projects

BANGKOK: -- The government might run into another serious legal problem; barely escaping the Administrative Court's injunction last week, the Bt350-billion water-management project could be found to violate the Counter Corruption Act BE2542 (1999).

A source at the Comptroller General's Department said on condition of anonymity that Article 103/7 of the act specified that government agencies must draw up an appraisal with details of expenditure on procurements, which must be revealed to the public via the Internet or through published media channels.

"In general practice, we set up the project before calculating its investment budget. However, for this water-management project, the government has created the budget before informing the public about the project details," the department source said.

"The question is, how can they know how much money needs to be invested? The government has already set up the Bt350-billion loan to facilitate the project, so this indicates that the government has already calculated the budget to be allocated. If this is the case, why hasn't the government presented the project to the general public?"

The government last week proceeded with the tendering process, as the Administrative Court turned down an injunction request filed by the Stop Global Warming Association. The request was filed on the ground that no project details were available before the tendering was kicked off. The investment scheme, touted by the government as a strategy to win back local and foreign investor confidence after the great flood of 2011, on Friday received bids from only four companies.

There has also been some effort to draw some of the investment to other projects not included in the nine infrastructure modules for the water project. Under Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's order, Bt10 billion would be allocated to the Strategic Committee for Reconstruction and Future Development for the development of water infrastructure in the Eastern Seaboard - to ensure smooth operations of industrial plants.

According to a person familiar with the committee, of that Bt10 billion, the Agriculture Department is tapping Bt3 billion for its land-use zoning project. Another Bt2 billion is now being tapped to address water pollution in the East.

The subcommittee on water strategy in the |East is expected to review the spending plans worth Bt5 billion tomorrow.

The plans will be forwarded for the Cabinet’s approval on May 14. If approved, the committee will be able to borrow money for the projects.

If government agencies don't adhere to Article 103/7 of the Counter Corruption Act, then under Article 103/8 of the same act the National |Anti-Corruption Commission is obliged to report |the issue to the Cabinet. The government can then order the agency to present the procurement information to the public. This must be done within 180 days after the project receives government approval, the source at the Comptroller-General's Department added.

The department on April 22 just completed the new median prices of government procurement projects, to be in line with the adjustment in the daily minimum wage to Bt300.

The rise in the minimum wage has pushed up the cost of procurements by about 2.91 per cent on average.

"However, the cost increases vary from one procurement to another because of their different construction patterns," the source said. "As a result, the government cannot apply the average increase of procurement cost to the appraisal adjustment. Nevertheless, the Comptroller-General's Department has its own calculation formula for the appraisal adjustment, of which the government agencies have been advised."

-- The Nation 2013-05-07

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Water projects may break has already broken corruption law for the ages

Protect Bangkok and Sh******tload on the rest of Thailand, money-laundry-pay compensation, and then go for an even higher corruption Megaproject,...

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I expect the B10,000 note to be announced soon to enable politicians to transport their scam money more conveniently. Either that or PTP will issue each of its MP a wheelbarrow.

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"The question is, how can they know how much money needs to be invested? The government has already set up the Bt350-billion loan to facilitate the project, so this indicates that the government has already calculated the budget to be allocated. If this is the case, why hasn't the government presented the project to the general public?"

The budget was proposed purely on the basis of how much they wanted to skim off the top. If it's the usual 30%, then that would mean 105 Billion Baht will go walkies into someones pocket.

Edited by Tatsujin
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This is one example of why you need not worry about the baht gaining too much strength against major foreign currencies. It is only a matter of time before the bubble bursts.

According to the Heritage Foundation's 2013 economic report on Thailand, the country had only 0.1% growth in GDP last year and averaged 2.6% over the last five years. Not exactly the stunning figures published by the Thai Government. The bubble will burst, just be patient.

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"... why hasn't the government presented the project to the general public".

Simply the project will not pass scrutiny in itemisation and as per the OP's topic last few days re the claim 50% off the top is common - they will not want to show where 175 billion is going.

I would say the accountants in the various ministries should be taken to the DSI with a please explain demand.

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"If government agencies don't adhere to Article 103/7 of the Counter Corruption Act, then under Article 103/8 of the same act the National |Anti-Corruption Commission is obliged to report |the issue to the Cabinet"

Woldn't this be like reporting the mafia minions to the godfather ? rolleyes.gif

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In the days of the Cold War, US vs Russia, the Americans had T-Shirts that read,"Better Dead than Red". Now I wonder if there would be a new market for those same t-shirts here now? Any takers?


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I expect the B10,000 note to be announced soon to enable politicians to transport their scam money more conveniently. Either that or PTP will issue each of its MP a wheelbarrow.

I think they should just pay them in rice wai2.gif ........ Gold will be too heavy soon ....

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